Friday 17 April 2015

Art Journal Journey and more....

Hi Everybody!

We had another warm and sunny day today, but the next few days will be
wet and windy again. Whatever, we have to take the weather as it comes!

I have made another journal page for Art Journal Journey, favourite poem or quote. The verse I have used is from Psalm 122 verse 6, 'Pray for the peace of Jerusalem; they shall prosper who love thee'
The background was made with brushos. I added more layers of colour with Gelatos when it was dry, blending with a baby wipe. I sketched in the walls and roofs of the houses to look like the houses in Jerusalem. I coloured the roofs with gold and bronze. I am also linking to Paint Party Friday, hosted as always by Eva and Kristin, and to Mix it Monthly, town or village.

I enjoyed my walk along the Rhine and through our 'town' today; spring is a good time to be outside and enjoy nature.

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. schöne seiten und tolle bilder.
    ich geh jetzt ins bett,schönen tag dir.

    GLg Jeannette

  2. Beautiful art and photos. :)

  3. beautiful page and love to see spring coming in over there!

  4. Very beautiful page, heartfelt too!! Lovely spring photos as well!

    Hugs Giggles

  5. The pages are stunning. I love the colors d textures. Your Rhine walk looks inspiring.

  6. Love what you have made, wonderful colours. Great photos, too. Have a nice day, hugs, Sarah

  7. Herrlich ist die Seite geworden und Deine Bilder sind wieder wunderschön Valerie!
    Einen schönen Freitag !

  8. WOW was für ein herrliches Werk, diese Farbverläufe sind die Wucht und die Tiefenwirkung ist gigantisch.

    Herzliche Frühlingsgrüße
    von Anke

  9. I love those colors!!!!
    and wow, the photography, always amazing! Thanks for sharing your part of the world!

  10. Beautiful oranges love the shades of that you achieved on your painting. Love the flowers in the crates and the water in the little brook just so peaceful..
    Happy PPF
    Sandy :)

  11. fab art work and lovely photos.

  12. The artwork page is wonderful Valerie with a terrific view of the roof tops against the magic of the colours you created.

    Great photographs of the beautiful Spring day with the mixed colours of the trees and sparkling blue of the water.

    Hope today it is still sunny for you. Sunny here but cold

    Have a good day-will email later

    Love Chrissiexx

  13. Beautiful painting! Wonderful pictures, I love the colors and the spring atmosphere!

  14. Lovely colours and I like how the gold outline of the houses shimmers.

  15. Beautiful colours on your painting Valerie. We have had a good week weather wise, lovely and sunny but there's still a wee chill in the air! Have a fab Friday! Xx

  16. Wow, it is so green in your area! How nice to see the world coming back to life in full force. I like these abstract pieces you paint and your Hebrew text. Beautiful colors and piece.

  17. Superb creation, brilliant colours and love this new lot of photos..xx{aNNie My Personal Blog}

  18. Wonderful journal page and your photos of Spring are stunning

  19. So beautiful your work is! Valerie, beautiful photos from Rhen.

  20. This is lovely! Gorgeous piece!

  21. gorgeous art Valerie! I love how the colors just melt into each other.

  22. LOVE your city of Jerusalem!!! Beautifully done.

  23. Beautiful piece today Valerie, your colours are blended so perfectly and the brush stroke texture is amazing! Gorgeous spring photos! hugs :)

  24. Those pages should be framed - beautiful work. Nice to see all the flowers - spring has sprung!

  25. Oh my Gorgeous!! Your whole post! From your beautiful city and background to your beautiful spring photos!!!
    We too have wind and rain again today- I think we are on the same weather cycle! heehee
    hugs xoxo

  26. love the painting and photos, and even morse so the beautiful crops of your painting

    thanks for dropping in to view mine

    much love....

  27. Love the painting, Valerie! Such vibrant and warm colors!! The photos are certainly showing a lovely spring day and hopefully the weather will stay nice - soon! Hugs!

