Monday 3 June 2024

What makes me happy #2

Hi Everybody!

Hope you all enjoyed your weekend, and here's wishing us all a great, new week! Today I have another face for Matilde's challenge at AJJ. Painting makes me happy, and painting faces makes me very happy! Lately I have been trying to work in one colour or a very limited colour palette - here various shades of purple and some black:.

And as it's summer - well it should be summer here in Europe! I have some flowers:

And I have a few David Zinn images and some thinkies and funnies:

Have a great day, take care,
And thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. That's another fabulous lady. I love how you used mostly purples. I wonder if that says anything about her personality. I always think of purple as regal, and she looks like she is. And I never dust either, except right now that the dust is all the most disgusting yellow pollen. Luckily only another week or so and it will be gone. Have a great start to the new week. hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika, glad you like my purple lady! Yellow pollen dust sounds horrible, and probably not good for your allergies. Enjoy your week! Hugs!

  2. Lovely lady! I love your poppies.

  3. I am definitely swiping that creative people display. It's spot on.

  4. Hi Val, good morning! Hope you slept well. Monday morning always seems to arrive so quickly! Love your beautiful post again, and always wonder how you manage to get something new day by day! Hugs from us all, Sarah

    1. Hi Sarah, have a lovely week, look after yourself!. Hugs!

  5. I am sure it comes as no surprise to you, Valerie, that I am very taken with this purple paragon of pulchritude. I am very happy that you enjoy painting, and especially painting faces since we get to share in the pleasure of the moment. I have never painted at all, but I have always assumed that it must be a source of both relaxation and frustration. I don’t think that painting the garage door last summer qualifies! It was neither relaxing nor frustrating, nor especially satisfying. It was just something that had to be done, especially since Miriam had mused several times about it, sometimes with the “look” directed squarely at me! Once a husband gets the “look” he knows it’s time to spring into action! I have a very busy, but equally enjoyable week ahead of me, beginning with a presentation this afternoon to a brand new audience. I shall be scanning the crowd for ladies with purple hair and immediately I shall think of you. Hugs and kisses - David

    1. Yes, pretty faces seem to be your thing, and I have lots more that you haven't yet seen, just be patient! I hope you enjoy your new audience and that you all have fun! And yes, men that get the look must react! I painted a garage door for a neighbour some years back and he was very happy with the pictures of his dogs that I painted on it. And it gave me some pocket money. Have a great, new week, hugs xxxxxxx

  6. I'm glad you can paint faces to feed your happiness, and purple is my favorite color! The flowers are beautiful in bloom and those sidewalk paintings are the best. Thanks for giving me a great excuse not to dust now LOL Enjoy your week ahead.

    1. Thanks Carol, we all need to do things we like as well as the chores. Right, never dust! Hugs!

  7. Nice work...lovely post vj

  8. Love the purple face and flowers-we actually had sun all day yesterday -none today though!!! Hope you are feeling better.
    Carol x

    1. You had sun?! Here it's grey and cool, but at least dry. Some places are having awful floods, must be hard. Hugs, Valerie

  9. Nice take on purple, the color of royalty.

  10. I like the shades of purple. Those are gorgeous summer flowers! Bright spots :)

    1. Thanks so much. It's a grey, cold day here, it's nice to see flowers! Hugs!

  11. Gorgeous face.. love the shades of purple you used. The chalk art finds are so cute!

    1. Thanks Hena. David Zinn is a fascinating artist! Have a great week!

  12. Another beautiful face 🥰 I'm happy you like this theme! It's so nice to see your beautiful art works 😍 Hugs, Matilde

    1. Thanks Matilde, your theme gives me an opportunity to keep painting - great! Enjoy your week! Hugs!

  13. Thanks Anesha, enjoy your week, hugs to Patch!

  14. Those poppies! Wow -- what a splash. And I always love it when you share David Zinn's work.

    1. Thanks Jeanie! Have you ever seen David Zinn's work in person? Hugs!

  15. Ooh this is fabulous, I love your limited colour palette, so striking! David Zinn's work is wonderful, it makes me very happy! Take care and have a lovely week (I hope Summer shows up eventually) Sue xx

    1. Thanks Sue! I think I saw summer passing through a few days back, but has since disappeared and is sorely missed! David Zinn is a genius! Hugs!

  16. Hi Valerie-Jael, loving your new lady and the flowers are gprgeous. I don't know how David does it but he makes the simpliest things come to life. I'm not saying anything about creative people as it may incriminate me Lol! Happy creative week, Angela xXx

    1. Thanks Angela! David is fabulous, he really has some tricks up his sleeves! And yes, don't incriminate yourself! Have a good week, be kind to yourself! Hugs!

  17. What a fabulous face. I know faces make you happy. I love the colors you chose. what a great entry for Matilde's theme at AJJ.

    David Zinn is truly amazing. He is so creative, like other creative individuals.

    1. Thanks E. Faces and painting in general make me happy. I will join in T again next week, too much going on here just now.

  18. Lists of the characteristics of creative people always strike me as speculation by a writer who isn’t creative at all and is trying to figure out why (and isn’t too bright). If a not-creative person assumed all those traits, it wouldn’t make them creative at all. And if a creative person decided to be, say, less of a risk taker would that make them less creative? I doubt it.

    Have a good week… mae

    1. You could be right. I just know that I am MESSY, and never manage to keep things tidy, except for my paints, brushes and paper....Enjoy your week!

  19. Loving all of the Art. Creative Minds are messy, guess that's why my environment always seems not to stay pristine for long. *LOL*

    1. Thanks, I am always messy, and have been from the time i was small. And now, at my advanced age, I'm not expecting things to change! Have a great week, stay creative!

  20. Love the pictures and the funnies, hope you're feelomh better today!

  21. 'feeling'.... my laptop makes up other words!

  22. The purples blend so nicely on your face drawing. I love the bluer purples best, cuz I'm a cool colors gal, lol. Hope you are having a pain-free week! xoxo

    1. Thanks Aimeslee, blues and purples are wonderful colours. I can wear all colours, but the blues and purples are my faves!

  23. I do like the purple shades you've used.

    David Zinn is wonderful, I know I've said that before! But his art is so good.

    All the best Jan

  24. I seen snow owl in the wild. Before.

  25. Wonderful face again - love the David Zinn drawings, he is so clever. Now I have a really good excuse not to dust!! Love it.

  26. Your David Zinn pictures always make me happy. Mind you, as you know, your portraits have the same effect and I love this one using shades of purple. I, for one, am glad portrait painting makes you happy.
    Love the thinkies and funnies but the Dust one has me thinking ....
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Thanks Neet, painting really makes me happy. I love purple just now, but perhaps there will be a new love next week! Take care, hugs!


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