Wednesday 17 August 2011


Yesterday I spent the day with my friend Inge We followed our usual time table - breakfast, chatting, gossiping, playing cards and eating. But yesterday Inge had to save me. I was attacked whilst playing cards - no joke! A particularly nasty and sneaky wasp stung me in my neck - ouch! After cooling it, Inge went on a wasp hunt, and managed to kill quite a lot and drive out some more - a real heroine! I hate the beasts, and this is going to be a bad time for me, because we have a record number of the nasty beasties hunting us down this year. Our weather was evidently ideal for them, and for some strange reason, although I don't like them they all seem to love me! And it is still red and swollen this morning.... How lucky that I don't live somewhere where there are real nasties to contend with! Apart from that, we had a nice day!

And at the Blog Challenge Garden, Rebecca wants to see a tag with a vintage photo.

The postcards I made for Lenna's swap are now sunning themselves in Floriday, the lucky things. If you want to view them on her blog, they are here

Okay, that was it for today. Have a great day you all, take care and thanks for dropping in!


  1. Ouch! Poor you. Sweet photo of your Mum with your siblings, and very pretty colours again.

    Sweet sweet tag too.

    Have a great day - avoid the waspies!!


  2. Wow, Valerie, what a stunning LO. Love the masks you used and such gorgeous flowers. Beautiful tag too.
    Sorry about the wasp sting (I hate daddy-long-legs so next month will be bad for me). Take care of yourself - see a Dr. if necessary, those stings can be painful and nasty.
    Hugs xx

  3. UEeeweuuu! Sorry one got you. That is nasty. Hope is heals real quick. Your family lay out's are gorgeous though. The vintage tag very sweet. Get some rest and some sun. hugs from Mexico, Donna

  4. Hi Valerie, Oh I know all about being insect fodder, not nice, poor you:{ Your LO is wonderful and the photo charming and I love the tag and it's pretty frame:0) Hope the neck feels better soon, Gay xx

  5. Ooh, nasty wasp, you must be really sweet smelling! (Don't think you should kill them though cause they then release a chemical which attracts other wasps - or so I've heard!). Anyway, another beautiful layout, lovely colours & flowers and a great vintage tag too. Wishing you a lovely insect-free day! xx

  6. LOvely work, as always, but don't like the sound of that nasty wasp! Take care of it, the swelling should have gone by now. Hugs, Sarah

  7. Morning Valerie. Oooo poor you. Horrible wasps! Lovely layout. The flowers are so pretty. Fab tag.
    Regards Florence x

  8. I am so sorry and cannot believe it is nearly a week since my last visit! Just seem to be on a treadmill now sorting this that and the other for the move.

    Just been looking back at all I have missed and goodness. Your layouts are beautiful funny thing families we all have them and somehow cannot quite let them go. You have paid great tribute to yours with these pages.

    That Lace so long as you do not starve it was worth the sacrifice it is gorgeous.

    Then there are your tags and the picture on Sunday. That first tag in particular if jaw droppingly beautiful as for your painting WOW you know I love the way you do these but the colours this time way to go.

    Well that just about covers it.

    Nasty wasp sting do hope it has all gone down this morning and you manage to avoid them in future. XOXO Zoe

  9. Oh your poor dear, so sorry to hear about your run in with the wasp. Hope it helps quickly.
    lovely LO, the colors are beautiful. I love the flower.

  10. There's a lot of wasps here, too. I'm probably killing ten of them a day. It's riddicilous. I'm glad you don't have an alergic reaction to the sting. You managed to do some awesome tags anyway. :)

  11. Just love the soft colours of your LO and this one is no exception :)
    Wonderful tag too
    Your so lucky not to be alergic to the sting hope it goes done real soon
    Von xxx

  12. Oh no! Poor you, I'm with you on not liking those nasty little creatures - I got stung last year by a pesky one that went up my t-shirt :( Can you get Anthisan in Germany? That helped to calm the sting quite a bit.

