Monday 23 July 2018

T stands for Too HoT

Hi Everybody!
It's another sunny and much too hot day here, and there is no sign of a break yet.
At least I don't need to fly to the tropics, we're getting tropical weather here for free, whether we want it or not.

I would like to remind you that there is still a week to go to enter our Nautical/seaside challenge at Tag Tuesday:

Tuesday is also Elizabeth's T stands for Tuesday, so here a warm welcome to all the nice ladies of the T Gang:

 On Sunday I was surprised to see deer playing on one of the meadows near the Rhine, as I have never seen them there before:

The crows were astonished, too:

Hercules was pushing 2 barges along the Rhine:

  The gulls were all tired:

 Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Such a beautiful nautical tag, Valerie. I love it. It goes well with your photos of and along the river.

    Those deer look to be quite young. I hope they make it. They are beautiful.

    Looks like we have our choice of drinks today, one hot, one cold. I'll stick with cappuccino like you. Thanks for sharing your beautiful art, your fabulous photos, and your drinks with us for T this Tuesday. Sorry it's still so hot where you are.

  2. Lovely post Val. Those deer look so pretty, they are so young, too. Glad you were able to 'capture' them with your camera. It's very hot here, too, I'm just happy that the kids are all away and not here to moan at me! Love the tag, just right for this weather. That looks like one of your gull pics on it. Have a nice day, try to keep cool, hugs, Sarah

  3. Oh dear those deers are adorable, just so cute. Lovely photos and magnificent art work.xx Have a nice week...and stay cool..xx

  4. Fab nautical tag Valerie and great photos - especially of those adorable deer.
    Going to be another scorching week - hope you can keep cool and have a good week.
    Gill xx

  5. It's rainy and the humidity is ramping up for the week. At least the humidity doesn't need to be shoveled. If it wasn't raining it would be perfect beach weather. Looks like it would be calm and cool on the tall ship on your tag. The deer are beautiful and so cute. The little one turned around looking over his backside looks like Bambi. All that picture needs is the butterfly. Herkules is a good name for boat that can push two barges. Stay cool!

  6. ein wunderschönes sea tag und tolle bilder,die rehkitze sind sooo süss,und der rabe hat alles im visier.
    einen schönen tag,liebe valerie,hier ist es soo warm und ich bin auch nur draußen in der natur,lass mir das kalte weizen schmecken,der sommer ist schon schön.

    schöne grüße jenny

  7. Love that beautiful!
    Your photos are always so interesting and gorgeous!
    Mama and babies are so pretty. I noticed that two fawns are becoming the normal for a mama deer now.
    The crow in your one photo is so handsome with his beautiful feathers. You really captured the sheen!

    Have a lovely day...Hugs 💮

  8. Hi Valerie love your tag and boy your pics are so beautiful xx

  9. Love the tag! Quite a nautical flavour today, lovely

  10. Love the tag my friend. You can look at that and pretend to be on a tropical cruise. Too bad your weather hasn't broken. We are humid but they are saying lots of rain this week. And those deer are adorable. The little fawn with all her (or his) spots is so cute. You got some fantastic photos. Stay cool. Hugs-Erika

  11. The deer look thin, I wonder if they cannot find food.

    Lovley tag and photos today, the beer looks refreshing.

  12. Great Tag for the nautical them Valerie.
    Maybe the deer have moved closer to the water with the constant heat but they do look thin I have to agree. Fingers crossed they keep well and are just embracing the shade.
    Happy T Day (a day early..) I'm trying to make the most of my laptop being awake hee hee!! A cold Non Alcoholic Beer would go down well today.
    Creative wishes Tracey

  13. Oh I love the pictures of the deer. They put a big smile on my face.
    The gull makes your piece pop.
    Stay cool.

  14. Das maritime Tag gefällt mir sehr,besonders die Möwe. So ein leckeres kühles Bier bräuchte ich jetzt auch. Hatte Heute Putztag,brrr.
    Diese Rehe sind ja so hübsch anzuschauen. Klasse Fotos!
    Liebe Grüße und eine schöne neue Woche.

  15. We just got back home from visiting our son and his family, and it was brutally hot there, too. The heat index was 108, which is about 25 degrees past my comfort zone. But at least we went swimming in the Gulf. The water and waves felt great!!!

    With the heat, it's surprising the deer ventured out from the shade. Maybe the two fawns were driving their mother crazy and she took them to the field to exercise some of that high-spirited rambunctiousness out of them. :)

  16. That is a super tag for the nautical theme, just lovely.

    So nice to see the deer in your photographs.

    Yes, it is TOO hot isn't it and alas more to come!
    Keep as cool as you can.

    All the best Jan

  17. Fantastic photos Valerie, I love the ones with the deer. Maybe they came closer to humans looking for food. I do think our wildlife is suffering as much as we are in the heat. We now have a weather warning to stay indoors when the sun is at its strongest.
    I loved your nautical tag as well.
    Happy T day wishes.
    Yvonne xx

  18. Love your nautical tag. I enjoyed your deer photos, as well as your other photos, too. Happy T-Day!

  19. very hot and muggy here too with rain predicted most of the week. Sometimes a nice cold beer is just the trick:) Looks like you got some nice walking time in again despite the weather. Sweet deer-they do look a bit thin though...
    love your tag and the theme! Happy T day!

