Thursday 20 December 2018

Warm wishes

Hi Everybody!

I am sure everybody is very busy just now, getting ready for the holidays, baking, shopping cooking etc. Have fun and don't get too stressed!
I have another digital piece, made with images from Mischief Circus, Serif and me. I am linking to Paint Party Friday:

This is an altered photo, showing a view taken from my window on a snowy day:

 This piece was made using 3 different photos, cut together with some digital additions from Serif:

Yesterday we had a mild and sunny day, and the ducks were happy:

The ferry is always busy:

I was out quite early and nobody else was around:

And this is our little supermarket, the only one here in town, and always busy. In the background you can see our 'skyscraper':

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. There's something about that green that's so clean and fresh. Your Robin looks very at home upon those berries or is it the thought that he may have them all to himself hee hee!
    Great altered art and digi pages, i'd love to play around with the digi side of art.
    Sweet to see the family of ducks together, we used to have a family of ducks that would waddle over from the canal I live by but the road dividing gets so busy now I have not seem them for a few years.
    Wishing you a day full of happiness and creativity. Big HUgs TRacey xx

    1. The ducks are always happy when I take them food!

  2. Hi Val, beautiful art and photos today, I love how you have altered photos to make those gorgeous journal pages. And the photos of Kaiserswerth are always precious. We have 5 supermarkets near here, so plenty of choice. We fed the ducks in the park yesterday, they always seem to be hungry! Like me, perhaps! Enjoy today, and remember, tomorrow is the BIG day!! Hugs, Sarah

  3. Hi Valerie beautiful art as usual,you are so clever,and as always i enjoy looking at your pics.

  4. A little bird tweeted it was your birthday. Happy happy day Valerie. I hope you have a wonderful one. I love all your art today! Very wintery but lots of fun and perfect for the season. Hope all is well. Hugs-Erika

    1. I think it was a little cat, not a bird! My birthday is tomorrow, today I'm still trying to clear up!

  5. Lovely pieces today Valerie and I enjoyed all the photos, I love being up before everyone and those ducks do look so happy!

  6. Fantastic art projects, I love how you used your own photos with digital additions.
    The photos were lovely and how good it was to see the sky so blue, its mainly grey here these days.
    Thank you for the gorgeous ecard that dropped into my emails this morning.
    Yvonne xx

  7. Oh my gosh Valerie! Your art is gorgeous! Your photos stunning!
    Then when you combine the two together... STUPENDOUS!!!
    You are an amazing talent!!!

    Hugs ❤❤❤

  8. Sorry I got the date wrong, Valerie. Somehow I thought your birthday was today. At least I wasn't late.

    Your art is wonderful. I always love your digital pieces, and your hybrid ones speak to me, too. I especially love the nesting dolls. They are fabulous. Of particular note with your photos is the door with the star. The entire area looks lovely and festive, though.

    1. Don't sorry, you thought about it, that's the Main Thing!

  9. Wonderful art and photos Valerie!
    Wishing you a lovely birthday tomorrow,
    Alison xox

  10. Oh dear, sorry to hear about your back... I hope it won't stop you enjoying your birthday tomorrow. Great to receive the warm wishes from that fabulous princess (and I especially love her bold colours, not all pink!), and those lovely red berries look great too. The wintry altered photographs are delightful - a lovely way to frame some of your amazing photos.
    Alison x

  11. Warm wishes to you, too! I like how you combine your photos with other elements to create your pieces. We have mallards here, too, and they aren't nearly as aggressive as the white ones who pester us for food at the park. Your walk looks enjoyable with those festive touches I see. Enjoy!

  12. I love your red and green holiday pieces -- so festive and I love it's the chartreuse, which is one of my favorite colors.

    Lovely wishes to you -- those ducks look cold!

  13. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Valerie. I wish you all the best, my dear friend.
    I love your photos with digital work. And your page is absolutely amazing.
    Hugs and many many kisses.

  14. I just read Elizabeth's blog and she said it was your birthday! How did I miss this? Well, I hope it's not too late to wish you a happy one, though it's probably tomorrow already where you are! Here's to a grand new year.

    1. Thanks Jeanie, it's my birthday today, E got the date wrong!

  15. It looks like you've been having lots of festive digital fun with your fabulous artworks! I'm loving all your photos too 😁. But I'm really stopping by today to wish you a very Happy Birthday dear Valerie! I hope you have the most wonderful day! Big hugs, Jo 😊 x

  16. Happy PPF Valerie & I believe it's an extra special day to celebrate..
    Happy Birthday!!! Have and amazing day Birthday HUgs TRacey x

  17. Beautiful photos from your surroundings! Especially love the pieces with the robin and the Matryoshkas. Beautiful art. Happy PPF!

  18. wonderful digital art projects Valerie- that first one is especially delightful! And of course I always love the great photos you take while out and about. It all is so charming to me. Happy PPF!