    Love your layout, your masks are lovely.

    Hugs, Carole xxx

  13. Ouch!!! Wasp stings are not nice.
    Another fabulous layout and tag.
    xxx Hazel.

  14. What a beautiful LO and the picture is priceless. LOVE your beautiful tag, too :)

  15. Sorry about the wasp. Those things are awful. The yellow jackets hover around my hummingbird feeders and I have to get my hubby to take them down to clean since I am allergic to bee stings. Hope you feel better soon. Love your nostalgic designs today.

  16. OUCH!!
    The most beautiful lo and that photograph is so special.
    Gorgeous work.

  17. Ooooo! Wasp stings are no fun! I am SO loving that tag in the last photo! Gorgeous!

  18. Gorgeous page, and that tag is just adorable!!! Sorry to hear about that nasty sting, I hope it feels better soon. And... I hope you are not allergic to them - do be very careful if you should see anymore stalking you, wouldn't want a serious reaction with a second sting!!

  19. Yikes - Sorry to hear about you getting stung... ouch!

    I love seeing all of the fun things you've been up to! I think it is so cool how you transformed those frames a few posts down!


  20. Ug! to wasps from me as well, nasty little beastioes. Hope you neck is a bit more comfortable today. Love your Layout and gorgeous tag. Yvonne x

  21. OW! sorry about the little buzz-ards! Hope you're back to normal soon! Love your creative tags today...always awesome to check in and see what new creations you've made!

  22. lovely work! Oh you have a big family. So sorry about the wasp sting, those hurt.

  23. Ooooh wee!! That must have hurt. So sorry about that. Keep an eye on it and make sure it doesn't swell. Ouch!! Love your beautiful tags. It's always great to see what you have going.

  24. Yikes, I'm glad your friend was there to take care of you! Lovely family layout.

  25. Ouch! So sorry to hear you were stung! Your family lay out is lovely and so is the tag. Take care of yourself.

  26. Hi Valerie, I did indeed view your postcards on Lenna's blog. WOW...they are all wonderful.

    Bee stings . . . lucky you are not allergic to them or you would really be in trouble. I read an interesting tip not long ago. Put a penny or coin in a zip lock bag with water and hang it in the area where you have wasps ... they don't like the reflection from the water and the coin and will stay away. Pin one up to your bulletin board in your craft area.

    Oh my goodness, you come from a large family...five children?

    Will you put your layouts in a joournal? They did turn out lovely.

    The tag bug has bitten me too. Had to make one for a swap and finished it up this morning.


  27. Both beautiful works as always Valerie. Hope you are OK now. x

  28. Love that LO very cool. Great tag also. Sorry about the sting. Hugs, Kim

  29. I hate all forms of bees! Your tag is lovely!

  30. I am sorry to hear you were stung. I used to work in a hospital emergency dept. and the best advice I can give you is Keep some cigarettes handy ~ a poultice of wet tobacco applied directly to the sting helps the pain factor. Another thing to do is Do Not use shampoo, perfume, or soap on your body or fabric softners in the laundry with ANY kind of fragrance. The little beasties think you are a flower and come to visit. I hate to kill any kind of bee or wasp because we need them to pollinate flowers, fruits and veggies and their numbers have declined drasticly atleast here in the USA (honey bees in particular) but they are VERY DANGEROUS if you are allergic and can kill some folks. The tobacco really does work to kill pain. I did outdoor craft shows for over 30 years and carried fly swatters and bug spray all the time. Removing as much fragrance for you does work.
    Your tags are beautiful and I hope you get to feeling better soon.
    May God watch over you.

  31. These are fabulous, Valerie!!
    I just had to take a peek at your blog, even on vacation :]
    You always inspire me <3

  32. We haven't hardly had a glimpse of a wasp at all this year. Your family page is beautiful x

  33. Oh how beautiful your soft green tag is! The shape is unusual...and it makes a fabulous piece.

  34. Such a gorgeous tag!!

    And I hope you have no more stings!



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