Wednesday 14 August 2019

Midweek Post - a tag, sunshine and rain

Hi Everybody!

It's Wednesday already, the days are flying again. We had a cool and blustery day yesterday, which I much enjoyed, and in the evening the wind dropped and the sun came out in time for an evening walk along the Rhine, which was just perfect. On Sunday we had some heavy rain in the evening, which was good, and we need more!

For my challenge 'Anything goes' at Tag Tuesday I have another tag (10"). As I already told you, I unearthed lots of treasures when I cleaned my working space, and I am using them to make my tags. Old paintings were chopped up to make backgrounds, and some of the lost and founds bits will be appearing on my tags in the coming days. I love crafting like this - no theme, no stress, just playing with disparate bits and bobs and seeing what comes out. This paper was painted and textured and reminded me of jacquard silk, so perhaps that's why the bride pair (TH) appeared. The roses were from some sheets of rub-ons which I also discovered in my clear-out. The text is from TH and I sewed it all together before adding the bridal bouquet and wings:

I am linking to Paint Party Friday and to Soma's  Wandering Camera
and Simon Monday Challenge - the couple are marrying to get away from the midsummer blues!

On Sunday evening, as on many others, too, I watched the crows in the trees behind the house. They sit there every morning, too, and often wake me with their raucous cawing:

But then the wind came up and blew some very dark skies over us, and we had lots of thunder and lightning:

And it rained hard, which was good:

After the rain and clouds the crows came back again:

And brought a rainbow with them:

That made me happy! And yesterday's evening walk along the Rhine and through our little town rounded off a great day, too:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Hi Valerie wow i really love your tag its so pretty,well done my friend.
    As usual i have enjoyed all your lovely pics,thankyou for sharing with us xx

  2. Good morning Val! Wow, what a wonderful post. LOVE the beautiful tag, especially that the couple are trying to get away from the midsummer blues, too funny! They will learn....Fantastic photos, too, love that you catch all of the moods that nature and the weather present you with. Those crows are so pretty! Have a lovely day, hugs, Sarah

  3. A most gorgeous tag, love it and the colours...your cloudy and stormy photos interesting but loving the gorgeous rainbow.x

  4. What a beautiful tag Valerie, it's amazing what we have around us that could so easily be throw away. It would make a beautiful Wedding card or just framed as a stand alone piece. The background rose makes it all so romantic.
    Stunning atmospheric photographs, looks like you have had weather similar to us. Love how you captured those rolling black clouds and the intense shimmer on the water.
    It's a dark grey day today which is much kinder on my eyes and the migraine that's been plaguing me since last Thursday. Will see how long I last online today before the pins in eyes feeling comes back... Sending mid week Hugs Tracey xx

    1. Thanks Tracey. Hope your migraine soon leaves you!

  5. I love the textures on your beautiful tag Valerie! Great photos too, we've had similar weather here. I'm just watching the birds and our resident squirrel in our garden. The robin just got some birdseed, after the magpies flew off :-)
    Alison xx

    1. Thanks Alison! The magpies are greedy, same here!

  6. Your tag is gorgeous. The background does look like jacquard silk. The black and white couple with white wings makes a nice contrast with the colorful background. I like the photo of the storm sky that rolled in, and how the crows came back after the rain ended. The rainbow they brought with them was beautiful. Your evening walk photos were lovely too. I especially like the one with the anchor in it.

  7. Nice tag from all those recycled bits. I like using bits to make art. You are right, it is very relaxing. And a good way to clean up too. Love the rainbow from your walk. I am back for day 2 curriculum day so no walk this AM for me. That is the hardest part about work, no morning walks. But then I am done until late next week so then I'll be back into my walks. I will just enjoy your photos this morning. hugs-Erika

  8. A lovely romantic tag Valerie, the textured background looks gorgeous.
    Lovely photos and a super one of the grey clouds rolling in. Loved seeing the rainbow, always think there's something magical about them.
    Have a lovely day. Avril xx

  9. A beautiful tag. So romantic and I like the saying. Love the pictures of the crows and the rainbow. And almost a full bow, too! You take great pictures. Enjoy your day!

