Thursday 29 August 2019

Friday post on Thursday evening

Hi Everybody!

Another week is flying by and it's nearly weekend. It was a little bit cooler here today, and although we still have 2 or 3 hot days in front of us it should really cool down after that  happy dance! And that's a good word to introduce this A3  (12" x 17")journal page. I made it weeks back and forgot to post it. The centre piece is painted, textured and splattered, and stenciled with the dancers using a Stencil Girl stencil. I framed it with a piece of DP  from which I cut away the centre. This  I used it to fussy cut the flowers with which I decorated it. I gave the dancers some textile skirts which were also sewn on:

I am linking to Paint Party Friday and TIOT, in my garden there is - flowers and 'little maids all in a row'

The tag (10") is for  Michele's 'purple' challenge at Tag Tuesday. The background is a remnant of painted card, which I matted with some purple card-stock. The 2 young ladies (TH) are at a ball - and they are having a ball! Their mum said they had to be back home by midnight, but they haven't looked at the clock. I think there will trouble in store for them when they get home, unless they can think up a very good excuse! The words are also from TH.

I am linking to Simon Wednesday challenge, anything goes

Also linking to Soma's wandering camera

The photos were taken on last Sunday's walk through the fields to the next village and back again along the Rhine:

The cattle were clever and hid in the shade:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Beautiful work and photos, you are ready for fall aren't you?

  2. I love your Dance of Life. I especially like it because each of the tutus is so different. Clever use of tulle, netting, and ribbon.

    I also like that tag. Your girls look like they belong on that tag, too. That was clever how you used them. I love the lace, too.

    That first photo of your walk was my favorite of the day, but I also liked the cows and the barn, too. Great photos as usual, dear.

  3. Hi Val, good evening! I really love your dance piece, it is just beautiful, so well thought out and decorated. And the tag is such fun - oh to be young and have fun at a ball again! Great photos, it looks like Wittlaer where that painter lived. Have a nice evening, hugs, Sarah

  4. Your tag has all the energy of a wonderful, joyful dance and so are your happy women with their go-to-town scarves of pink! Love each and every photo. Have a wonderful weekend!

  5. Valerie, such a beautiful purple tag & I am besotted with your journal page, it's gorgeous 💙 Thank for sharing the photos of your walk, fabulous scenery, you live in a lovely part of the world
    Jane 🌴

  6. Beautiful pieces Valerie. I love the additional flowers over the tag and the dancers' transparency over the background. Pretty costumes. The friends tag is all the more endearing for their lovely demeanour.
    Gorgeous walk photos, pretty little flowers along the way and and always so nice to see the water :D) xx

  7. I love the dance. Its an idea I've been working on myself to do in a painting. I think the tag is beautiful!!

  8. Love those stunning I their lovely tutu's!!!
    Your tag is are so creative!!!
    Even your photos are carefully created to show all of the beauty that you see on your walks.
    Thank you for sharing your talents with us.

    Big Hugs ❤

  9. A fabulous page and those wonderful girls seem full of life and energy. I love how you made them pretty tutus with the net materials. Thank you for joining us all over at TioT's it is a fantastic piece for the theme.
    The scenery on your walk looked lovely, great photos.
    Its also a wonderful tag, the girls looked so happy together.
    Have a good weekend.
    Yvonne xx

  10. Wasn't that a lovely walk, always enjoyable to see your photographs … and I think the cattle were sensible to shade under the trees.

    All the best Jan

    PS Great art pieces.

  11. I love both pieces. They're breathtaking.

  12. Hi Valerie wow what a beautiful journal page i love it and your tag is gorgeous,i love that you use so many different mediums,well done my friend.
    I also enjoyed your beautiful pics thankyou for sharing xx

  13. Beautiful page. The colors, the textures. Clever to make tutus for the dancers. Send the heat here. Summer went by too quickly for me. I always enjoy your photos. I especially love the half-timbered house trimmed in TARDIS blue. And that tree shaped like the letter Y is awesome, too. I hope the weather is a little cooler for you. Enjoy the weekend.

  14. Fabulous tags. The second one really has a mardi gras/carnival feel, especially with the purple and green. And those ladies are wearing their carnival beads. And fabulous texture on the dancer tags. All your ladies today are really enjoying life! Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks, but the first one is an A3 journal page, rather large for a tag!

  15. Your Dance of life page is fab Valerie they delight in showing off their colourful Tutu's and who can blame them.. i'd do the same if I had one so vibrant. A beautiful tag to follow, I appear to have missed so much over the past week. It's great to get away for a few days but takes me an age to catch up with folk and get back into the swing of it all.
    Your photographs share a beautiful blue hue showing just how bright that sunshine is.
    I smiled at the cattle taking shade, that was me whilst camping although the mosquito's managed to find me two or three times.. grrr!! Hope the weather cools off & keeps off, our temps are a lot lower than last week and we have been blessed with some rain thankfully.
    Wishing you a super creative weekend, care duties call tomorrow so no playtime for me until Saturday. Take good care lovely.. Hugs Tracey xx

    1. You were brave camping in that heat! Mosquitoes have been quiet here, but the wasps are very, very active and aggressive!

