Monday 17 December 2018

T stands for DecoraTions

Hi Everybody!

Hope you all enjoyed your weekend - have a great week! We had some snow here, but it's milder today, so we will be back to our normal cloudy weather again for the next few days. Looks like no chance of a white Christmas, which I must admit is a relief. I love looking at snow, but not really walking about in it!

For Wilma's 'hearth and home' challenge at Tag Tuesday I have a square tag today. The b/w image is from Gecko Galz - I think! I love to see the little dog getting a present - perhaps bribery so that he doesn't bark?

Tuesday is also Elizabeth's T stands for Tuesday, so here  a warm welcome to all of the lovely ladies of the T Gang, even though it's still Monday here! My reference photo this time was taken down at the Rhine - even gulls like to make merry!

I saw this beautiful old bakery from 1904 on a shopping street in Düsseldorf - it still has the original art nouveau tiling:

On my way home I saw the moon and took the photo through the window of the tram:

Our street at night:

And some of the decorations in Kaiserswerth - most people decorate with greenery and white lights:

The 'Einhorn' (Unicorn) pub:

The tree in the castle ruins - perhaps for the ghosts of Christmas past?

A giant gingerbread house:

That's all for today. Have a great week!

Take care, and thanks a lot for visiting!


  1. Love your make Valerie x That stamp is a beauty x Your altered photographs of the gulls really made me smile xx

    TFS and huge hugs
    Annie xx

  2. Hello dear Valerie!
    Wow! What a great post!
    Love your gorgeous pieces and especially the one with the cute gulls! Great effects!!!
    Such beautiful festive pictures from your walk! Like the Christmas decorations at the houses and the window shops! Great captures of the moon and the street lights! Thank you for sharing!
    Wishing you a lovely day and a happy week! Hugs!

  3. A lovely piece Valerie - the Santa and dog image is adorable.
    Nice to see all the shops and festive decorations - great blog header too.
    Hope you have a great week.
    Gill xx

  4. Your tag is great fun, the image is gorgeous. Love the header and the gull photo - the gulls here don't dress up like they do in Kaiserswerth! Shame, really, yours look so festive! Have a great week. We're taking mum back home today, she enjoyed her weekend here! Hugs, Sarah

  5. I love the new header! It made me smile this snowy morning here. Just enough snow to make th driving messy, of course. I also love your tag. Nice effect with the black and white behind the window frame. It looks quite festive from your walk too. Enjoy your drier weather. Hugs-Erika

  6. The seagulls with the Santa hats and reindeer horns made me laugh. The decorations around town are beautifully classic. Your moon photo looks like a cookie that someone took a bite out of. The window boxes on the brick building are just gorgeous. My favorite decoration are the turquoise cone Santas. Delightfully unusual. Enjoy your day!

  7. Lovely pieces for the challenges. The Christmas decorations are so pretty all over the towns there.

  8. It looks like you had a lot of fun helping the pigeons prepare for the holidays. Really cute!

    That bakery looks oh-so-inviting. Not only does it look beautiful, if it's been in business for that long, they must offer some fantastic bakery goods.

    Thanks for sharing the shots of the decorations in your area. As lovely as all the decorations are, I'm most intrigued by the Christmas tree in front of the castle ruins. (I would totally love to explore those ruins!)

    Have a wonderful week!

  9. Oh Valerie, I know that I say this pretty often but it's true!
    Your art and photos are amazingly beautiful you talented lady!!!
    I love seeing all of these lovely images...thank you!!!

    Hugs ❤❤❤

  10. The festive decorations are delightful! Snow is fun sometimes, but Christmas isn't always the best time for it around here as folks here don't know how to drive in it.

  11. As far as North I am. It pretty mild here in North Idaho.
    Coffee is on

  12. Hi Valerie love your square tag,very cute. Oh thankyou for sharing your lovely pics,the sea gull one made me chuckle.

  13. It is a wonderful tag Valerie, a lovely festive scene through the window.
    I am smiling at your photo of the birds dressed up in their festive hats and enjoying their festive party.
    Your new header looks fantastic as well.
    I also enjoyed seeing the other photos of the shop windows and the houses in Kaiserswerth.
    Happy T day wishes Valerie.
    Yvonne xx

  14. Fabulous post and I loved seeing all of your photographs, what a wonderful mix.
    I thought the ones with reflections look so good and isn't the original art nouveau tiling amazing.
    Have a fabulous week.

    All the best Jan

  15. OMGosh, I love your gulls with Santa hats and having a tea party, Valerie. The Gecko Galz(?) Santa stamp is really special. I love that you put it behind a window so we're outside looking in. I love looking into Christmas-y windows - whether in store windows or peeking inside someone's holiday-decorated home.

