Wednesday 16 July 2014

Left handed blackberry jam and more fruity colours....

Hi everybody!

The temperatures are rising here, it was quite warm today, and mostly sunny, so I spent a long time outside walking, sitting watching the Rhine and the ships, and picking blackberries, with my left hand. I went out for my bramble-ramble early this morning, and got a good kilo, which I have already  made into one of my very special jams, with spices, ginger and fruit schnapps to round off the flavour. It tastes really, really good, so if there are enough still on the bushes next week I will get another batch. There were several people walking around filling their little buckets today. And from tomorrow I should have my right hand working again, as the cast is coming off tomorrow.

For Summer of Colour the palette this week is raspberry, tangerine and lemon - a nice combination. For my first piece I used one of my ladies, printed onto dictionary paper and coloured with oil pastels and gel pens.

The second piece is a print of one of my lino-cuts, partially coloured digitally, and then coloured with oil pastels and neon gel-pens. I made this lino cut many years back,  and still have some prints of it hanging in my living room.

I am linking to Summer of Colour, Paint Party Friday and Art Journal Journey, flower power. Thanks to those great ladies who host these challenges - Kristin, Eva and Kristin, and Susi. Also linking to Simon Monday Challenge, faces.

The old cart is still standing in the yard of a riding stable here on the street.

And the horses were busy as always:

 And a last look on my cast before it disappears tomorrow!
My thumb is looking forward to freedom!

That's enough for today! Take care, have a great day, and thanks, as always, for coming by!


  1. good rrrrrrriddance to the cast!!! mmmm bramble berries, sounds delicious, your work is amazing, right hand o left you are such a talent. Love love the colors choice,

  2. Puh - was du alles mit links zauberst!!!! Es wird aber sicher eine Wohltat sein, wenn dein rechter Arm auch wie befreit ist - besonders bei den langesagten Temperaturen. Ich wünsch dir weiter gute Besserung - nicht gleich übtreiben morgen :-) Liebe Grüße, Dagmar.

    1. Ich gebe mir Mühe nicht gleich zu übertreiben!

  3. Beautiful artwork, lovely colours, and the jam sounds heavenly! But you should be resting your arm! Hugs, Sarah

  4. Both your ladies are fabulous, especially in these wonderful colours, love the first one's flowery hat and the second's circular hair-style.
    Now just how do you pick the fruit and make jam with only one hand?! Very clever indeed.

    1. I hung my bucket over my cast and picked with my left hand....

  5. Mönsch Deine Marmeladen müssen ein Gedicht sein Valerie und die Seiten sind es ebenso! Einfach nur schön!

    Tolle Fotos hast Du auch gemacht!
    Morgen denk ich an Dich , Dein Daumen hat die Freiheit verdient denk ich...noch sazu bei der Wärme..das ist echt eine Tortur...


  6. I really love the colours of these wonderful art piecec. The red tones are so well as your jam sounds as delicious.
    I cros my fingers that you get rid of the cast.

  7. yea to all those berries!
    congrats on getting your cast off!

    lovely to see your art and such a sweet lino cut!

  8. just lovely SOC pieces, especially like that first beautiful lady. The horses look great today.

  9. and best wishes on the thumb tomorrow!

  10. Lovely lino cut, and the face from earlier too.I bet you're looking forward to getting your hand back. Good luck on that.

  11. Two beautiful ladies, love the summer flowers in the wonderful hat. Another batch of tasty jam . The blackberries don't ripen here for a good few weeks yet. Hope the cast removal goes okay. Just wondering how that could look as an altered project.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Ha! The cast is definitely grungy, and looks rather distressed....

  12. Fascinating and lovely ladies! Beautiful photos too. Yumm, blackberries! I am glad for you that the cast is coming off, how exciting!

  13. Both of these projects are gorgeous! You have a real talent for using color. Fabulous projects! Thank you for sharing your art with us this week at the Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge. ~Michelle

  14. A beautiful creation, I love that hat!

  15. Both look fabulous! Your jam sounds amazing too, you were one busy lady!! Good luck tomorrow, it will probably feel a bit stiff still for a day or two....

    1. Yes, it feels stiff and hurts, but I am free again!

  16. Glad your cast is coming off!! Yay! Awesome work for the final day of SOC. Love your style Valerie and save some of that blackberry jam, I'm coming over for a jar. tee hee. Love those horses.

  17. Great faces, love the bright summery colours of the first one. Good luck for tomorrow xx

  18. Good luck with your cast coming off tomorrow. You will feel wild and free afterwards!!! I love what you created this week, Valerie. Your faces are fabulous and creative. And as always, I love your photographs!!! Thank you for sharing our talents with all of us these past weeks of SOC! HUGS!!

  19. Great composition the flowers on the hat and pretty lady. The second piece is brillant. I like the colours too. Good luck tomorrow, I hope you will feel better in a few days.
    Hugs, Mar

  20. Hooray, the cast is coming off - I will keep all bits n bobs crossed that all will be well :D
    Your ladies are gorgeous in the SoC palette Valerie :D Thank you for the lovely compliment on my piece :o) xox

  21. Both ladies are beautiful in this week's colors! So glad your thumb will be free again tomorrow!

  22. Yay glad to hear the cast is finally coming off, you will feel free again, but slowly does it, and wow making jam again with one hand, walking the Rhine oh how I would love to do that one day.....we do plan a trip to Europe one day....maybe we can both walk along the Rhine, sounds oh so lovely. I love love love your first creation....such a fab idea and your second creation is so refreshing in view of our cold weather here in Aussie land....
    I must also comment I just adore the photos each and every time...I would love to use the cart one as a back drop if I may have your's super for a Vintage scene....♥aNNie The Journey is the Start

    1. You are ver welcome to use my photo, and yes, a walk along the Rhine together would be great!

  23. What wonderful pieces you've created - I love them both.

  24. love the lady in the hat on the dictionary pages!!! Beautiful photos of the horses too...