  20. Nautical themes are perfect for summer. I love your tag. The photos of your wild life are beautiful! You got some amazing shots of those deer. You always have some amazing photos.
    Happy Tea Day,

  21. Your photos are beautiful Valerie! Especially of the fawn looking at you (or so it seems).
    Yes, it's hot here too. Luckily I don't mind the heat so much and we're used to having long spells of heat of course living so far south. We didn't have airco when we lived in southern Italy and we don't have airco here either. We just keep everything shut, blinds down to keep it cool and we go out only in the evening (shops are open until 9:30).
    Your tag is lovely. Very summery. Just the thought of water helps to cool us down.
    That beer looks refreshing. Although it has a blue label so is probably an alcohol free beer. I find alcohol free beder quite bitter. To be honest I don't see the point of drinking alcohol free beer. If one doesn't want alcohol, have a Bitter Lemon, Bitter Kas or a soft drink.
    I love the flowers outside the (your?)house. What are they? Hydrangeas?
    Happy T-Day,

  22. Good morning, I really love your nautical tag especially that blue-very pretty
    a very nifty glass for the beer. and your mama deer with her twins look just like my three-they have been stopping by every day now.
    I hope you get a break in the weather soon-we finally finally got a break from it over the weekend the high 80's f feel soooo much better than those high 90's f with high humidity
    Happy T Day Kathy

  23. I like this piece very much. And the photos, too! How fun to see the deer playing and fawns! You'd think with all the deer in the ditch I'd see fawns but nope! It looks quite lovely.

    It's been very hot here, too, but finally cooling off. I hope some of that more gentle weather comes your way soon.

  24. Love your nautical,piece and your lovely photos too. It's too hot for me but it's quite cloudy right now, no rain forecast though!


  25. What a so beautiful tag Valerie! I love the nautical air that it has, totally summery. Those colours are great and I love the details, the stamps, the seagull, the boat, what a wonder !!
    I really like the photos you have so kindly shared with us, the deers are beautiful by the Rhin, thank you very much.
    I wish you a very happy afternoon, hugss, Caty

  26. What a wonderful nautical tag! I love that sort of imagery. Super photos as well. Deer are adorable :)

  27. Perhaps you saw them because you just happen to be in the right place at the right time. Beautiful photos Valerie! Our temps have come down a little... so we are enjoying that.. Summer is most definitely not over but we'll take a little morning coolness... Happy T day! Hugs! deb

  28. Wonderful nautical tag! So lovely to see the deer, aren't they adorable and I always love to join you for your walks by the Rhine 😁. That cooling beer would be perfect right now - Happy T Day dear Valerie! J 😊 x

  29. You got good shots of the animals and the landscape. I'd find those refreshing views even in the heat :) Happy T Tuesday!

  30. so fun to see your beautiful nautical tag and photos! love any place near a river, so these views really give me a peaceful feeling. happy T day!

  31. What a fantastic tag! The deer are adorable. I've only seen them very rarely in real life, it is wonderful to see them virtually.

  32. Love that tag Valerie! How unusual to see the deer so close - they look as though they found some greenery - we have a little more around now we have had some more rain. Happy T day Chrisx

  33. Another fab tag Valarie..
    I enjoyed looking at your photos too..the deer are so sweet...xx

  34. A fabulous tag and beautiful photos, how lucky you were to see the deer playing.
    xxx Hazel.

  35. A wonderful tag Valerie

    The drinks look refreshing thoigh our weather is as hot as yours and we haven't had rain for weeks

    Loved the photographs though it does seem strange to have deer where you saw them

    Take care

    Love Chrissie xx

  36. Great photos of the deer playing, Valerie. What a treat that must have been to watch.

    I guess the gulls can't take the heat either ;-)

    The pretty nautical tag goes well with all your photos of the Rhine.

    Happy T-day! Hugs, Eileen

    1. Yes, the gulls and I are used to a cool, damp and misty climate!

  37. Those gulls found a good place to rest and keep an eye out for food didn't they?:)
    Hope your day is glorious.

  38. Ooh such beautiful photos - so different to anything in my neighbourhood! Your nautical tag is just the perfect finishing touch to this lovely post.

  39. I love your happy tag Valerie, especially the seagull. Those deer look so cute, I love the one that's chasing his own tail lol. I think the heat is getting to everything here, even the birds can't be bothered to sing anymore. Take care xx

  40. Try to stay cool! I am so sorry about the heat! I love your tag! Very cute!!
    Love the photos, especially the crows watching the deer! Adorable!
    Big Hugs!

  41. Another fabulous tag and photos too!!!

  42. A perfect piece for summer on the water Valerie!
    I was going to ask you, how you are fairing with the extreme heat,;does it have any affects on your health? If so , I do hope you are taking care not to overdo and stay cool!
    Sending huge hugs and wishes for a cool break!
    Jackie xo

    1. The excessive heat is making me feel really bad.


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