  16. i adore your dance party piece and their floaty beautiful skirts and i also love your latest purple tag -- so much dimension to both pieces! brava! xo

  17. I love your bright and colorful projects this week, with those dramatic textural touches. Happy PPF!

  18. Wow, love both creations. The use of fabric on the dancers are just wonderful. Enjoy the cooler weather.x

  19. Oh, this post made me happy (which is pretty impressive given current events in the UK political arena). I simply love your dancers page - those wonderful textile skirts, their shapes echoed in the floating flower petals, and such a swirl of movement and life and happy colours. Utterly delightful. The tag is great too - those two party girls always make me smile, and it looks like a great party on a tag that you've sent them too.

    Then the photos are also wonderful today - the beautiful stone church, and that gorgeous beamed building with shutters. I love shutters - and those are just the perfect shade of blue. Thank you for relieving the gloom for me for a little while.
    Alison x

    1. Thanks Alison. The political happenings in England just now shame the word democracy. Blame and shame to Boris!

  20. That journal page looks vibrant, lovely colors!
    Democracy is in difficulties in many countries right now...
    Power, bad behavior and bad language, hate = not a good combination.

    1. You are so right. It just makes me sad and mad to see how politicians trample democracy under their big feet for their own gain.

  21. Lovely happy dance too, gorgeous journal pages and magnificent post. Have a lovely weekend.xx

  22. Both of your art pieces are fantastic. I like the dancers. And the colors in the background of the tag are vibrant. Nice assortment of photos. I also like your new blog header image. If I'm not mistaken, I think I see that cheeky crow/raven in it.

    1. Thanks. The bird is a European blackbird, and is a frequent and cheeky visitor to my balcony!

  23. Fantastic page and tag.
    Have a nice weekend

  24. Your artwork is lovely, as always, but for some reason, some of your photos resonate with me more. I especially like the first one looking down the lane toward the church and the one of the dirt road leading to the water. A close third would be of the dead tree. I don't even know exactly why they appeal to me so much, but they do. There's something about the composition of those pictures... Anyhow, you are one talented lady. You see the art in everyday things, and then you capture it with your camera. Great job!

  25. I love your dancers page, the way used cutouts of the background piece to add depth, and the textile skirts. It all came together so beautifully!

    I always enjoy your photos, and today I'm particularly struck by the path leading to the water. I'd follow it :)

  26. Oh so lovely and so much inspiration! Loving all the art! the little dancing skirts and the beautiful tag as well. So beautiful. I also love all your photographs. Beautiful blog as well. Have a lovely weekend and thank you! Happy PPF!

  27. Wow, what wonderful dancers! I always love the way you create with fabrics and their tutu skirts are amazing 😁. Such a beautiful and bold tag too. I enjoyed wandering with you and seeing the sights! Wishing you a Happy Friday and Weekend! Hugs, Jo x

    1. Thanks so much for joining in the fun at Try it on Tuesday with your flowers and 'little maids all in a row' 😁. Hugs, Jo x

  28. Wow what amazing pieces Valerie, those stencil dancers are amazing, and I love their textile tutu's. Your tag is great fun - you've used some of the happier TH dolls, some of them are real miseries lol. I'm so glad the weather's cooled down for us all, have a very happy weekend, Sue xx

    1. I don't like the miserable ones either, remind me too much of nasty, elderly neighbours and mean aunts and uncles when I was a kid!

  29. What a great Art journal page Valerie !! Love the dancers, the background is so beautiful, and the flowers you added to the frame are really fabulous. Love your gorgeous tag too, fantastic! Thanks so much for the lovely photographs you share with us, they are great. I love the Art page you have done, so colourful for your large journal pages, it´s unique.
    Wish you a very nice weekend, enjoy and big hugs,

  30. Fabulous artwork and wonderful photos! Have a great weekend Valerie.
    Alison xx

  31. Dance of Life is exquisitely created and delightful collage work ~ Lovely series of nature photos too!

    Happy Day to You,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbour)

  32. always a joy to see your wonderful, vibrant art (love that first one especially) and the beautiful photos. Happy PPF!

  33. Y oou have made beautiful art, love the colours and happy faces. I always enjoy seeing where you walk. Great header, the boats have great colours.

  34. I love your created piece, the details are just stunning! And you found some amazing things to shoot on your walk. Nice images.

    My Corner of the World

  35. Fabulous page Valerie and those 'pretty maids in a row' do look very happy and lively to be dancing there. Thanks for sharing over at TioT, lovely to see you there. Love the tag and the little story about the girls, hope they don't get into too much trouble.
    Loved the photos from your walk, you really do live in a lovely area. Hope you're having a good weekend.
    Avril xx

  36. The dancing piece is just filled with joy. I lvoe all of the wonderful details! You create wonderful mixed media pieces!

  37. I don't think I thanked you for joining us at Try It On Tuesday! Sorry for missing that Valerie. Hugs-Erika

  38. Oh Valerie! What a wonderful post! First of all Thank you for joining us at Try It On Tuesday - I love those dancing ladies! I love the tag too, those two look as though they are having fun! Your walk looks wonderful, it has cooled down here, back to wearing longer sleeves!! I'll be back for a proper visit soon! Chrisx

  39. What a lovely exuberant dancing artwork! Love the energy in it. The story of the two young ladies at the ball made me laugh. They do look like they are having a wonderful time. I loved taking a walk with you. Sorry for the delayed visit, prepping for the house move is taking up a lot of time and energy :)

    Thank You SO much for linking up on Wandering Camera!


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