Wednesday 7 August 2019

Midweek Post

Hi Everybody!

Hope your week has gone well so far. Time is flying here, as always, and the days go by too quickly to get everything done that I would like to, but that's life!
I have been clearing and tidying a lot, and my kitchen table is now free from the meter high pile of stash and painting stuff that was on it, and looks like a table again! I am reducing the amount of things I have, as it is just too much. A huge pile has wandered to a kid's art-school, a kindergarten and the thrift shop. I still have too much, so more will be going in the next weeks. Lots of older paintings have been cut up to be re-used and re-purposed. Here I have used a lot of scraps and other odds and ends to make some journal pages, with lots of sewing to hold everything together, using n old calendar page as background. I am linking to Paint Party Friday:

And I have a hybrid tag for Joan's summer fun theme at Tag Tuesday, using an image from Gecko Galz and some elements from Serif:

My clean and tidy table:

When it's hot and humid I go by tram to Düsseldorf, although it is much more beautiful and quieter here - there is a lot of air conditioning there in the big stores, and there are also lots of cool, old  churches, streets and alleyways to explore. This is the town hall:

The lion is the symbol of Düsseldorf:

Blind justice - I think justice seems to be blind, deaf and dumb today, that might explain all the terrible things that happen all the time:

Behind the town hall there is this beautiful, old square:

I enjoyed being in the photo:

The town walls in the 15th century:

Love this statue:

The goose fountain:

The lion high up:

And Düsseldorf is famous for its Lion mustard, strong and hot:

 The carnival statue:

An old bakery:

The spire of the Max Church - I will show the inside another time:

This was my husband's fave restaurant/pub - he was born in the Altstadt:

This little garden behind a wrought iron fence caught my eye - a garden of mourning, a place to be still in the middle of the bustling streets and cafes:

Outside the garden, life goes on as always:

Love this saying on a house nearby 'Anybody can wish me whatever he wants, God should give him even more of the same'

Strange things in this shop-window:

This chair outside a shop is there for people to sit, rest and take selfies. I think it looks nicer without me sitting in it:

I am linking to Soma's 'Wandering Camera'

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. I haven't even touched art things this summer but I have been working on my basement and taking lots of things to either the recycle shed or to a charity store. It feels good, doesn't it? Love your recycled art today. After awhile you just get such a big pile of things you might as well use those to create. And I enjoyed the photos today. All the "heads" on that wall is cool. And speaking of head parts, that is a fascinating lips bowl you have. Part of your glass collection I imagine. happy mid-week. Hugs-Erika

    1. Yes, it does feel good to get rid of some things and have more space. The glass bowl is a wonderful piece from Stanislav Borowsky.

  2. Hi Val! Beautiful art again, and a big wow on your clean and tidy table! That was a lot of work, so keep it up! Fantastic photos again, you see so much that others don't notice, and your views are very special. Love that glass bowl, too, wonderful! Have a great afternoon, hugs, Sarah

  3. Many wonders today. As always, the pieces are grand. Glad you pointed out that you were in the pic. I had to backtrack and take a closer look. Loved it. I really enjoy the pics of your cities.

  4. I always enjoy your artwork, but I've gotta say, what impresses me most is you. Let me clarify. You still appreciate the beauty around you and don't take the old buildings, statues, and nature for granted. That's a true gift. Too many people seem to sleep walk through life and never notice all of the lovely things (and people) around them. And then you share your clear awareness of the world in the photos you post for us! (Thank you!)

    I hope you went into your husband's favorite restaurant and had a bite or frosty beer just for him. When my hubby was in Vietnam, a friend and I went to dinner and each of us ordered a cold beer... just for him. That was our intention, anyway, but um, I don't like beer. Neither did she, so neither of us could finish it. A sip or two in his honor had to do. I love HIM, but beer? Not so much... :)

  5. Congrats on your progress in passing on your treasures to benefit others and clear your space. Generous :) I like the composition of your piece, especially that dot-filled circular piece against all the rectangular elements.

    All those statues are a treat to see. I've never heard of this kind of mourning space. It does look peaceful. I'm loving that fancy chair!

  6. Lovely page for PPF and beautiful tag. Glad you can cool off in the town, enjoyed your photos today. Great job on the clearing up.

  7. I really love your artwork today Valerie, so full of colour and life. I can understand why you head for somewhere with air conditioning and it looks like such a beautiful place to visit. Take care, Sue x

  8. I need to do some tidying up myself. Hopefully you've inspired me to do it. Your art journal pages are lovely. I like your Summery tag. That bowl on your table is interesting looking. Great architecture photos. And you have a nice assortment of statues. The square and mourning garden were nice to see. That hot mustard sounds tasty. The church is beautiful. I can't wait to see your post of the inside photos. The shops look nice and I love that colorful chair with the sun design.

