Monday 8 August 2022

Monday Post

 Hi Everybody!

Here's wishing us all a good, new week, with perhaps less heat than we had last week! I had a good rest over the weekend, it was cooler, there was a breeze and it was perfect for sitting on the balcony with a cup of cappuccino.

For Chris's challenge 'when we were young' at AJJ I have a journal page about  my 'dream house'. This was when I was 4-5 years old, and I loved reading the books about Little Noddy and his friends. The books were from Enid Blyton, and showed how all these little people lived in Toy land and had wonderful adventures. They lived in tiny mushroom houses, and I wanted to live there, too. I used to pretend I could shrink myself  till I was small enough to live there. Imagination is a wonderful thing! This is one of the scenes from the original books, and Little Noddy and Big Ears are having a meal.

And this is my dream house:

This evening we will be celebrating Elizabeth's T sTands for Tuesday link party, so here a warm welcome to all of the nice ladies who visit here. The picture of Noddy and Big Ears is very suitable for our T Day party! And I have a photo from my fave coffee shop:

And some thinkies / funnies:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Hi Valerie, Loved your art, great memes this week too, Happy T wishes hugs Kathy

    1. Thanks Kathy, have a great week, Happy T Day!

  2. Who could not love Noddy and big favourite childhood books were those..and I love your interpretation art work Valerie, so cute and colourful and fun..

    Luv CHRISSYxx

    1. Thanks Chrissy, they were really fun books! Have a great week, hugs, Valerie

  3. Love the funnies.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  4. Love your dream home thanks for the thinkies.

    1. Thanks, tastes change, but I think I would still like living there - perhaps just a tad bigger!

  5. Ah, Noddy! A real trip down Memory Lane.

  6. Good morning, Valerie: Enid Blyton rings a bell in my mind, so I think I must have read her when I was young, but I don't recall the characters. She was a prolific writer of children's books I see, so doubtless a part of the childhood of many English-speaking children. My favourite book of all when I was a boy was "Wind in the Willows", followed by "Treasure Island", which is when I vowed I would visit the island of Hispaniola, and the third favourite was "Lorna Doone." Your little toadstool house is very appealing. If I find one just like it in the forest will you come and live with me? I will make sumac tea for you and pick fresh berries every day. Just imagine all the interesting neighbours we would have! It would obviously be part of a model community with many different species living harmoniously in a synergistic web of friendship and cooperation. Humans could learn a thing or two from that. In the meantime, a walk along t Rhine may have to suffice, I'm afraid. Hugs and kisses - David

    1. Enid Blyton wrote many children's books, which I enjoyed in my youth. Wind in he wilows was also a favourite, I still have it in my bookshelf. And Treasure Island was also wonderful, but I can't remember if I read Lorna Doone. And I loved the Nanrnia books from C.S. Lewis. I was mostly on my own as a child and books were always my best friends - and still are! Okay, life in a toadstool house sounds like fun, but I want coffee, no sumac tea! Y es, it would be great if human started to love and respect their neighbours and live peacefuly with them- but that's probably anothe fairy tale....Big hugs!

    2. Sorry for all the typos, my fingers are not being cooperative!

  7. Woow Valerie, I looove your dream house, it´s is simply Gorgeous with so happy colours. Funny funnies :) love the cat´s face. Your elephant in the post before is Amazing with fantastic colours. I hope your fingers are better today. Take care.
    I wish you a great week, and send big hugss

    1. Thanks so much Caty, and glad you liked the elephant, too! Have a great week!

  8. That is such a cute dream house! Just love it! your thinkies always make me think. LOL.

    1. It's good when thinkies make people think - there's still hope for mankind!

  9. I never knew about Noddy until I was grown up. Sounds like a fun series. Your mushroom house is very cute. Oh, the egg dressed up as the Girl with a Pearl painting is very clever! Enjoy your time on the balcony. Happy T Day

    1. I'm sure you can enjoy Noddy as an adult! I love that funnie, too, very clever with the egg! Somebody had a great idea!

  10. I love your dream house! I have always loved little, magical world stories myself and I love that you used one of your favorite childhood books as inspiration. I am currently reading some new and re-reading some favorite childhood books. Maybe I will have some inspiration for art making as well :) Thanks for sharing!

    1. Thanks Michele. I have been re-reading old favourites from my bookshelves, too, so good to meet up with 'old friends' this way

  11. Thank you for sharing. I love it.

    1. Thanks Regine, it's fun 'going back' for a visit!

  12. I loved Noddy and so did my children, timeless fun!
    Your mushroom house is enchanting, and I loved your funnies Valerie.
    Hope you have a good week.

    1. Thanks Alison. I think these gentle, old stories so much better than the kids' books today!

  13. Wow anyone would love to live here! I was more of a Famous Five fan, but I liked most of Enid Blyton's books. Take care and have a very happy week, Sue xx

    1. Famous Five came next when I was growing up. My auntie always bought me a new one for Christmas, that was so wonderful!

  14. Growing up I used to so enjoy reading Enid Blyton, my bookshelf in the bedroom always had many of her books.
    Love your Noddy pictures and art, a good selection of funnies too.