  28. Wow, love the colors and textures. Thanks for sharing these

  29. Hi Valerie. Your journal pages are beautiful and very interesting,. Love them! The photos you take always stand out. I feel I'm there. Perhaps I'm walking by the Rhine with Vincent. You think? Wouldn't it be awesome to just shake his hand. Have a great weekend.

  30. It's looking very Spring like in your part of the world :) Love the art... the colors are blended so well and so reminds me of pictures I have seen of Jerusalem.

  31. Your journal page is gorgeous and well thought out. I love the addition of the Hebrew letters (characters?). Very nice. Along with you, I am so glad that spring has arrived. It has been a very hard winter for us here in Virginia. My butterfly bush died, all except one long branch, and I have had it for years. Lots of deadwood on shrubbery too. But the flowers now are beautiful.

    1. Enjoy spring, it is such a wonderful season!

  32. Beautiful page. I love using gelatos too. They are a great way to add color. Would love to invite you to link at my site too.
    Happy PPF

  33. Very beautiful painting, the colours are wonderful and the buildings give a real feel for the city.
    Your outdoor photos look very warm and inviting It's so nice to see the sunshining, it makes everything more cheery. Have a lovely weekend :o) x

  34. Valerie this is a beautiful piece, I love the colours and dreamy effect it has! Your Spring walks look so peaceful and good, enjoy when the sun is out!

  35. Deine sonnige Häuserlandschaft ist einfach perfekt gelungen, sehr stimmungsvoll!
    ... wir hatten das kühlere Wetter schon heute!
    LG Ulrike

  36. That is a beautiful verse, to go with your equally beautiful page; such a wonderful reminder to pray for Israel and the precious Jewish people.

  37. Lovely art works and sunny and full of light photographs. Thank you for sharing.

  38. Your real-life photos of your walk are so bright and fresh with the Spring-like warmth, all beautiful.
    Your painting, too, is so full of lovely colours, all happy together, and I love your lettering.

  39. wonderful shapes and colors that make up your painting.
    also beautiful spring photos, could step right into them.

  40. love the morrocan type colours in your paintings and always like looking at your rhine photos

  41. Fabulous page Valerie, love the skyline of houses with those warm colours.
    Yvonne xx

  42. Lovely art work Valerie. The colors are bright and beautiful and the skyline is interesting.
    Great walking pics too. Glad you have some sunshine!
    Hugs, CM

  43. Was eine grossartige Seite! All die Häuser Seite an Seite mit ihren runden Dächern, so wunderbar und warm. Wie schön die goldenen Kuppeln leuchten! Ich bin begeistert! Auch von Deinen so schönen Fotos wieder! Frühling ist meine zweitliebste Jahreszeit :) ♥ Conny Mix It Monthly

  44. I'm bit envious of your town. I wish I lived somewhere that nice. Happy PPF! :)

  45. Your project colors are so beautiful today and I especially like the outlining of the text in white. Your photos are also marvelous and spring is definitely here. We had our sprinkling system turned on today. Each fall, they clear the lines and turn it off so now we can water the flowers and lawn.

    Enjoy your weekend; I hope it is beautiful as it was today.


  46. Fantastic colors in your painting. Love the beautiful photos. Blessings, Janet PPF

  47. the colours are gorgeous. Love all the texture on there.

  48. This is a really interesting painting. It is amasing and I love it ;)

  49. Your painting is so atmospheric! Love the colours and the metallic effect :)

  50. Gorgeous colors in this piece! I have been wanting to try Brushos.

  51. Another wonderful page! You have some beautiful Spring photos too! Chrisx

  52. Beautiful work!
    Your spring is at least week or two ahead of ours...

  53. The contrast between the lines and the painted, looser portion is really gorgeous!

    Your pictures from your walk are gorgeous--

  54. I am so very glad I decided to take some time and play catch up - you know Valerie, this has to be one of my most favorite journal pages!!!! You are so rooted in the Old Testament - I stand in awe!
    Beautiful post!
    Sandy xx


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