Tuesday 23 August 2022

New challenge at Tag Tuesday

 Hi Everybody!

Today we are starting a new challenge at Tag Tuesday, and this time the lovely and talented Sandy has chosen the theme, which is

Black and white and a spot of another colour

And thanks to Sandie for coordinating and organizing the schedules of who does what when in our TT Team, which is a great help to me. Our challenges always last 2 weeks, and tags of all formats and sizes are allowed, but it must be a tag! My tag shows a corner shop, which were very frequent in London when I grew up, and where you really could buy almost everything. I think the little girl is going to buy an ice-cream. The shops mostly died out when supermarkets and big stores changed the face of the shopping world.  hope to see YOUR tag soon!

Thee sunrise this morning was very colourful:

Some funnies:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Fun tag, and I like this new challenge Valerie. We have a little store in my town that used to sell almost everything. Your fishing worms were on the shelf below the milk. Then a grocery store opened in the town just north of ours. The little store is still there, much shrunk, but they now are a great place to get take out pizza. It is really delicious. Hope your week is going well. hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. Glad your little store is still there! Have a great day, take care, hugs!

  2. I miss all the small shops of the type where I grew up as well. Now giant box stores have replaced them. I am getting where I can't walk all around / or don't want to - the big supercenter type stores. If there is a smaller supermarket I will go there because it is easier.
    Nice sunrise shots. We can't see the sunrise as well from our house as there are house and woods that block this view mostly year round. But in the winter, we see it.
    I always enjoy your funnies.

    1. I know what you mean, the big stores are alwas exhausting. I prefer the little grocer in our town, or the little market. We only have small shops in our little town! I love watching the sunrise. I sit on my balcony with my coffee and enjoy it! Have a great day, deb, take care! Hugs!

  3. Fun challenge, beautiful photos and I laughed at these funnies.

    1. Glad you liked the funnies. Have a great day!

  4. Hi Valerie: I instantly felt a chill when I saw the black-and-white image with the red bow on the cat. It immediately brought to mind the scene from "Schindler's List" with the little girl in the red dress, which was among the most heart-wrenching images of my life. I was troubled for a long time after seeing that film. It's not that we didn't know the horrors of the Holocaust, but Spielberg knew how to bring it home to all of us. There are many despicable people in this world, yet Holocaust deniers are perhaps the most heinous of all. As for the little corner stores, I think we all have a sense of nostalgia for them, but they are a relic of the past and we have to come to terms with that. After all, if we had continued to do business with them they would still be here. A trip to the mall and the fact of saving a few dollars quickly trumped any loyalty we might have had to the shops in our neighbourhood. Hugs and kisses - David

    1. Hi David, I'm sorry my harmless kitty reminded you of so much sadness. It was a good film, indeed, but we have to bear in mind that the reality was much worse. But I am thankful for every person who helped the Jewish people to survive. And yes, we still hav e Holocaust deniers here, mostly the same people who protest against vaccination, immigrants and foreign workers. In our little town we only have small shops, perhaps that's why I like it here. Hve a great day, BIG hugs, Valerie

  5. The hippo is a little doll.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

    1. Thanks Dora, it is indeed! Have a great day!

  6. Hi Val, good morning! Love the new tag, brings back great memories. We used to buy some sweets for a penny, and it was nice to be able to go shopping there, I still miss these little local shops. You have some wonderful funnies again, too! Have a great day, it's cleaning day here so I have a lot to do, as always! Hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah, enjoy your cleaning, rather you than me! Hugs, Valerie

  7. That corner store looks like Danucci's that was near where one of my aunties lived. We pronounced the name "Dahnooch", and we could go there and buy candy. He also sold sub sandwiches, but we were forbidden to buy them. Apparently, his food practices weren't that clean. The colors of your sky photos are amazing.

    1. Thanks. This sky was really extra colourful. Corner stores were good!

  8. Love the beautiful photos of nature. Regine

  9. Sunrise and clouds (colors) are amazing. Really god job. Your challenge is good and i liked these funnies.

  10. Hello Valerie, love your beautiful tag and photos. Have a great day, hugs, Martha!

    1. Thanks Martha. Can you give me your blog address so I can visit you, too?

  11. The memes were a hoot. Loved your black and white piece and the sky was gorgeous.
    YOU have a great one.

  12. Nice response to the new tag challenge.
    Luv the hippo humour😊


  13. There are corner stores in Hawaii. Very convenient. Love your gorgeous sunrise!

  14. Those clouds are so pretty, and you captured the sky colors perfectly. I've gotten spoiled by the big supermarkets, where I can get everything in one trip.

    1. Thanks. I go once a week to Aldi, but I love small shops.

  15. Beautiful photos! Have a nice day 😊

  16. A brilliant spot of color. The photos are amazing. Have a very lovely day.

  17. I just have to smile about the little hippopotamus ;-DD Your pictures of the sky are great. And your Black&White tag makes me nostalgic, because even in Vienna, where I grew up, there used to be shops like this that sold almost "everything". I thought they might have died out wherever there were supermarkets, but interestingly I still found some of them in the US - why did it work there and not in our countries?
    All the best from Austria,

    1. Vielen Dank, Traude. Ich wohne hier in eine kleine Stadt, und bin immer wieder glücklich dass wir hier viele Kleine Lädchen haben. Aber ich vermisse immer noch die alten Ecklädchen in London!

  18. I love your tag. It is lovely. I am working on a page right now that deals with department stores, so this really hit home.

    Gorgeous sunrise shots and that funny bone IS humorous.

    1. Thanks E. Funny bones are humourous except when you hit them on something!

  19. Great tag and beautiful sunrises. The funnies made me laugh. :-D

  20. I really love your tag, Valerie. Maybe one of my favorites. So simple but it tells a story -- and of course I love the placement of the cat!

    1. Thanks, it tells a story of times gone by! Hugs!

  21. i love your curious cat and all the funnies today! xo


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