  9. Fabulous art projects, I love how you stitched the layers on the page.
    Good for you to get to sorting out your unwanted items. I wish I could do the same. To clear out my craft room table has me panicking for days thinking about it.
    The photos of Dusseldorf were lovely. The statues all looked so interesting.
    Have a good weekend.
    YVonne xx

  10. I have also been tidying and clearing and seem to have a mountain of scraps that have appeared from nowhere(surely!) I have been adding them to a couple of junk journals I started a while ago...I haven't made anything as lovely as your collage though! Errrm.....Summer fun...with a frog....I don't think so..he! he! Lovely tag otherwise...xx. I love the walk around Dusseldorf, the statues especially - love the goose fountain! Hugs, Chrisxx

  11. Hi Valerie wow what an interesting page,love it.
    Oh i love your white and red bowl,its beautiful and i love the chair in your last pic,what a beauty ,thankyou for sharing your lovely post today my friend xx

  12. Lovely post your bowl is so pretty, love seeing your MW post.xx

  13. Well done on the clean up and sorting, something I constantly need to do in the sewing room 😊 your art work is wonderful and I enjoy your walks around Dusseldorf. You have so many beautiful statues.

  14. Amazing art as always, you are so creative! I should visit Dusseldorf in the future☺

  15. Your clean and tidy table looks great:) Love the bowl:) Do you put chocolate kisses in it?:) Heh.
    Your first piece has so many fascinating elements. Especially love the pen and cheetah(?).

  16. I don't have a clean room in my house right now, Valerie and you know how much I hate clutter. I have so much stuff to go through, put away, and sort, it is actually overwhelming. I also am having trouble with the heat, so am pretty much staying in my office where the extra window AC is also working overtime. I envy you the fact your home is now clean and tidy. I'm also impressed at how much stuff you gave away.

    Your journal page is wonderful. I suspect if I were to cut some of my art up, I would have less to deal with. No one would want my old art, though. I really LOVE how you have managed to include so many disparate items on the page and still make it all look cohesive. and of course, the sewing is a bonus in my book.

    Beautiful photos today, too. I loved the statues and the one with the jester was really unique. Laughed at the camel in the window, though.

    1. I am not really a tidy freak, but even I have my limits....

  17. You did well on your sort out …
    Love your colourful art-work.

    A beautiful selection of photographs here, I like the carnival statue and the mourning garden looks so tranquil.

    All the best Jan

  18. Love your creations. What wonderful photos, looks so beautiful. Have a great week.

  19. Fabulous mixed media artwork, and I love your photos of Dusseldorf Valerie!
    Alison xx

  20. Happy you are getting through with clearing your clutter.
    Thanks fir all the gorgeous art and photos.
    Happy PPF


  21. Gorgeous art with so many layers and so much texture! Dusseldorf looks lovely too! Happy PPF from Number 14 :D

    1. Thanks Sarah, it is quite a nice town to visit.

  22. Stunning art as only you can it Valerie! Happy PPF!
    Your photos are fantastic and make me feel as if I am there!!!

    Hugs :)

  23. Your journal is delightful! I love that you stitch in it! Your photos are just amazing! I lived in Berlin in 1970 - 1971 as an exchange student. I spent some time in other parts of Germany so loved seeing these pics! The walls surrounding towns are just amazing! Thanks for sharing!

  24. I LOVE all the colors, detailing and imagery in your calendar page collage. Your photos are great, and I was especially intrigued by the store front pictures you posted. Happy PPF!

  25. I absolutely love your collage page of old paintings and scraps and stitching. The colours have contrast but are also very harmonious together - it really is so pleasing to the eye as it travels across the different shapes and angles. Great photos of Dusseldorf again - I thought that I'd been there (though it would have been about 40 years ago), but I don't recognise anything!
    Alison x

  26. Looks like a gorgeous town - that statue is sad tho. Lovely.

  27. Reading this reminds me I should be cleaning and tidying instead of reading last week's blogs in a futile effort to catch up! But loved your art piece here and also that delightful colorful chair! Yes, it would look better empty than with me in it, for sure!

  28. It feels good clearing things out. Doesn't it! Last year, I donated a lot of my older art supplies! Both your art pieces are so creative! I love how you take apart old pieces and put them together! Amazing photos! Love all the statues! Love that chair! Big Hugs!


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