Friday 3 April 2015

Heads and hearts

Hi Everybody!

Another day has flown by and I only managed a fraction of what I was planning to do, but I suppose this happens to a lot of us. I am sure time passes more and more quickly as we get older!

For Art Journal Journey, favourite poem or quote, I have made another journal page. The quote is part of the lyrics from a text by Jack Penate. I used another mop-up page after sprinkling brushos and water rather too liberally on a large sheet of paper. I prefer taking off the excess colour with a sheet of paper, as I can then use it for another quick journal page.  I used various stencils in the background, and one of Dina Wakley's moon heads. I drew the body with china ink, added a strip of washi-tape and a heart, and the quote. Quick and easy! I am also linking to the anything goes challenge at stamps and stencils

Today the weather was calmer, but still with lots of clouds scudding across the sky. These photos were taken this morning:

And these 2 this evening:

Have a great weekend, take care of yourselves,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. This is a fun piece, love the style and the colours really pop! Great photos, as always! Good night, dear! Hugs, Sarah

  2. Das ist eine spaßig schöne Seite diesmal! Gefällt mir wieder mal richtig gut!
    Die Fotos sind herrlich!
    Einen wunderschönen Samstag liebe Valerie!
    AJJ sagt DANKE!!!


  3. love the quote and what you did with it, I had a small giggle

  4. cute coat, cute page! Beautiful photos, love those clouds!

  5. Absolutely great colours, super quote and great art
    {aNNie My Personal Blog}

  6. Great journal page! Love the quote and the stencilling is fabulous! Thanks for joining our first challenge at Stamps and Stencils. Sue C x

  7. The sky looks to be improving for you Valerie and the photographs are wonderful.

    Love the brightness of the journal page. The quote is terrific.

    Hope you enjoy the Easter Weekend

    Love Chrissie xx

  8. Ha, ha, I lose my head most days. I'm at that stage where I start a sentence then forget what I was going to say! Enjoy your Saturday. Xx

    1. Hmm, I think I know things like that, too. But as I mostly just talk to myself, it's not so important!

  9. :D Herrlich, danke für den fetten Grinser auf meinem Gesicht - die Seite ist toll. Ich wünsche dir eine schöne Osterzeit.

  10. A great quote and a lovely journal page.
    xxx Hazel.

  11. I often feel just like this page, LOL!

  12. sehr witzig heute deine seite,die farben sind klasse.
    tolle himmelsbilder,manchmal möchte ich da nach oben.

    schöne ostertage,grüße jennatte

  13. lovely art work and beautiful morning and evening sky. Thank you for sharing!

  14. Love your page today Valerie, the quote you used is such a perfect choice! happy Saturday :)

  15. So bright and beautiful Valerie and love that text - such a perfect fit!
    Great photos too.
    Have a lovely Easter.
    Fliss xx

  16. Oh I love the fun and whimsy of this piece!! The colors are great. Those clouds look pretty nasty still. Our rainy weather has passed but it is much cooler today. I actually had to cover my herb garden last night as it was to get below freezing and I had just cleaned it up and trimmed back the dead stuff so it needed some protection. Now I need to get out there and uncover it :)

  17. dieser stencil von dem gesicht ist auch auf meiner "must have" liste, gefällt mir sehr, deine seite.
    und das drittletzte Foto mit dem roten fleck ist ja richig mystisch, überirdisch!

  18. I love how you illustrated this quote with humour.

  19. beautiful photos and what a fun page! xoxo

  20. A wonderful fun page Valerie, love the quote and the detached head. I often feel like that.
    Yvonne xx

  21. What a fun painting, so energetic! I love the cloud photos too, so beautiful!

  22. Love this Valerie, great fun! xx

  23. Hi Valerie, Love this piece and the quote is perfect for the design. Your skies look ever changing and your photos are gorgeous. We are predicted to have a rainy Easter Day.
    Wishing you a very Happy Easter my friend.
    Hugs, CM

  24. Love your sense of humor. :) Made me giggle.

  25. Oh, ist diese Seite schön geworden, gefällt mir total!
    LG Ulrike - für mich ein Ostern ohne Eier...

  26. Catching up on some of your missed posts. I love this one, Valerie. What a great composition.
    Have a great week.

  27. Love this page. Wonderful photos.

  28. Really love this quirky piece and the background is stunning! Thanks so much for joining us at Stamps and Stencils. Julia x


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