Thursday 23 May 2019

Gardens, flowers, fields and more

Hi Everybody!

We had sun all day today, and tomorrow shouldn't be too bad either, so I'm making the most of it. I went for three walks today, and enjoyed them enormously. I did a total of 15 kilometers, and treated myself to a bitter choc  ice from the ice parlour on the way home this evening as a reward. And it was soooooooooo delicious!

For our challenge at Tag Tuesday, with Joan's lovely theme of gardening, I made another tag. The background and flowers were painted by me, and the text, patterning and bird (Mischief Circus)  were added digitally. There is still lots of time to enter Joan's challenge, so hope to see some more people joining in:

The poppies were water-coloured:

I am linking to Paint Party Friday, hosted by Eva and Kristin

On Wednesday evening we went for a walk through Lantz'scher Park, and then through the fields and along the Rhine:

I am always intrigued by the ever changing clouds and the sun:

                   My walking buddy Harry:

This farm seems to be very ancient:

I loved the white horse:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Gorgeous artwork Valerie. I really love your beautiful tulips and poppies. Glad to see you had a lovely time on your walk too and I have to say the surroundings look more interesting than where I walk!
    Fliss xx

  2. Beautiful art Val, love your painted flowers. Both pieces are gorgeous. Fantastic photos, too, you have been for some wonderful walks this week. Love the ancient farmhouse and the white horse, and the clouds are magnificent. Off to bed now, so I'll say goodnight. Hugs, Sarah

  3. your tags are beautiful and the words as well! Beautiful poppies!! That was a lot of walking!!!! You earned that treat for sure,, I have the very same roses on our property and they smell heavenly ,, not yet , ours are just breaking through the soil and just starting to get leaves, we are soooo far behind you climate wise.. such lovely horses,, I hope you have a wonderful weekend!

  4. Your tag is Gorgeous Valerie !! Wonderful background you have created. And I looooooove the poppies you have painted, they are so beautiful. Love the photographs you have shared with us, thanks a lot. The bench is great, as the farm, and I also love the white horse.
    I wish you a very nice Friday, with good weather!
    Big hugs, Caty

  5. Beautiful work on the flowers! Glad you are out walking a lot and enjoyed today's photos.

  6. Such a beautiful walk among the flower and horses and lovely winding road - and so nice to see you (and the hubby?) Makes me miss living in Ulmen! I LOVE your bright and colorful tags - the poppies and flowers are so vibrant! SUPER work, as always!

    1. My companion is just a young walking buddy

  7. Beautiful flowers on your tags. I enjoy your walks and the photos you take. I almost feel as if I'm there.

  8. Hi Valerie wow such awesome work,both so pretty,well done my friend. Love all your pics xx

  9. Absolutely adorable designed creation. Love this and the colours are gorgeous. Your photos, well they are just so interesting and love drooling over them. xx

  10. Beautiful tags and stunning watercolors. You have a great command of the medium.

    The photos of the horses were possibly my favorite today. Wonderful shots and beautiful green countryside, too.

  11. So many beautiful flowers on both art pieces of art and in your photos! The appearance of the sun has certainly inspired you. Love that horse too. Happy weekend. Hugs-Erika

  12. Oh, those poppies are amazing!
    You're lucky to live in that beautiful nature.
    Have a good weekend!

  13. Luv Harry's happy smile and i luv that horse's face which seems to be smiling along with the other photos. Luv the Tulips collage. Happy PPF Valerie. Thanks for dropping by my blog today

    much love...

  14. beautiful springtime flowers and art- you know how I love those poppies! A lovely farm visit- the horses look so sweet. Happy PPF!

  15. Wow! Beautiful and creative mixed media creations and wonderful nature photography ~ Love the horse! Awesome!

    Happy Day to you,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

    1. The horse is gorgeous, I visited it again today.

  16. Such a beautiful tag and wow, your watercolour is stunning! I enjoyed your photos too, the white horse is my favourite and I adore the pink roses, so pretty 😁. Happy Friday and Weekend! Hugs, Jo x

  17. I love all your gardening pieces! We were teased with a little bit of warm weather and now it's rained for the last few days! Happy PPF!

    1. The weather seems to be instable everywhere just now.

  18. You have such a scenic place to walk. Your cloud photo is gorgeous. I like your flower art, too. The tulips and poppies are in such different styles, both delightful.

  19. Beautiful rich colours on your tag Valerie, if i'd have attached my flower onto a tag I would have linked with Joans challenge today. Love those watercolour poppies, you know they are a very special flower to me. Fabulous work with those written words.
    A beautiful Horse, reminds me of my cousins Palomino she had as a child, such elegant creatures. Happy PPF, sorry i'm late to visit it's been a longer than expected day with me coming home to have had computer updates which locked me out of blogger grrr!!
    Wishing you a super weekend, it's Bank holiday here so a much needed 3 day one for me Hugs Tracey xx

  20. Loved seeing your art …
    Loved seeing all of your photographs, especially the horses.
    You did well in your walks.

    Enjoy your weekend.

    All the best Jan

  21. Your cloud photo looks so explosive.
    Coffee is on

  22. WONDERFUL job on all those flowers, tulips and poppies. You nailed them both and the technique is terrific. I so love these!

    Your walk today looks extra fun. And you look happy and content!

  23. There's nothing more majestic that flowers or a white horse.

  24. Another fabulous tag - love your flower painting!! Such wonderful things you see on your walks; the countryside is lovely there!

  25. your gardening tag is splendid, i love all the beautiful flowers. so glad you got so many nice walks in! xo

  26. Your poppies are absolutely glorious - what a wonderful painting, capturing their life and glow. And I love the bold red tulips on the tag too. Great post! Sorry I’ve been so absent – there’s a quieter period on the horizon (at least until the next last-minute gig bobs up to spoil it).
    Alison x

  27. Oh Valerie what gorgeous artwork! I love your bright flowers, and those poppies are just beautiful! You always manage to find the perfect quotes too. Take care xx

  28. You art is always so beautiful. I love the poppies. Looks like a nice walking budding and I love your photo. Have a great week.

  29. Love your flowers Valerie!The poppies especially! You chose a good route for your walk, great to see that white horse! Hugs, Chrisx

  30. The watercoloured poppies look beautiful Valerie and its a fabulous page as well.
    Super photos from the walk as well, you look very happy sitting on the bench,
    Yvonne xx

  31. Love both your art pieces! They are so pretty! You always use such amazing quotes too!
    Good for you , with all your walks! Truly love all your magical photos! They are breath taking! Love the white horse too! Love the photos of you and your walking buddy! Big Hugs!

  32. So beautiful! I love the poetry! Almost made me cry.. I love poppies too!
    Lovely pics ... What a great place to walk around.. Such wonderful nature


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