  10. I love your tag with its "bits and bobs" and sewing...gorgeous!!!
    It does look like silk!
    I am happy for you that your weather has been better. I know that you love to walk and take these fantastic photos that you so generously share with us.
    LOVE, LOVE, Love those crows and rainbows!!!

    Big Hug sxxx

  11. Love the crows! And I always love to see rainbows. :) Beautiful!

    So glad you had some nice walks and that there has been more rain. Yay! The clouds look ominous.

    Beautiful tag! Amazing what bits and treasures we can find when we clean and tidy up.

  12. A cool day or two in the summer and a rain can be a real blessing when it has been so hot. The photo of the birds in the trees remind me of your silhouette art pages! Love the rainbow -- unbelievably beautiful -- and isn't it fun to do a bits and bobs challenge? You aced it!

  13. I love so many of your pieces. This is no exception.
    And the pictures of the rainbow and anchor...breathtaking.

    1. Thanks Sandra. I see the anchor every day and it is always beautiful.

  14. I do like your rainbow photographs …
    We have had a lot of rain in the UK. Out driving today and the windscreen wipers could hardly keep up with the heavy rain coming down … we were travelling back from seeing friends so a car ride in the rain was a necessity!

    I do agree with you that the week is simply flying by.
    Enjoy your Thursday and Friday.

    All the best Jan

  15. What a gorgeous tag, I love it so! The photos are gorgeous, especially the ones with the sun's light shining through.

  16. A beautiful tag Valerie,it looks so romantic with the happy couple.
    The photos were awesome, I especially liked the ones with the rainbow, I have never been with a camera close by to use when I've seen one. I can relate to the noisy birds, our verbal birds are wood pigeons when they wake in the mornings.
    Yvonne xx

  17. Beautiful tag for PPF! Enjoyed today's photos.

  18. I agree that this week is flying by and I'm REALLY running behind. Your tag is out of this world. I love when you sew and I really like that you turned it into a great mixed media tag, too. The wedding couple never looked so good.

    What an AMAZING rainbow. Your photos, especially those with the crows in the shots were striking. It looks like some of the trees are starting to turn in your part of the world, too. Seems a bit early to me, but maybe they are that color normally. As always, a simply fun look at your world through your camera's lens.

    1. It's much too early for trees to be turning and leaves to be falling, but's it started over a month ago. The high temps and almost no rain have damaged the erath and vegetation badly.

  19. What a beautiful bridal tag! Do you know of a wedding coming up. Great as a gift.

    1. No, but friends have their 50th anniversary coming up, perhaps I can use it there!

  20. What a fabulous tag Valerie, and a great idea to use up your old pages. You pictures are wonderful too, fancy the crows coming back to the same spot after the storm. Have a great day, Sue xx

    1. They always sit there, it seems to be there fave place.

  21. This was a beautifully illustrated story of a lovely day!

  22. Beautiful tag Valerie, love the roses. So good to hear you have had some rain.

  23. Love your creativity. Your photography is spectacular as always.

    Love Hugs and Blwssings

  24. Lovely tall, elegant tag full of romance... and I love the photos in this post - the silhouetted magpies, and those wonderful skyscapes. Magical!
    Alison x

  25. Came for the Tag, but stayed for all the pictures that you took. Love them all.

    Diana @ Playing without limits

  26. your tag is a stunner! grateful you got both rain AND a rainbow! xo

  27. Crows, rainbows, beautiful art and gorgeous photos! A perfect post! Thanks for making me smile! Big Hugs!

  28. I love your tag, it's so pretty. Your photos are amazing, I especially like the rainbow ones, a rainbow always makes me smile. #wanderingcamera


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