    May the week ahead be a good one, here in the UK we have a level three heat alert!

    All the best Jan

    1. Thanks Jan, I won't be outside more than necessary while it's so hot. I think we all grew up with Enid Blyton, and loved all of the books!

  15. Your dream house is so charming, Valerie! I read many Enid Blyton books as a child, but I don't remember this one. Maybe it wasn't translated to German at that time (since I didn't know English back then). It was quite the discovery when I eventually found out that "Hanni und Nanni" was "The O'Sullivan Twins" and had totally different names, and "Fünf Freunde" translated to "Famous Five". I hope it stays cooler for you and the big heat is not returning.

    1. Thanks Carola. Enid Blyton's books really got to the heart of our generation. I gave some of my old Noddy books to my grandchildren, and they loved them, too!

  16. I hope you were told that I was unable to visit because my computer was frozen . Sorry I've missed so many posts since Tuesday.

    Although I've never heard of Noddy, I am glad others have. I think your dream house is fabulous. I would LOVE to live there. It's also a great entry for Chris's theme at Art Journal Journey.

    I agree the Big Ears and Noddy are perfect for T. So is your cappuccino.

    LOVE the egg with the pearl. Very clever. all your thinkies/funnies were clever. Thanks for sharing your lovely art, your cappuccino and your memes with us for T this Tuesday, dear Valerie.

    1. Thanks Elizabeth. Yes, Erika told us what had happened. They were such gentle, happy stories. The egg with the pearl is genious, such a clever idea. Have a great day!

  17. I don't know these books, but I love your dream house. I wouldn't mind that for a house either. That polka dot roof is adorable. I'm glad you're able to get out and enjoy your coffee drink. And I must say I had to laugh at the 3 sister kitties. Not that I have sister's, but I have SIL, and I know what that all means. Have a great T day and I hope your week has started off with you feeling well. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika! If I had the possibility I would build a house like that in the garden! Have a great week!

  18. Love your mushroom house! I really enjoyed the senior texting abbreviations. So funny!
    Have a great week, Valerie.
    Happy Tea Day,

    1. Thanks Kate, I love those senior abbreviations, too. Too funny!

  19. What a great journal page! I do not remember that book... And your funnies gave many smiles! Happy happy T day! Hugs! deb

    1. I t was a fave with English kids, and still is! Hugs!

  20. The mushroom houses look cozy :) Books have sparked many an imagination explosion. Happy T Tuesday!

    1. Books are my fave way of sparking the imagination!

  21. I never read her books as a child. Love your house!

  22. Glad you had a restful weekend with cooler temperatures. Loving your Noddy inspiration and the toadstool house is fabulous! The funnies really made me smile, love the kittens ...ha, ha 😊. Wishing you a Happy T Day! Hugs Jo x

    1. Thanks Jo! Today is hot but we have some wind! Hugs!

  23. I love the dream house you had when you where a child. In fact it looks pretty nice for now too. Great funnies. Have a great day, Valerie.

  24. Aah! Noddy and Bigears. I think I must have read all of Enid Blyton's books. The Famous Five were my favourites. I love your little dream house (even though I spy a little frog!) Loving this set of thinkies/funnies! Happy T Day, Chrisx

    1. Thanks Chris. Yes, we grewup with these books. I love little frogs!

  25. I like the stocking legs in your tag.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  26. Hello, Valerie!

    Whimical and fun art. Wishing their was that kind of magic. Love the concept of mushroom houses.

    The coffee shop picture relaxes me as much as a picture of the beach - funny how things like that can effect us.

    The funnies are great and I think I will still be laughing about the senior texts next week.

    Fun post and happy T-day a bit late! Stay well! Hugz

  27. Thanks Nancy! Glad you like my dream house. Cafes are always a wonderful place to be!

  28. Your dream house is beautiful. :) I also love the photos that appear in the post as well.

  29. Oh Noddy and Bigears! How I loved those as a child! I had many of the books. In English as I was brought up bilingually. It was 'How mummy says it and how daddy says it'. Daddy would do the story reading every night (in English). We had the Andy Pandy comic and the Jack and Jill sent to us by my dad's second mum. When we had enough, my parents would send them to the bookbinder to make a huge book. I wonder what happened to those....
    One of the shopkeepers here in our village had rather large ears and we affectionately call him Bigears. (He has no idea)
    Your dream house is great. Who wouldn't want to live there.
    Happy T-Day,

    1. Glad you grew up with them, too, they were such wonderful stories. Have a great week, hugs!

  30. I love your mushroom house, still like stamps of houses like that which is perhaps why Lavinia are now amongst my favourite stamps. That is a delightful picture, I love the spotty mushrooms and if they have doors and windows they are even better. Great little figure too.
    Love the picture of ~Noddy and Big Ears - I bought my son an egg cup of `Noddy and he had a cap to fit on the egg.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  31. True ! Lavinia has the sweetest stamps. I'm sure we are not the only ones who love mushroom houses and Noddy! Hugs!


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