Friday 23 April 2021

Friday post - Inspired by

 Hi Everybody!

Hope your week is going well! On Wednesday I got my first vaccination against Covid, which is a relief. I had the vaccine from Biontech-Pfizer, and up till now have had no side effects. In June I can get the 2nd one. The vaccination centre is in the sport arena in Düsseldorf, which has plenty of space to accommodate large numbers of people. It all went very well, no hitches, and the people there were very friendly.

Today I have another A3 mixed media piece to share for AJJ, for the theme of 'inspired by', chosen by Eileen, who is sadly no longer with us. This was inspired by a piece from Effy Wild. I already showed a similar piece, and this one has the raven looking in the other direction. I will also be linking to Paint Party Friday:

And some photos taken this week on my walks - it's lovely to see fresh green everywhere:

Can you see me on the bridge?

I hope they are still in love!

Have a great day, take care, 
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. My husband had the Pzifer vaccine and he had no effects with either shot. It's so hard to tell who gets second shot symptoms or not. I know people who got the one shot Johnson and Johnson and got sick, and others who didn't. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you. Loving the new journal page. I like the rainbow background and that Egyptian eyed crow. And I am with you about seeing the fresh green. Have a great end of your week. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. I get the second shot in June, so hope that goes well, too. Fresh spring green is always so wonderful after the winter! Have a great day, hugs!

  2. So glad to hear you got your first vaccine, and glad it was Pfizer, you don't need anything to make you feel sick after everything you've gone through! That one seems to have little side affects. I almost wish I would have held out for it myself. I got Moderna and most who get that one get pretty sick for a couple days after the second dose. Guess I'll see when I get my second in a couple of weeks.

    I love your beautiful colorful art and my favorite photo is the path through the trees. I hope Maria and Marlon are still in love too!

    1. Thanks Martha. I'm thankful not to have side effects, I have had my share lately! I hope your second shot goes well. That path is one of my fave places to walk! Have a great day, hugs!

  3. Great news on your vaccine Valerie! Beautiful page and lovely spring photos. We had some snow and tonight will be cold but tomorrow they are saying 17C!

    1. Thanks Christine, I hope that you get your 17°! Hugs!

  4. Lovely colourful post, full of gorgeousness, good news and good health. xxx
    Bella will be will us on the May 1st, she is going to keep us busy. x

    1. Thanks Annie. I can imagine how excited you are that Bella will soon be with you! I hope she will have a long and healthy life with you!

  5. So schön diese kräftigen Farben und dein Rabe und die Federn, ein wunderschönes Kunstwerk!
    Toll dass du die erste Impfung hinter dir hast!
    Schöne Frühlingsfotos sind das wieder und hab einen schönen Freitag!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke, liebe Elke. Ich bin auch froh dass di erste Impfung gemacht ist. Frühling ist so schön! Dir einen schönen Tag!

  6. Hi Val, good morning! Hope you had a good night. Love this beautiful bird piece, and the great quote. It is indeed wonderful to see the colours of nature greening up and trees bursting into leaf and flowers opening, a wonderful season! Have a great day, take care, glad you got your first shot! Hugs from us all, Sarah

    1. Good morning Sarah! Have a wonderful day, hugs to all!

  7. Thanks Laurie, I'm doing well. This is a lovely time for walking! Stay safe!

  8. I was delighted to read that you have gotten your first shot. As of my bEARTHday, I am out of quarantine. June isn't that far off!!

    Your Effy Wild inspired art is gorgeous. I really love the raven with the Eye of Horus. It's fabulous. It's also a great rainbow background and the feathers add that special touch. Thanks for another great entry at Art Journal Journey honoring Eileen's theme.

    Lots of beautiful green in your post today. I also liked seeing you on the bridge and the lock you found there, too.

    1. Thanks E!. My birth year was open to vaccination as of 8 am on Monday, and at 8:07 I had my appointments! Glad you are now out of quarantine, that's great! A good birthday present. Have a great day, hugs!

  9. Glad you've had your first vaccination, I had the same experience when I had mine - very well organised, felt safe and people were so friendly 😁. Loving your page, the brightly coloured background is so rich and is the perfect home for that gorgeous crow - beautiful! Wonderful photos, so glad you're able to go on walks again. Happy Friday and weekend! Hugs, Jo x

    1. That Jo, it's good when things are well organised. Have a wonderful day!

  10. What pretty photos you are sharing with us today - certainly they all herald springtime.
    I just love that background to your blog page - what gorgeous rich colours you chose and they work so well together. Your raven sits there like a King surveying his kingdom with that fabulous Horus eye of his. Perfect choice against that background.
    Glad you have had your vaccination, I have just had my second one, I would have thought they would have given you them when you were in the clinic. Don't know why I thought that but I did.
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Thanks Neet. We didn't get shots in the clinic, there's been too much burocracy and Not enough vaccine. Things are Just starting to speed up at least!

