Saturday 25 April 2015

Saturday this, that and the other

Hi Everybody!
It's weekend, so hope you have a good one!

I had more time for myself today, which was good, and was able to take a long walk and sit on my pretty balcony this afternoon, so that was good. It's great just to sit outside and read, and listen to the birds singing.

For Art Journal Journey (favourite poem or quote), Mix it Monthly (town/city) and Moo Mania and More butterflies, I made another journal page. I used a print of one of my backgrounds, adding colour with Gelatos. I used various stencils to add some interest and depth to the background. The houses, figures and butterflies have been fussy cut, collaged, and outlined with a white pen. I read the quote recently but can't remember in which book, sorry. I think we all know surreal situations like this from our dreams!

The sunrise this morning was different. The sky was rather hazy, and there was no bright colouring, the sun just appeared and hung there like an orange disc. It was a bit spooky to watch.

The little park here is full of dandelions, glowing like little suns.

Some of the flowers on my balcony. It looks pretty at night, too, when the solar lamps light up.

Have a great weekend you all, take care, 
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Was für eine mega coole Seite!!!!
    Das war ein toller Sonnenaufgang - so klar abgesetzt ist du Sonne hier morgens nicht zu sehen.
    Ich habe die Woche auch viel lesend im Garten verbracht - mein Bastelzimmer verwaist gerade etwas :-)
    Ich wünsche dir ein schönes Wochenende - liebe Grüße, Dagmar

  2. wonderful page, that is an eerie sunrise and dandelions are weeds to me,not happy to see them!

    1. I know some folk don't like wild flowers, but they are beautiful, and I love to see our park full of them.

  3. I love the mixed media piece. So pretty! The colors pop off of the page.

  4. Wow that morning sun is amazing...but so this this happy and full of life!! It feels like a regeneration it!! The photos are ALL stunning!! Glad you had a nice bit of quiet time on the balcony!! Wishing more wonderful weekend!

    Hugs Giggles

  5. Wonderful journal page, love all the different things to see, really surreal! The sun looks very spooky, great shots! Hugs, Sarah

  6. Wunderbare Seite - toll! Ich liebe die Häuschen und die "Schlafwandler" ;) Wie immer sehr schöne Fotos...hier an der Weser sah es ähnlich aus. Schönes Wochenende...

  7. Fabulous, the combination of painting stenciling and collage looks great! Stunning photos, the view from your balcony looks amazing!

  8. Boah.. Du hast die drei Challenges kombiniert und bist zu einem HIGHLIGHT gekommen!
    Das sieht einzigartig aus! Da sieht man mal wieder, dass Challenges gut tun ..da kommt man zu Seiten, die man so sicher nie ausgedacht hätte sonst !

    Dein Balkon sieht toll aus.. herrliche Pflänzchen sind das alles! Danke für die schönen Bilder!
    Einen schönen Samstag Valerie!

  9. Another blogpost full of so much goodness.
    Your art journal page is fun, love the people roof dancing and the patterned houses.
    Someone once said that if dandelions were rare, we would all pay a lot for them because they are so beautiful. Also, at this time of year, there are not many flowers for any early bees and we should keep some in our garden just for the bees. I agree with you that they are pretty, especially in a large group like this.
    I see you have successfully been using your secret technique again for photographing the sun.
    Your balcony looks so arty with the flowers and the decorations and the sweet blue bird.
    Hope you have a happy restful weekend doing what you like.

  10. Hi Valerie .. thanks for coming over and connecting with me - I'm glad I commented now - as I thought I was commenting elsewhere .. such is life!!

    Love your photos and creations ... the art journal is beautiful, the sun, the dandelions, your balcony looks quite delightful .. the sun is desperately trying to get through the sea mist here on the south coast .. cheers Hilary

  11. Beautiful page today Valerie, and I am absolutely hypnotized by those pictures of the sun! It's so perfect, it looks like it was photoshopped onto the sky, how cool is that!! have a lovely Saturday! hugs :)

  12. The sun reminds me of a hot summer day coming! Your plants provide a very serene setting to enjoy your balcony! Happy weekend!

