Thursday 30 April 2015

Flowers, swans and horses

Hi Everybody!

We had a cold but sunny day here, great for walking!

Today is the last day of the 'Favourite poem or quote' challenge at Art Journal Journey, and I have made a collage of all the projects I made this month.
Be sure to look in tomorrow to learn about the new challenge!

This lovely old house is near here, and I love the wisteria on their porch. And there is always a huge vase of fresh flowers on the porch, great idea!

The horses were busy grazing, as always.

The path down to the Old Ferry has become a green and leafy tunnel:

The swan was swimming very near to the shore this morning, so I was able to stand almost next to him

I love the lilac trees growing wild along the Rhine:

These pictures were taken from my favourite bench in the park:

Hope you find a favourite spot to sit and dream today!

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by.


  1. beautiful collage for the month's work Valerie! Thanks for sharing the lovely photos, we should have our lilacs sometime in May.

  2. Love the collage Valerie. Wonderful pictures as well.

    Hugs and Blessings

  3. Was für eine tolle Idee wieder mit der Collage! Sieht super aus ! Sollte ich mir mal stibitzen die Idee...
    da hat frau einen herrlichen Überblick was sie so den ganzen Monat über!
    Eine tolle kleine Führung durch Deine wunderschöne , malerische Gegend hast Du auch für uns -danke-- Du hast ein tolles Händchen immer für die Motive und die Kamera!
    Hab einen schönen Donnerstag!

  4. What a wonderful collage, you can be proud of all that you made indeed! Wonderful photos, too. Have a great day, hugs, Sarah

  5. Das waren echt tolle Arbeiten - klasse Idee mit der Collage.
    Bei uns ist der Flieder noch nicht so weit, aber wenn mein alter Fliederbaumblüht, sitze ich dort gn und genieße seinen Duft.
    Ich wünsche dir ein schönes langes Wochenende. LG Dagmar

  6. wunderschöne seiten hast du gemacht,tolle idee mit der collage,das sollte ich auch mal machen.
    ich hab kurz vor ende noch eine seite gemacht,das war einfach ein tolles thema.
    schönen tag dir.

    GLG Jeannette

  7. So many beautiful pieces of artwork from you this month as always. The colours are stunning and you think of the 'best' things to make your pages special. Can't wait for the new theme tomorrow.

    Beautiful photographs and the leave sand flowers have come on a pace very quickly making everything look so much more vibrant. Hello to the horses and swan today

    Have a good day

    Love Chrissie xx

  8. A very beautiful collage; so colourful. I thought it was a poster at first. The swan picture is very good and the leafy tunnel looks like the entrance to a magical place. Have a lovely day Valerie {{Hugs}}

  9. A great collage of April's artwork and beautiful photos, my lilac tree has just started to flower.
    xxx Hazel.

  10. An adorable collage creation here and what a lovely images combined with gorgeous colours and papers...
    {aNNie My Personal Blog}

  11. We are off to find our favourite spot today at our caravan! I loved seeing your pages all together.
    Lovely walk again - I loved seeing the lilac- you are ahead of England with this I'm sure - at least Northern England! Chrisx

    1. It's usually quite mild here by the Rhine so things tend to bloom more quickly than other places. Have fun at the caravan!

  12. Über deinen kreativen Monat kann ich nur vor Staunen erblassen!
    Deine Vorliebe für die Farbe orange wird hier wieder mal deutlich.
    Schönen Feiertag wünscht Ulrike

  13. What a lovely collage all of your artwork makes Valerie!!!
    Beautiful wisteria, swans and more you've shared with us today too ♥
    We were sitting on our back porch yesterday enjoying the fragrance of one of our lilac bushes...ahh spring!

  14. A stunning collage Valerie and all the foliage looks so lush and green with you. Xx

  15. Love the collage! You do keep busy with your art :) The photos are fantastic ♥ I love Wisteria and lucky you to get so close to the swan. I love to set on my deck and look out into our wooded area. It's so peaceful ♥

  16. bei euch blüht schon der Flieder?! unglaublich! hier ist es noch richtig kalt, ich lechze nach wärme.
    dein monatsmosaik sieht irre farbenprächtig aus! ist doch enorm, was du alles in einem Monat geschaffen hast!

  17. What a peaceful walk through the countryside with you that was, Valerie. You are such a marvelous photographer.

    I like how you chronicle each month with a collage. Do you put the monthly collages into a booklet as a keepsake of the year?


    1. I will do it at the end of the year, great idea!

  18. Gorgeous collage, Amazing design... Your photos are fabulous as always... I feel as though I am there with you on your walks....Hugs May x x

  19. So much wonderful art you have made this month again, Valerie. I've enjoyed seeing each one day by day.

  20. Your mosaic of all your pages for the month is beautiful! The wisteria and Lilac are my favorite purple, too! My Lilac is just starting to get leaves--I hope it has lots of blooms this year.

  21. Beautiful photos, everything looks so green and fresh We have a lilac that colour, it's nearly ready to bloom. Love your collage as well
    Yvonne xx

  22. Hi Valerie, love the collage of your work. What wonderful wall art that would make. Great walking photos too and I love the swan pics.
    Have a great day. CM

  23. Another wonderful creation round up! Love your photos today, spring is really coming to life where you are! We are a little behind, although I do hear birds chirping this morning. hugs :)

  24. Your collage is gorgeous! Such beautiful work you do, Valerie. Always inspiring to me. And the photos of your beautiful surroundings always a delight to the eyes! Hugs to you!!

  25. Like seeing your mosaic of the month. I see the horses are out in their seasonal pasture. Not many horses around here now. Sea birds are the bounty and the small herd of deer that snake through the woods in the back every night. xox

  26. Wonderful collage and I saw in big white Unicorn - a really beautiful white Unicorn. Did you see her in your pictures?????
    Sandy xx


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