  11. Pleased you have had your first vaccination, I have had both now with no side effects. Love your bright page with the raven for AJJ. Lovely photos of your surroundings.
    Hugs Wendy

    1. Thanks Wendy, happy PPF, have a great Weekend!

  12. I am very happy that you received your first vaccine, Valerie, and somehow it seems fitting that you chose Earth Day to do it! Now you have substantial protection and as soon as you receive your second shot in the arm in June you will be able to wave derisively to that arch villain, COVID. It will be akin to St. Valerie of Balconia slaying the dragon. Great to see a Raven featured in your art. It's a very wise bird as you know, and has great spiritual significance for many of the west coast indigenous people of Canada. Your walks are filled with greenery and pleasantness, with bird song no doubt to serenade your peregrinations. Enjoy! Hugs and kisses. David

    1. Hi David, I'm pleased I got my shot, too, I was at the website as soon as they opened on Monday, and got my 2 appointments 7 minutes later! It's a big relief, and I can't understand those people who are still saying they don't want or need to be vaccinated! I actually saw a dragon this morning, but it was just a small rubber toy a kid must have lost by the Rhine. I love ravens and crows, which is good, as we have lots of them here, and they are really clever. I had a good walk again this morning, it's great to see so much green. Take care of yourself, enjoy your bird walks, and hope Miriam keeps taking her beautiful photos. Hugs to you both!

  13. Getting that first innoculation under your belt is another step forward against Covid. I had mine a month ago. Super art work again, love the rainbow background, makes the bird pop off the page. Hugs, Deb

    1. Thanks Deb, it is indeed, I jumped at the opportunity as soon as I could. Have a great day, stay safe, hugs!

  14. Congrats on getting the vaccine and so glad you had no side effects! The rainbow colors with the black bird are so striking! A wonderful piece!

    1. Thanks Jean, I'm happy things are progressing now at last! Have a great weekend!

  15. I am so glad you are vaccinated. And also happy that the spring has come to your world and you are enjoying every minute of it on your walks. It's really beautiful. Happy weekend.

    1. Thanks Jeanie, spring is a great time. I'm so happy they are now getting a move on here with the vaccinations, they have been faffing about with their bureaucracy for long enough! Have a great weekend!

  16. wow this is a beautiful piece of art. I simply love it. Your photos always take me to those places. Glad you are vaxd. Have a nice weekend.

    1. Thanks Nicole. Glad you are able to walk with me!

  17. Gorgeous mixed media artwork and great quote ~ Wonderful Spring photography! XX

    Living moment by moment,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  18. Congratulations on getting your first shot! I always admire your photos of the scenic views where you walk and the lovely plants you see :)

  19. I like the vibrant colors on your page and the eye of Horus crow. Spring is in full swing in your corner. Enjoy the weekend!

    1. Thanks CJ. I'm enjoying spring. Have a great Weekend!

  20. Beautiful, vibrant colours in your page. The background looks like abstract feathers.

    1. Thanks Teresa, great Idea! Have a wonderful weekend!

  21. thank you for the trip! I've never seen a canal boat here. Your art is bold and bright and meaningful

  22. Beautiful art and photography Valerie.
    Glad to hear you've had your first vaccination. I've had both of mine now, and I feel much safer.
    Hope you have a lovely weekend,
    Alison xx

    1. Thanks Alison. I Hope they get a Bit quicker with the vaccinations here!

  23. I love your painting Valerie, such vibrant colours and the raven is wonderful! I have my second injection at the end of next month, and my mum and dad have both had theirs so all's good. Take care and have a wonderful weekend xx

    1. Thanks Sue! Glad we are getting our vaccinations, it's a good Feeling!

  24. Gorgeous page Valerie, the painted background is so colorful and I love the feathers! Beautiful walk photos, everything looks so green. Glad your vaccination went well. Enjoy your weekend.
    Tammy x

    1. Thanks Tammy, much appreciated! Have a wonderful weekend!

  25. what a cute new blog header! Love the raven art and all the lovely photos about town. yes, so nice to see all the green and colors of the trees and flowers coming to life again. Take care, and happy PPF!

    1. Spring is always welcome! Happy PPF and have a great Weekend!

  26. Pleased to read you've had your first vaccination.

    Your art page is so colourful, and I always enjoy seeing the photographs from your walks. This is such a nice time of year.

    Enjoy your weekend.

    All the best Jan

  27. Good tomhear you have your first shot of the vaccine, hopefully the second will also come with no problems or side effects.

  28. I loved your first raven piece and I love this one now also. The intense bright colors are a great contrast for the black of the raven. The raven himself is marvelous! I’m just a bit (a lot) partial to all the large black birds.

    1. Thanks Annie, I love these birds, too! Have a great weekend!

  29. Luv the raven's widom on stars
    Happy PPF


  30. Thank you for getting your shot. The raven is darling and I been enjoy watch tree change.
    Happy PPF
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  31. So pleased you have had your first Vaccination! We are going for our second tomorrow (we can go together this time) Hope there aren't any side effects - I had a sore arm for a day but hubby had nothing at all.
    I adore your raven and that fabulous background - it's really made me smile.
    I got another load of smiles from seeing your photos - I love this time of year when you can see blue skies through the branches of the trees! Hugs, Chrisx

    1. Thanks Chris! This is really a wonderful season! Have a great Weekend!

  32. So happy you got your first shot!!
    I love your raven art piece and I love the quote! Well done!
    I see you on the bridge! LOL!
    Big Hugs!


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