    So of course, I loved your photo tour of the shopping street in Düsseldorf at Christmas-time.

    Wonderful holiday post. I loved it all!

    Happy T-day and Merry Christmas! Eileen xoxo

  16. Your art pieces looks so festive. Great work!

    I love all your holiday photos and that bakery is marvelous. Such pretty sites all over your travels. And the moon- wow!

    Thanks for sharing. Looks like it won't be a white Christmas here either- which is fine as I have places to visit and travel to during the day. :)

    Merry Christmas (if I am not back or you are not back on the blog before then).

  17. nice tag art, but the gulls- that really made me smile- so fun! What wonderful photos of Christmas in Germany! I really would love to wander around that castle ruin, and that bakery is so charming. Wishing you happy T day!

  18. Love your tag too-I think Santa was bribing lol
    enjoyed all of the photos-very Christmasey
    Happy T Hugs Kathy

    1. Oh and I loved those hats on the birds-so sweet

  19. I love the festive treatment you gave the birds! I loved the photo tour of all the lovely Christmas decorations.
    Happy T day!

  20. A beautiful card, Valerie! Perfect for the holiday season. And I love the sights of Christmas from your photo's. That bakery, gingerbread house and the flowers in the window box are my favorite. Beautiful!
    Happy Tea Day,

  21. Your Santa Gulls make me smile big! And I love seeing what Christmas looks like in your area -- the shops and trees and decorations. Thanks for that!

  22. It started to feel festive as soon as I saw your new blog header. Really clever and cute.

    Your tag is beautiful. It gives me an idea for one, too. You always inspire me.

    I loved the Busch's Bakery. I even spied a rocking horse in the window, too!!!

    Beautiful shots from around town. The trees and doors were amazing. What a fun way to spend a day. And those moon shots were great, too.

    Of course, I am also here for T and those gulls down on the Rhine know how to throw a party. Coffee and cappuccino abounds, as do cakes and goodies. It's a wonderful party atmosphere and simply PERFECT for T this Tuesday.

    1. Gull parties down at the Rhine are legendary, although they are very greedy....

  23. Oh my just look at that giant gingerbread house << my weakness hee hee!!
    I did laugh at Santa and his doggy treat bribery, I will forever think of this now when I see him offering his hand. A great peep through the window.
    Happy T Day & enjoy the rest of your day Hugs Tracey xx

  24. Wonderful festive art and photos Valerie! I love the seagulls!
    Have a lovely day,
    Alison xxx

  25. What a wonderful Christmassy post! You always capture the seasons so well both in your amazing artwork and fabulous photos - perfect 😁. I was mezmerised by all the decorations and the gingerbread houses caught my eye, they are spectacular and I bet they taste as delicious as they look! Wishing you a happy T Day and a very Merry Christmas too! J 😊 x

    1. p.s. I'm loving the merry seagulls too (grin!). J x

    2. I try to avoid eating gingerbread, it's so hard to stop once you get started!

  26. Everything down your street is so prim and proper Valerie.. white lights... we tend to decorate with gay abandon .. I love white lights and prefer them and would have them however hubby who is usually not a color person LOVES color at Christmas.. lol Still smiling over how you decorated the seagulls! Happy T day! Hugs! deb

  27. OH how adorable your birds are! The photos are scrumptious too!

  28. Ha! Ha! Love those seagulls!!!I also love your vintage window!It's great to see the decorations and the shops in your area! - your photos always make me smile! Happy T day, Chrisx

  29. I am going to be offline on your birthday, but wanted to wish you a happy one.
    Hope it's grand.

  30. No snow here either, but I sure wish I could transport myself to your area for the holidays. The old-fashioned bakeries, stores and trees are calling my name! Hugs...RO

  31. Your cards are both gorgeous Valerie !! Love the Santa with a gift for little dog, he looks so happy !! And love these gulls, oohhh, they are prepared for Christmas yet !! Fantastique !
    Thanks so much for sharing those fabulous and very interesting photographs, they are very beautiful, love the different trees.
    I wish you a very nice evening, big hugs, Caty

  32. Oh, my goodness! Love, love the headliner photo with the gulls in santa hats and reindeer hats! This is a fabulous Christmas post! Merry Christmas!

  33. Such a beautiful, happy post! I love it! The gulls in the hats! LOL! So much fun! Love Santa and the dog! LOL! Gorgeous photos! Wow! That old castle and the tree was amazing! Big Hugs!

  34. I love your piece Valerie, and those gulls are brilliant - they look so happy with their festive hats on. Your village looks so beautiful at every time of year xx


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