  13. Pretty blooms on your balcony liebe Valerie!
    Forget-me-nots always speak to me.
    and that floating orb you captured to begin your day WOWEE.
    Your page along with the quote is wonderful...such great imagery.
    Oh and that field of dandelions makes me smile...the bees must be so happy too.
    Some people look at them as weeds but really they are excellent food for our precious bees.
    Happy Weekend to you is beautiful here but a bit chilly which is good for helping the blossoms last a bit longer.

    1. Not only food for the bees, the leaves are edible, too.

  14. First of all your photography is amazing and I can see you are also a big admirer of nature. Secondly your mixed project is so fun and colourful. Love how he is trying to catch a butterfly.
    Wishing you a wonderful weekend.
    {Doing Life – my personal blog}

  15. Wonderful dreamlike page,it triggers the mind and imagination. super photos as well.
    Yvonne xx

  16. Your journal page reminds me of many of my own dreams ♥ Beautiful sunrise captures :) Your dandelion field looks like my yard right now... but I am in the process of picking the flowers to make dandelion soap. A new recipe for me . So glad you had your "ME" day and rested up.

  17. ¡Amé las mariposas y ese amanecer tan bonito! :)
    Muchos besos <3

    1. Muchas gracias, me gusta mucho ver el amenecer por aqui!

  18. Die Häuser unten auf deiner Seite heute machen sich super - eine wirklich tolle Traumseite!
    Solch einen irren Sonnenaufgang habe ich ja noch nie gesehen... ganz großartig und faszinierend. Sag mal, wann bist du denn immer schon unterwegs? Ich glaube, da schlafe ich noch selig.
    Ein schönes Wochenende von Ulrike

    1. Hab ich auch bisher noch nie gesehen. Ich bin immer früh wach - leider schlafe ich nicht gut, aber dafür sehe ich viele schöne Sonnenaufgänge!

  19. such a fun page, dancing and delight
    beautiful sun photos, i wonder what the haze was from
    sweet weekend to you

  20. The collage is brilliant Valerie and the quote/rhyme very clever.
    The sun disc is a fabulous capture - nicely done :o))

  21. Hi Valerie, Love your beautiful collage. The colors are so uplifting. Your balcony is gorgeous with your flowers and I can just imagine how nice it looks at night. Gorgeous sunrise shots too.
    Enjoy the rest of the weekend.
    Hugs and Blessings, CM

  22. Love your butterfly journal pages. You accomplish so much to participate in many groups and yet take your walks and share your photos with us. Sorry I am so late posting. Took a long nap today thinking if I slept my throat and mouth wouldn't bother me so much. Getting down to the end when the effects of treatment are more severe. HOPE. . . that is what we all want and I know I look forward to the middle of May and hope the effects diminish quickly. Enjoy your Sunday.


  23. I love your quote and your quirky page is the stuff dreams are made of.

  24. I so love this piece - it reminds me of my mum. She was a dancer and loved butterflies. Those flower pics are a sheer delight. Wonderful post - hugs and sunshine from Shroo:)xxx

  25. *umfall*
    Was für eine geniale Journalseite. Da gibt es so viel zu entdecken, auch die Farben sind so frisch und frühlingshaft.
    Deine Fotos sind - wie immer - genial geworden

  26. I love your page and your pictures (both as always!). You gave me some great ideas for planters and plants on my deck. I just moved into my own little home and want to get some color into the deck. Yours is so pretty! Hugs

  27. I LOVE this page- how playful and fun and your colors are gorgeous!!
    What a fine set of photos as well dear Valerie!! xo

  28. Amazing how much you and your partner create for AJJ. I've enjoyed seeing your work all month long and especially like the photos of your part of the world which is so different from mine. I think your creativity must be influenced by it and you must know how lucky you are.

  29. Wow this is wonderful Valerie, so full of colour and I love this quote xx

  30. This page is such fun - love it!! Brilliant sunrise photos and I love the view from your balcony! Chrisx

  31. Deine Traumseite hat mich zum Schmunzeln gebracht ;) zu süss, wie sie da auf dem Dach rumtanzen! Sehr schön auch der 3d effekt an den Türen, eine echt fröhliche Seite! Und dann die Sonne, wow, sehr geniate fotos!! ♥ Conny Mix It Monthly

  32. Love the fun side of this page :-)



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