Monday 12 January 2015

Modigliani, ducks and moody weather

Hi Everybody!

Hope you have enjoyed your weekend.

Today the weather was a bit quieter after the past stormy days, and we even got some glimpses of the sun today, so that was nice!

My inspiration for Art Journal Journey today came from  Amedeo Modigliani. He is best known for his portraits of his long necked ladies, but I was fascinated by this portrait of Paul Guillaume, painted in 1916. Guillaume was an art-dealer and collector in Paris, and his huge collection can be viewed today in the Musée de l'Orangerie in Paris. This face fascinated me because of its strangeness, and the way the eyes are painted. It makes me want to know more about why Modigliani painted him this way.  I used an A3 brush-wipe page, which I stamped, spayed and dripped. I drew and painted the face onto paper, using water colours, pastel chalks and charcoal, and glued the face to the background after it had been cut out. I wrote a quote from Modigliani around the head because I found it fitting: 'When I know your soul, I will paint your eyes'.

Today I walked to Schloss Kalkum to visit the ducks. I saw this hunter and his dog on a roof near the castle.

This tree always flowers in winter:

The ducks looks like they are standing around gossiping - perhaps they were!

The sun kept trying to find a way  through the clouds

Here's wishing you all a good start in the new week!
Take care, and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. I love this I too would love to know why he did that

  2. I think you found the answer in his quote...nice piece, and love that photo with the sun trying to come through.

  3. Gorgeous painting from the amazing person.
    Have a wonderful day,
    Hugs xx

  4. Love how you have made this one, but it is a rather creepy picture. I wonder, too, why he made it like that! Great photos, too, looks like you had a fun day! Hugs, Sarah

  5. Yes it is a little creepy, but the colours and blends are fab :) I have just been inspired to do art journaling so it I am hoping my blog will become as interesting as yours one day. Oh I came across an envelope that you sent me with an ATC you did for me in a swap, watch out for it in one of my art journals :) Loving your duck photo and your rays through the clouds too :) T x

    1. Wow, you still have that envelope? Great idea to use it!

  6. ein großartiges werk, spricht mich sehr an! und der spruch mit den augen ist gut!

  7. Brilliant!!! Love your Modigliani inspired piece, that face looks amazing and love the drippy background too!!

  8. Amazing artwork Valerie and great words to add around the head.The background is stunning.

    Pleased it was a better day weather wise and you could get out and about. The ducks certainly look happier in the sunshine. Love the hunter weather vane as well.

    Have a great day today

    hugs Chrissie

  9. What a wonderful painting Valerie though I Di find it a bit creepy! Maybe he thought Guillaume had no soul! Eek! Enjoy your Monday, I need to do boring food shopping and a bit of H*K today. Yuck!

    1. Yes it IS creepy, but somehow fascinating....have fun with food shopping!

  10. Valerie this is another wonderful thought provoking journal. And how true is that, our soul is definitely seen through our eyes. Another stunning glimpse into your world with your awesome photos. TFS.
    {Doing Life – my personal blog}

  11. I think that icky stormy weather you had, is heading my way. Supposed to be pretty bad here today and tomorrow! Love your one-eyed art today, gave me goosebumps when I thought of the possible story behind it! Have a great day today! until next time, big hugs :)

  12. Fabulous design for your journal.....stunning way to view the journey pics too.Gorgeous creation, great colours and fab design.xx
    {The Journey is the Start – my personal blog}

  13. Very strong, if not a bit creepy, painting! But how true that quote sounds!
    Great photos today--I think both of those male ducks are waiting for a little attention from the aloof female!

  14. A brilliant page Valerie, such a fitting quote to write around the head.
    Love the photos and I'm sure those ducks are having a good old chinwag.
    Avril xx

  15. I too believe that the quote explains the eyes. Following your blog is like taking an art history lesson plus a walking tour through and around your village. I love it!
    Sandy xx

  16. Wonderfully captured! I love Modigliani's art. Super page!

  17. Boahh - das ist dermaßen klasse geworden, absolut super gemalt, sehr eindrucksvolle Seite, wo ich doch auch so ein Modigliani-Liebhaber bin.
    LG Ulrike

  18. Great and mysterious painting. Love this Valerie. xox

  19. Wow, you did a beautiful rendition of the face, the eyes are quite gripping, really makes a person wonder what he was trying to convey. Love the quote you added too. Big hugs, ~Diane

  20. This is gorgeous and creepy. Your sentiment is perfect and I love how you wrapped it around the image. I also really like your rich, colourful background.
    Read today's post from me. There is a surprise there for you.
    Blessing hugs,

    1. Oh, now you have me curious - off to have a look!

  21. Eine wunderbare Arbeit! Gefällt mir sehr! Schönes Zitat!
    Danke auch für die wunderbaren Foto-Impressionen!
    Liebe Grüße, Annette

  22. Wow- what a great page! Love that background color! And the one eye freaks me out but is way cool! heehee
    Thank you for well wishes~huge hugs xo

  23. What a great painting, Valerie, you've really surpassed yourself today. I had to go and check the original, I wonder what he really looked like and was he happy with his portraits?

    1. He painted a whole row of portraits with this man, I just would love to know why the eyes are so strange here!

    2. Maybe he didn't have time to finish it because another commission turned up.

  24. A fantastic page, and quote. The eyes are amazing, one you want to smile with, the other shiver.
    Yvonne xx

  25. The page is fabulous.The photos are are amazing.Thanks for fabulous sharing.
    susan s

  26. I am new to your blog. The page was unique, fascinating, and quite beautiful. The quote that you put with the picture is stunning.

  27. Hi Valerie, your art work is awesome and I too wonder what was the reason the artist did the eyes this way. You captured the idea wonderfully.Your walking pics are great too and the sky is interesting.
    Have a great week.

  28. Das Gesicht ist einfach nur FANTATSISCH Valerie!

    Dein Kalkum Spaziergang zeigt wieder herrliche Aufnahmen!

    AJJ dankt mit einem Freudensprung!

  29. Dein Bild lässt mich etwas schaudern. Nichts desto trotz gefällt es mir super gut und der Spruch passt in der Tat perfekt.

  30. Ooh I like this, can't think why he would have done the eyes like this though, very spooky!


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