Wednesday 31 August 2022

Midweek Post.

Hi Everybody!

Hope your week is going well! We've had nice weather here, warm, but not too warm and a nice breeze. But still no rain, it's really scary!

Today I am sharing my last piece for Chris' 'when we were young' challenge at AJJ. Tomorrow we will be starting a new challenge with a great theme and another lovely host. For this journal page I have used two photos - left is a pic of my husband as a little boy, helping with the cows, and right is a pic of my great nephew fishing. The words are from a rhyme we learnt as kids. It has one verse about little girls and the other one, which is here,  about little boys:

Nice memories for me!

We had another wonderful sunrise this morning:

Yesterday I went out for coffee with Heike, and we sat there for a fun hour nattering, drinking coffee and people watching;

And a few thinkies / funnies:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. A lovely piece with a happy memory! The best kind of art. The lack of rain here is getting very scary too. We are now on a hose pipe ban, although I am eligible to apply for an exemption, which means I wouldn't have to lug watering cans to all my pots. Hugs. Deb

    1. Thanks Deb! Yes, we need to store those happy memories! We had hped for some rain in the night but it didn't come! Have a great day, take care, hugs!

  2. Pictures of your husband and nephew are adorable. Such nice memories. Fun way to spend the day with a good friend. Awesome sunrise pictures.

    1. Thanks so much, but I don't know who you are!

    2. Ohhh I didn't realize I wasn't signed in. It's me. LOL

    3. Thanks, Nicole! Good to know....

  3. That's a wonderful piece for AJJ Valerie. Little boys is a good idea for Chris' theme, and using those photos is a really good idea. Your husband and the cow are adorable together. And glad you had a nice time out with your friend, and I am happy to see your sunrise photos again. Let's hope for rain, we need it too. Maybe it is time to do a rain dance. Have a great middle of your week. Hugs-Erika

    1. I think we all need rain. Some pleces in south and east Germany got so much rain that it flooded and caused a lot of damage, and here not a drop! The rain dance is a great idea, I will try it after I have finished my breakfast!

  4. Nice photos of your hubby as a little boy and of your nephew. Lovely sunrise shots. Humans need kind words too.

  5. Hi Val, good morning 🌅! Love the photos you used on the page, so pretty. Your husband was cute with the cow and looks like your nephew has caught a fish. Some kids never go out to play these days, so sad. We all need rain so badly here! Have a great day, hugs from us all, Sarah

    1. Hi Sarah! Glad you liked the photos, I have so many photos its good to make use of them! Kids playing outside seems to be unknown these days, such a pity! We used to be out all day and loved it! Hugs!

  6. beautiful journal page Love your sunrise and photos. good memes too hope you get rain soon that's rough not getting rain hugs Kathy

    1. Thanks Kathy, I'm looking forward to getting some rain, everything is totally dried up here! Hugs!

  7. I am quite sure that little boys are made of everything that is sweet and delicious, which matches their personalities and demeanour as they grow up. I was sticking to that story until along came Stalin, Hitler, Putin, Trump, my erstwhile neighbour, the Taliban, Vlad the Impaler.......maybe I have to concede that sometimes the mixture is not quite right! Your artwork is delightful, Valerie. You have been using old photographs to good advantage. I worked weekends on a farm when I was in high school, but I have no pictures with the cows, no pictures of anything in fact, but I am confident the cows would have stolen the spotlight anyway. Heike looks delightful and I wish I had been able to join the two of you for coffee. Perhaps you are happier just the two of you together, catching up on each other's lives, anyway. Today we will be having lunch with good friends to do exactly that. Monday, with luck, we will get to see Heather and Lily again. It has been far too long. From Waterloo to Balconia-by-the-Rhine, hugs and kisses (even some for Heike) - David

    1. Hi David, I'm glad you didn't c ontinue with the false idea that boys are all full of sweetness and light. But the same holds for a lot of women too, they are definitely not all saints! I hope nobody comes and shouts at me for my strange ideas. I have been busy trying to open a word program this past half hour, and it didn not want to open up. Then I got angry and c licked it away. I love using old photos to create new things, they always bring back nice memories for me. The photo of my husband was taken in ThĂźringen, where they were evacuated, and my husband looked after the cows to get milk for his mother and sister. Wouldn't it be nice if you could pop over and have coffee with us? But I'm glad you will be seeing Heather and Lily again, please take photos, they grow and change so quickly! Enjoy your lunch with friends today. BIG hugs, Valerie
      I will take some kisses to Heike!

  8. What an absolutely wonderful final entry for Chris's theme at AJJ. I remember we had that rhyme, too. My grandmother thought I fit the description of a boy rather than a girl, since I was a true tomboy growing up and only playing with the boys in the neighborhood. Your husband as a boy with his cow was brilliant and nicely matched your nephew with the fishing.

    It's nice to go out with friends for a coffee. And of course, I loved the funnies. The keyed car had me laughing. Hope you have a great last day of August.

    1. Thanks Elizabeth, much appreciated. Glad you like this page, it's special for me, too. The keyed car is really funny, I nearly choked on my coffee when I read it. Hugs!

  9. Great funnies. Have a beautiful day. Regine

  10. Cute photos of your hubby and great nephew! Heike looks like a sweet lady. Glad you had a good time with her.

    1. I love those photos, too. Heike is a sweet lady indeed!

  11. Beautiful photos 😊 Have a nice week 😊

  12. Hi Valerie, love this journal page with the beautiful photos. Have a good week, Martha

  13. Great memes. Love your piece. It's like a soft summer's day. Glad you had a fun day with a friend. Hugs,

  14. What a beautiful page Valerie with wonderful pictures and it..

    Luv CHRISSYxx

    1. Thanks Chrissy, it's great to have good memories! Hugs!

  15. A beautiful journal page with good memories too :)

    Happy September Wishes.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thanks so much Jan! Happy September to you and yours!

  16. What a lovely page for myAJJtheme - those photos really do go well with the quote (we used to say 'slugs and snails btw) Thanks so much for al your lovely pages and comments. Your first funny made me smile, hugs,Chrisx

    1. Thanks Chris. Snips is the old version, and seems to mean - slugs! Hugs!

  17. Love your special journal page Valerie. Beautiful sunrise and it is good you can go our for coffee with your friend. Your funnies gave me a laugh this morning.


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