Monday 26 January 2015

snowy weather

Hi Everybody!

We had another cold and snowy day here. This morning it was very icy underfoot, but in the course of the day it got a bit easier. I enjoyed my walks, one along the Rhine, and then through the fields and along by the lakes with two friends this afternoon.

For Art Journal Journey I was once again inspired by the woven art of  Ellen Jackson. I am really getting addicted to weaving paper and fabric scraps! For this woven collage I used strips of hand-painted paper, some gold card, some printed/written strips and some fibres. I mounted it onto some mirri-card in dark grey, and matted it with some terracotta coloured paper. The quote I have written is from Chief Seattle, and is one I find very memorable.  Mirri card is unfortunately hard to take photos of, and my shadow is reflected on it.

The morning sky was beautiful

And here some impressions of my walk through the snowy landscape today:

Gabi and Karina enjoyed their walk this afternoon, too, and afterwards we made fresh waffles with hot cherries and coffee - yummy!

Have  a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Lovely art today. It is looking very cold in your photos, just like it is here right now. Your friends look very happy in spite of it!

  2. Wunderschönes Geflecht Valerie! So tolle Farben! Tolle Fotos!
    Kranke Grüße von Susi

  3. Love your paper and fabric weaving, and the quote you have used. Lovely photos of the snow and your friends. Hugs, Sarah

  4. tolle webseiten,ganz tolle farben,und schöne bilder,sieht nach viel spass aus,und so eine waffel wäre jetzt toll,yummy.
    schöne neue woche.

    glg jenny

    1. Wir haben die Waffeln leider alle schon gegessen....

  5. Die gewebte Kunst gefällt mir sehr, liebe Valerie! Ich mag die Strukturen und Farben, die Du gewählt hast. Es ist eine tolle Inspiration, also genau das richtige für einen kalten Montag :)

    Ich schicke Dir viele liebe Grüße und wünsche Dir eine schöne Woche!
    (Wieder mit Waffeln und heißen Kirschen, hmm, wie lecker!!)

    Deine Erika

  6. What lovely winter pics, everything looks so pretty. The weaving looks great on the Miri, very neat, do you glue the vertical strips top and bottom first, then weave in the horizontals? Have a great Monday. Xx

    1. I glue the tops of the long strips with non permanent sticky tape onto a piece of old card, and weave it there. Then I remove it very carefully and transfer it to the right background.

  7. Great colour combo Valerie :)
    Von ♥

  8. Fabulous graphic make and great photos!

  9. I love your woven piece and the photos are fabulous - we've not had any snow yet.
    xxx Hazel.

  10. More gorgeous weaving. The colours are wonderful. Where do you get your fibre strands Valerie?
    Loving the 'Narnia' pics :o)) x

    1. I buy odd rolls of wool and fibres from the charity shop.

  11. I always enjoy visiting your page and seeing what you have done :)

  12. Not only do I love this stunning woven piece, but the quote is deeply touching. So nice to have friends join you to walk! We have 1-2 feet of snow coming tonight into tomorrow!

  13. Hach was tun die bunten Farben gut bei diesem trüben Himmel heute, und das Gewebe sieht auch Klasse aus!
    Danke auch für die Fotos wir hatten nur eine kurze eher nasse Schneeattacke hier unten.
    Ich wünsche Dir eine schöne hoffentlich sonnige Woche,
    lG Anja

  14. Love your beautiful and stunning creation, it’s gorgeous and the colours are unbelievable...and SNOW, wow love it oh I dream of snow....not heat.xx
    ..♥ aNNie

    {The Journey is the Start – my personal blog}

    1. I wish I could send you some snow in return for a bit of warmth!

  15. Your weaving is very interesting and I love the background. Chief Seattle is one of my favorites from Native American history. The snow is always do pretty in the fields and on the woodlands. If only it wasn't so treacherous on the roads and walkways. :) I do love snow though.

  16. Love the bright colours on that black background, so striking! Waffles and cherries, yum!! have a great day Valerie! hugs :)

  17. Wow - das ist toll und die Farben sind super gewählt!!!!
    Hier regnet es dauernd und der Schnee von Samstag ist längst Geschichte. LG Dagmar

    1. Heute hats hier auch den ganzen Tag geregnet- der Schnee ist Schnee von Gestern!

  18. I like your combination of fabric and paper. It is great that you are having so much fun with this.

  19. I am enjoying seeing all your woven art my friend. LOVE the colors of paper you used.. And look at those snowy photos. So Pretty...


  20. love the snowy photos, everything takes on a magical look in the snow. Sound like you were going to have a yummy tea after your walk. Fabulous page as well.
    Yvonne xx

  21. Gorgeous artwork Valerie and love those snowy pics. No snow here, just rather chilly.
    Fliss xx

  22. Love the mixed media weaving ~ and I may have try my hand at something similar. Thanks for the inspiration!

  23. Beautiful project created on the mirror background; I can imagine how glorious it is in real life. Loved the fun photo of your friends out for a walk with you today and your other photos are just as wonderful.


  24. Hi Valerie, Your newest woven creation is beautiful. Great color and textures.
    Your snowfall looks so pretty and looks like you had a fun walk with friends.
    Have a great week.

  25. Snow looks so lovely on photographs Valerie but I am pleased we still haven't had any so far this year.

    Just love the journal page and the way the colurs weave in and out of each other.

    Love Chrissie

  26. Beautiful weaving, and love the photos of nature and your friends, they look like they are having fun. ~Diane

  27. I really like your paper weaving Val, and the quote is perfect for it. A great picture of your friends too xx

  28. I do love this weaving it's so pretty!! Looks like a happy time was had by all and homemade waffles...yum!!

    Hugs Giggles


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