Saturday 26 July 2014

Friends, flowers and other things that make me happy.

Hi everyone!
Happy weekend to you all!

Today started out cool and misty, which gave us a few pleasant hours before it heated up again this afternoon.

I  made another journal page using stencils (a Banksy stencil from I am trying to find ways to hold my pens and brushes without using my thumb to give it a rest. It takes longer, but it is a possibility.
I used black acrylic paint, and have once again tried to keep to a reduced colour palette. This is simpler than most of my pages, but I like it.  I am linking to Art Journal Journey, flower power.

On my walk along the Rhine I saw these lovely flowers, which are growing everywhere there just now, and they are really large, almost as tall as I am.

The ducks were busy with their morning feather care:

The shore is covered with a jungle of flowers and plants:

 The bees were busy as always:

The mist was still cloaking the river:

And the swan was busy dipping for food:

Here's wishing you all a great weekend, with time to relax and time to be creative. Take care, have fun, and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. A beautiful journal page with very apt wording. Love your gorgeous photo and especially the scottish thistle with its purple flower.
    Hugs Desíre {Doing Life}

    1. Thanks, I am in love with the thistles this year, they are so beautiful!

  2. Menno--die Seite ist traumhaft und ebenso Deine Naturaufnahmen und weisste was.. das war heute offenbar eine kleine kosmische Verbindung von uns beiden,,ich war doch shoppen mit Töchterchen und auf dem Weg zur Apothe hab ich in einem Vorgaten genau so eine runde Distel bewundert, an der in diesem Moment eine fette Bien/Hummel saß..ich war so ergriffen dass ich die nächstbeste Passantin ansprch wie schön das sei,..und sie war auch begeistert!
    Gute Nacht Valerie


  3. Wonderful journal page and photos, I am always astonished that you find so much beauty to show us. Have a fun weekend! Hugs Sarah

  4. thats an amazing journal you are creating, such beautiful photos again today!

  5. Love your restricted colour palette, and really like the picture and great background.
    Outstanding photos of swans, river boat and bees. And ducks, sorry ducks, and flowers.

    1. Lucky you remembered the ducks, they are very easily offended!

    2. Yes, you've got to stay on the right side of ducks.

  6. Another beautiful page, that quote brought a lump to my throat as I read it. Where would we be without our friends. Love the photos as well.
    Yvonne xx

  7. I am so taken with this stencil - yes, I know, I don't use them all the time but she is captivating. Might need to see if I can source it from That's Crafty. Anyway, I love what you created with this touching quote.
    beautiful photographs.

  8. Banksy stencils = oh how cool!
    Love what you have created with such touching words and perfect colors too!
    I adore swans and your photos are extra lovely....
    I never get tired of looking at nature and flowers ♥

  9. What a lovely journal,page Valerie, I never knew you could get Banksy stencils, I love it. We have a bottlebrush in our garden and it's flowered for the first time this year and it's covered in bees. Xx

    1. I love those bottlebrushes, they are really pretty

  10. An amazing journal page and I love the colours as the black really pops. Fabulous photos Valerie...I am so envious of your walks along the Rhine

    Have a great weekend
    Annie x

  11. beautiful page and wonderful photos Valerie!

  12. Super journal page as always just fantastic as are your beautiful photos, sure makes me happy.xx
    ♥aNNieThe Journey is the Start

  13. Eine tolle Seite und die Fotos sind wieder eine Wucht!
    lg Uli

  14. Lovely idea for the journal page Valerie :)

    The photographs are stunning and so crisp and clear.

    Hope you have a good day today

    Love Chrissie x

  15. Fabulous pages Valerie. Love the blue colours, really dramatic. As always I love your pictures. Have a Good Day my friend. Hugs Rita xxx

  16. Diese Seite gefällt mit sehr! Blau mit schwarz weiß ... schön kontrastreich! Besonders der Hintergrund sieht klasse aus ... wie wenn Sonnenstrahlen durch ein dichtes Blätterdach blitzen! Wunderschön!!
    Auch tolle Fotos hast du wieder gemacht!
    Einen schönen Sonntag für dich! Liebe Grüße, LonettA

  17. deine seite sieht klasse aus,besonders gefllen mir die farben und der hintergrund.
    wunderschöne bilder hast du gemacht,ich liibe schwäne,schade sowas haben wir hier nicht bei unsa,oder man muss gaaanz weit fahren zum see.
    war gerade mit dem radel untwergs,das wetter ist sehr schwül hier.
    wünsch dir noch einen schönen sonntag,machs dir gemütlich.

    GLG Jeannette

  18. Wonderful journal pages Valerie - love the sentiment.
    xxx Hazel.

  19. What a lovely quote and journal page! Beautiful photos today--the first flowers almost look like a variety of orchid. Love the purple ones at the end, too!

  20. That simplified palette really gives a great result! Love that colourcombination!

  21. Fabulous piece, great stenciling and I love the blue tones just by themselves! Great photos too!!

  22. WOW what a terrific statement and journal page featured today. I also love the flowers and photos you share with us. Enjoy the rest of the weekend, Valerie.


  23. Hey Sugar - I am checking in! The colors in your pictures are always so wonderful as well as your clouds.
    You are doing quite well without using your thumb. Love that sentiment. It looks like I have to tie a few strings around my heart!!!!
    Sandy xx

  24. Lovely stenciling Val, the page is gorgeous and I love the sentiment you put with it too. Beautiful pictures from your walk too. Big hugs, ~Diane

  25. I am sorry I missed this one, I have more family at home this month. I love this lovely page and fabulous colours, the stencil is perfect. Love the great quote too. You always find fabulous flowers in your walk.
    Hugs, Mar

  26. Love the stencil and gorgeous sentiment. x

  27. Valerie your 'Banksy' is wonderful. I've always loved the girl with the balloon so I'll have to check out the stencil. The sentiment for this is perfect too xx

  28. Hi Valerie, Your art piece is gorgeous!! Love the sentiment you accented for it too. Simply wonderful.
    Lovely walking pics.

  29. Sweet journal pages with those reaching arms and a heart to hold friendship. xox

  30. Hach, was sind das wieder für schöne Fotos - klasse :) Deine Journalseite ist toll, der Spruch gefällt mir. Dass es eine Bansky-Schablone gibt wusste ich noch gar nicht, danke für die Info.


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