Monday 14 July 2014

Tag Tuesday and Happy Mail

Hi everybody!

Where does the time go to? I am sure that 
Tuesday comes quicker each week.

I have made a quick and simple tag, which means I did what I could! At the moment both hands are hurting, probably because I have been using my left hand too much as I can't use the right one. But I really have been resting over the weekend, catching up with reading and generally being lazy.  Our theme is 'bugs', so I used a photo of some fire bugs that I took back in spring, adding a few bug peel-offs as embellishments. There were groups of those bugs everywhere then, and they look a bit scary, but are apparently harmless. I am showing the original photo, too. Sorry about the poor quality of the photos, we had a dark and rainy day here.

On Saturday I had a nice surprise - the postman brought me a parcel from my friend Sarah. She knows I like funny sneakers and trainers. First of all I unpacked this wonderful box, which I shall definitely use as a hold all for some of my treasures.

 Inside I found these wonderful high-top trainers, designed by Ewen Gur. Wow! I will have the craziest sneakers in town, that's for sure, and I am sure I will be the only senior citizen sporting them! (Sorry about the blue pyjama legs!)

Today was wet and rather windy, but I still enjoyed my walk along the Rhine, and admired, as always, the flowers.

The horses didn't seem to mind the rain either....

Have a great day, whatever the weather, take care, 
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. I love your tag and bugs, they are amazing and unusual bugs too. I am sorry your hands are hurting and hope you get some relief soon. Love those snazzy sneakers lol they are fab. Hugs June x

  2. Lovely artwork as always Valerie and hope your poor hands are better soon. Really funky trainers too and love those photos.
    Thanks too for your kind thoughts which I really appreciate.
    Hugs, Fliss xx

  3. Your tag is great, and I hope you will rest your hands a bit! Glad you like your trainers, wish you well to wear them! Hugs Sarah

  4. How fabulous, your jazzy trainers are as bright as those firebugs. I remember that pic you took, they are a bit freaky! Xx

    1. Yes, but they were freaky and fascinating at the same time!

    2. Forgot to say, I'm not really into football but congrats on winning The World Cup! Xx

    3. Thanks, but I must admit that I didn't even watch the game!

  5. I remember the photo as well, I would have run a mile [if i could] on seeing those bugs. Its a great tag.
    Your new trainers look awesome.
    Yvonne xx
    Hope you rest those hands and don't try to do too much.

  6. Now you see why I always wear trainers - so I CAN run a mile!

  7. Lovely tags, super gift and lovely photos today Valerie!

  8. Well I have to say that your tag and accompanying photos are stunning,. Really bright and cheery and I love the digi daisy ;)
    Your present is fabulous! What a wonderful friend :D
    Take care of your hands and keep resting :D

  9. Das Tag ist großartig, eine tolle Idee mit dem Käferfoto! Die Karte mit den Schwalben hab ich auch bewundert, die ist große Kino!
    LG Anja

  10. Dein Tag sieht klasse aus, toll, wie du das Foto verwandelt hast. Und danke für den Namen der Käfer ;) Solche befinden sich in Mengen im Garten meiner Eltern und ich hatte noch keine Muße nach dem Namen zu googeln.... jetzt weiß ich, dass es Feuerkäfer sind.

  11. such beautiful work and a lovely gift! I always enjoy my visit and my walk, lol!

  12. These insects do look a bit alien and scary en-masse, even to an insect lover. They make a very unusual tag. Did you know one sign of a modern trainer is/are bright coloured laces? That's what a youthful person told me. What a fabulous present. Always like to see your flower photographs.
    Look after yourself.

  13. Lovely tag and those bugs looks genial. Great present your funny sneakers.
    I'm so sorry about both hands, hope you get well soon!
    Hugs, Mar

  14. Fabulously brilliant tag, love those cute lady birds and the gorgeous colour combination...perfect once againxxx
    ♥aNNie The Journey is the Start

  15. Wow,dein Käfertag ist großartig geworden und deine turn schuhe sind klasse,ich habe auch ein paar die auch von einem künstler sind,von Michel Basquat,der leider früh gestorben ist,er hat mit Andy Warhall viel zusammen gemacht.
    ich mag sie unheimlich gern,weil sie so schön bunt sind und im street art gemacht sind.
    muss nachher zum arzt und hab keine lust *seufz*wünsch dir eine schöne neue woche.

    GLG Jeannette

  16. Ein bezauberndes Tag und tolle Fotos wieder !
    Vie Spaß mit Deinen heissen Turnschuhen Valerie!
    Die sehen echt toll aus!


  17. I'm glad that your finger is better. But are careful still with it.
    Your tag is so joyful and the bugs are great. I envy your fantastic sneakers!
    Thanks for your lovely photos.
    Hope you have a happy day, Valerie.

  18. Love the tag and I chose ladybirds for my tag as well.

    The sneakers are amazing and look very comfortable.

    Great photographs as always and they look very fresh because of the rain.

    Hope the hands soon improve it must be really awful to have both hurting now.

    Love Chrissie x

  19. Fabulous tag Valerie and well done, for that is not exactly an easy theme!! Love the look of your sneakers too, I bet they will come in handy with your daily walks!

  20. WOW! What a fun, funky and useful gift. They look great and I'm sure you will have many happy hours of walking wearing them. Love the Tag. I had never seen photographs of firebugs up close. So interesting. Another pinto in your horse photo today - looks very handsome indeed. Take care of yourself and especially your hands. Can't have fun without them! hugs, Donna

  21. Awesome sneakers, you go girl! Those are so totally you too, how sweet and generous of your friend to send them to you. Great tag too. Big hugs, ~Diane

  22. Nice shoes.
    I hope you are having an amazing day as well.

  23. Toll, wie du aus dem Foto einen so wunderschönen Anhänger gezaubert hast! Die Turnschuhe sehen großartig aus!!
    Pass gut auf dich auf!!
    GLG, LonettA

  24. Das Tag ist Klasse, eine schöne Idee und auch die Fotos und vor allem deine Turnschuhe sind echte Hingucker!
    lg Uli

  25. Your post is great with always lots to enjoy! Those trainers are such fun, I love them! Thanks for all you share with us and your lovely walks, so peaceful! I hope your hand recovers fast, it's been a long time for you!

  26. If I saw that many of any type of bug in one place, I would be freaked out! But they are colorful, and cute in a way. Hope your hands both continue to improve. I've been resting mine, too, so I do know how self-imposed laziness feels--awful! I'll get my test results late Friday.

  27. Great sneakers, you will have fun in your strolls with them. What are those red bugs, must be a beetle of some sort. The photo morph looks great too. xox


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