  19. Valery your art and imagination just never stops. Have a Happy Christmas.

  20. Thanks for your sumptuous sharing of art and photos. Luv those happy ducks
    • ★ ¸☆´.•´MERRY ¸☆´.•´
    ★* 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ ••。★ CHRISTMAS。* 。
    ° 。 ° ˛˚˛ * _Π_____*。*˚
    ˚ ˛ •˛•˚ */______/~\。˚ ˚ ˛
    ˚ ˛ •˛• ˚| 田田 |門| ˚Peace. Love. Joy.

  21. Have a joyous Birthday! Thank you for your art, pictures and lovely comments!

  22. Beautiful 'mixed media' art work and dynamic photos ~ love our 'feathered friends.'

    Happy Holidays to you,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  23. What a lovely post.
    Loved all of your art, thought the ducks looked very happy, and it seems you had the place to yourself when you took your wonderful photographs. I'm guessing it was quite early in the day :)

    Many Happy Birthday Wishes to you
    … and a Merry Christmas too!

    All the best Jan

  24. Hahaha, LOVE your header! I was thinking what kind of birds they were, until I saw they were all wearing a Christmas-hat :-D Very good find! Lovely artwork too, and beautiful pictures as always. Enjoy your Christmas, and all the best for 2019. Hugs ♥

    1. The birds here at the Rhine are all very co-operative, and sit still when I fit them up with Xmas hats and horns for the photo! Seriously, I had fun altering the photo!

  25. Hey Valerie, just saw your comment on my blog post. Die Hard IS murder and mayhem. That's the point. I hate sappy Christmas movies. I call them "chick flicks." Die Hard is all about one cop standing up to and getting rid of 12 terrorists at a Christmas party.

    Since October, several channels have run nothing but sappy syrupy Christmas movies. I won't watch them. That's why I LOVE Die Hard. It's NOT your Hallmark moment Christmas movie.

    1. Now that sounds like something for me. For weeks we have been served sloppy, sappy movies day for day and I can't take it any more!

  26. I love your digital pieces. Also the live in a picturesque village! Love the duck photos. Happy PPF! Hope you are having a good run up to Christmas! Looking forward to seeing your work in 2019!!

  27. Really beautiful artwork Valerie and such lovely photos of your town as always.
    Thank you so much for your continued support during my difficulties this year and hoping that 2019 will be better.
    Wishing you a very Happy Christmas and all the best for the new year.
    Fliss xx

  28. As always, I love your pics, and wanted to wish you the best birthday ever! Hugs...RO

  29. Dear Valerie, how great to come visit here again and see all your beautiful photos and art, you are still making quality pieces as always and enjoying life. Thanks so much for your special e-card, it is very magical.
    Wishing you a very happy and peaceful xmas time and best wishes of health and joy for 2019!!
    Love Kat xx

  30. What fabulous pieces Valerie, I love your lady, she looks very calm - doesn't she know that Christmas is coming! Those ducks really do seem to be enjoying your sunny weather, they wouldn't be so happy here lol. I hope you enjoyed your birthday, and that you have a very merry Christmas and a happy new year, Sue xx

  31. Your pieces look lovely!

    The photos from your walk around town are fabulous. :)

    Wishing you a Happy Birthday and a Merry Christmas! What a magical time of year to have a birthday. :)

  32. First of all, happy birthday! Secondly love your digital page with all those lovely elements so skilfully put together! The altered photos are super clever too and the photos taken during your walk all look wonderful!

    (I have probably missed quite a few of your posts, but I have decided I will only post on Fridays and visit on Sundays from now on, as, though I love seeing all the work that people create, I find blogger to be a too time consuming platform these days, sorry about that, I hope you understand)….
    Have a wonderful Christmas and all the best for a creative and hopefully healthy 2019!

  33. wow,wunderschöne seiten und tolle häuser,ich habe die op gut übertasnden und habe nun keine nase mehr,aber ich bekomme eine epithese,eine silkonnase.
    ich durfte die weihnachtstage nachhause,das freut mich sehr,nun bekomme ich noch bestrahlungen,das heißt 6 wochen kh für mich.
    danke dir sehr fürs daumendrücken.
    schöne weihnachten wünsch ich dir.

    hugs jenny

    1. So pleased that the OP went well, I have been thinking of you a lot. Enjoy the days at home and get strong for the next part of the treatment. Alles Liebe Dir!

  34. danke dir sehr,liebe valerie,es wird schon gut gehen.
    happy birtday dear,sweetheart,love your art and style,your blog is one of my fav.
    wishing you all the best.
    i been thinking a lot of you. nice day.

    hugs jenny

  35. Just saw your question asking if I'm doing TSFT. YES, of course, dear. I wouldn't be a very good host if I missed it. BTW, I was worried I might be the ONLY person joining T Tuesday this week, but Johanna has already shared her T Tuesday post.

  36. Such beautiful digital art and a great look around your area ! Hugs, Chrisx


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