Wednesday 20 December 2023

A face, two birds and a snowman

Hi Everybody!

Today I have a piece meant for Wendy's challenge , 'Above us only sky' at AJJ.  The hair of this lady is filled with the colours of stormy sky and lots of stars and glitter. Sometimes I neeed to play with things that glitter and shine! And I wonder what the 2 birds are up to? Has anybody got an idea?

And I have another snowy piece for Pinky's snow challenge at Tag Tuesday. And you still have time to join us there!

And some thinkies / funnies:

The Rhine is still riding high:

This post is also meant for Nicole's FFO and Gillena's AFFF

Have a great week, take care,
And thanks a lot for coming by!

Monday 18 December 2023

T stands for Tags and more

Hi Everybody!

I am slowly feeling better - but very slowly! I just don't seem to have any energy at all. But I'm sure it will improve day by day! Thanks to the lovely T Ladies who visited me last week although I wasn't even joining in, that was a great surprise!

This evening we start celebrating Elizabeth's T sTands for Tuesday drink party, so here a warm welcome to all of the nice ladies of the T Gang who visit here. Today I have some drinks to share:


And for Pinky's / my snow challenge I have another tag:

That's it for today, I need to rest!

Have a great day, take care,
And thanks a lot for coming by!

Friday 15 December 2023

Weekend Post

Hi Everybody!

Hope you are all keeping well and safe. I am slowly recovering fom my Post-Covid, but still feel rather ghastly. But I have the feeling that it's moving in the right direction.

On Tuesday I should have had my post for Tag Tuesday ready, but I couldn't manage it, and dear Pinky took over at short notice.  Thanks
so much Pinky, I really appreciate this! And if you have time, visit her blog, it is always very well worth it! The theme is 'snow' so if anybody has some spare time a snow tag might be a good idea... I have a hybrid tag:

These tags were made in 2020, all using photos taken here where I live.

The first one shows the tree next to our house when we had lots of snow - back in 2010:

This one is a photo of the path leading to a little park near here:

This one is a photo of the path leading past the castle ruins, with my late husband as a baby and Erika as a little girl:

Some thinkies and funnies:

On Monday I hope to be back again with a new post. I will try to catch up on visiting you all over the weekend.

Have a great one, take care,
And thanks a lot for coming by!

Tuesday 12 December 2023

Love of van Gogh....

Hi Everybody!

I am still feeling bad after Covid.  It has left me - thanks be! - but I still have a whole row of health problems, which the Doc called 'Post Covid' and are restricting my crafting possibilities.  I feel like my head has been stuffed with cotton wool, and that is just one thing!!

This lady really has the sky above her, and she is in love with van Gogh, so it is meant for wendy's  'Above us only sky' challenge at AJJ.

I hope to be back with you next week!

Have a great week, take care,
And thanks a lot for coming by! 

Monday 4 December 2023

T stands for feeling bad!

Hi everybody!

 As some of you already know, the Covid Monster has caught me. Not nice, but I hope it soon bogs off and leaves me alone! This evening we will be starting Elizabeth's T Stands for Tuesday, and my entry this week is very short:

My choice:

Have a good start in the new week, that's all for today!

Happy T Day take care,
And thanks a lot for coming by!

Saturday 2 December 2023

2nd on the 2nd / weekend post

 Hi Everybody!

Just a short post, This Covid is making me a bit crazy. I coughed all  night, I hope the neighbours didn't think that I had a large dog barking! 

Today is Elizabeth's 2nd on the 2nd where we show things that we have posted previously. These were all made and posted in 2019 /20

Keith Haring style:

Journal pages:

A starry night tag:

One of my monsters. I used to paint a lot of these:

This was a card I made years ago for my neighbour!

And we alwsays need coffee!

I love these little pavement drawings from David Zinn, he is so talented:

Have a great weekend, take care,
And thanks a lot for coming by!