  25. Wow,wundervolle stücke wieder,gefallen mir seeehr gut.
    wünsch dir einen herrlichen tag,ich muss nachher zu meiner ärztin,und heute kommt bei dir der Gips ab??Ich freu mich sehr für dich,aber übertreib das werkeln nicht gleich.

    Knuddel Jeannetter

  26. Gorgeous art pieces, Love the lady in the hat...beautiful photos as always...I hope all goes well at your appointment to remove your cast...(freedom)...Hugs May x x

  27. Hope the pot comes off today as it must be so uncomfortable in this hot weather. It hasn't stopped you doing things though--can't imagine making jam with only one hand--wonderful.

    Great artwork as always and isn't lady with the flowery hat gorgeous. Great use of oil pastels and neon gels--haven't heard of those before.

    Lovely photographs of cool and calming scenes.

    Have a great day

    Love Chrissie x

  28. I particularly like your lino cut. Isn't it great that you can color all or part of it digitally? I scanned all the old drawings, paintings, etchings, woodcuts, and everything I had around the house stored away, then enhanced them, changed colors etc. digitally. Some of them were more than 40 years old. It was fun giving them a second life.

  29. Gorgeous pieces both of them, I love the colors, perfect tones and the flowers and buttons look fab too. Your lino cut looks gorgeous, amazed how you color it digitally too. So happy knowing that the cast should be off by now! Big hugs, ~Diane

  30. Two great pieces. I especially like the lino cut print. It looks great in the SOC colours.

  31. Deine beiden Ladys sind großartig!
    Pass auf dich auf und wieder langsam anfangen, wenn der Gips weg ist!
    LG, LonettA

  32. Wie schön. dass du morgen wieder beide Hände zur Verfügung hast. Mit Sicherheit eine große Erleichterung. Deine Werke sind klasse, ganz besonders fasziniert mich das erste Gesicht.

  33. Hi Valerie, so glad the cast comes off tomorrow. My goodness it must have been hot in your warmer temps. Love your art work and the pretty color combination. The lino cut print is amazing and the way you added the color digitally. Happy freedom for your thumb and so hope you will be much better.
    Great walking photos too.

  34. So glad the cast is coming off. Hope everything will be right as rain. Love that lino, so bold...and your sketches faces are so good.....xox

  35. A great idea to print on a dictionary page! I love both of your ladies but the lino cut (below) is my favourite. Very cool! Thanks for your visit in my blog and best healing wishes for your hand!

  36. You do beautiful work!!! I especially love the fancy hat in the first piece.

    I enjoyed the photos, too --- you live in a lovely area!

  37. I love what you did with these colors. Also your jams and other goodies sound just that sooo good.

  38. I love how you used this color scheme. That lino print is awesome!

  39. Adore the SOC hat, super fun. Thanks for visiting mine BJ

  40. Oh I love your hot ladies Valerie, the colours are beautiful! The jam sounds delicious - ginger and schnapps yum! Glad the cast came off OK, freedom at last xx

  41. Oh, that linocut print looks awesome. Love how you used the colours. Hope the cast can really come off this time :-)

  42. Beautiful photos, wonderful place, I hope your arm look perfect!

  43. Der Linocut hat es mir angetan...grossartig! Und dann der coole Bollerwagen :) Wünsch Dir gute Besserung ♥ Conny
    Piaroms Art Journaling

  44. so happy to here that cast will be a goner tomorrow. LOVE your challenge entries-esp. that classy lady with the hat!

  45. Gorgeous faces, Valerie! Love the lady in the hat! Your jam sounds delicious and how fun to go pick blackberries in the wild. I bet you can't wait to get that cast off. Enjoy the weekend, Hugs!

  46. I LOVE LOVE LOVE these soc so beautiful!! That jam sounds so yummy. Glad your cast comes off will probably still need to be careful!! Enjoy the freedom!

    Hugs Giggles

  47. Love your work with SOC. Your jam sounds heavenly and your photos are awesome as usual. "thumbs up" (ha ha) and good luck to you for getting your cast off soon.

  48. Your work is so striking and vibrant. Just lovely.

  49. I am so amazed that you have continued to create during this time! Woo Hoo for the cast coming off. I love your lady printed on dictionary paper - the colors are great (hope I have time to do something this week!) and the dictionary background is just terrific. Your lino-cut makes for a fun piece as well. You are once very creative lady.

  50. Awe, thank you! And feel better! xo

  51. The dictionary mixed media piece is lovely!

  52. I've always wanted to try linocuts, and you have motivated me to give cutting my own stamps a try. I may start with an eraser, but I sure love what you did. Both pieces are perfect for the SOC colors this week.

  53. Wonderful colour combination. I love the flowers :)

  54. Wonderful colors! Wish i had got around to joining in with SOC this year!

  55. Very fun image and fantastic striking composition. Lovely art! Thanks for playing along with us at Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge this week!

  56. Wonderful color combinations! I love the energy in your work - and once again, you have amazing photos! Happy PPF!

  57. I admire your work, wonderful colours! And I admire your photos, they are so beautiful!

  58. Great illustrations - I still can't believe that's your non-dominant hand!

  59. Deine Neon-Lady sieht einfach super aus - summer-feeling pur!
    LG Ulrike

  60. I love this :-) I love the flowers in her hair and the fact you did it on a dictionary page is so cool!


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