Tuesday 8 July 2014

Double Tuesday again

Hi everybody!

Today it's time for new challenges at Tag Tuesday and Try it on Tuesday.

At Tag Tuesday our theme this week is 'Japan'. I was not able to make a new tag this week, tags are hard to make with the left hand. I have used a tag I made some time back, which has been restored, as it was looking rather tatty after languishing in a box for a long time. I glued some parts down again, inked the edges, and gave it a new background.

At Try it on Tuesday our theme is 'colours of summer'.
I had part of this done before I got 'plastered', so only had to add the pink edges, the rub-ons and the Stickles to the wings. The main image is from Gecko Galz, and is a single digi-stamp 'garden fantasy', which I printed out in A4 size onto some Prima DP. I intensified the colours of some of the leaves and flowers with oil pastels. The small white flowers have been doodled with a white highlighter, with which I also outlined the fairy and the mushrooms, and gave them some spots.
I am also linking to Art Journal Journey, Flower power.

The evening skies yesterday:

And some photos taken along the Rhine. I can manage my camera quite well with my left hand if I use my plaster cast to support it.

These flowers were totally full of butterflies, which refused to stop fluttering for the photos!

Have a great day, take care, 
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Two awesome cards, love Oriental so that one appeals to me a lot....love the sharing of your gorgeous photos again.xxxx
    The Journey is the Start

  2. lovely cards and photos, glad you have a workaround to taking the photos!

  3. Lovely projects Valerie, you amaze me that you can still create beautiful things like these with your left hand. Love the photos too, great compositions and stunning skies xx

  4. Beide Stücke sind wunderschön! Mir gefällt besonders die Flower-Power-Seite. Der farbige Hintergrund und die dunklen Silhouetten im Vordergrund geben ein sehr schönen Kontrast!
    Hoffentlich kannst du deine rechte Hand bald wieder benutzen ... gute Besserung, liebe Valerie!
    GLG, Lonetta

  5. beide stücke sind wunderschön,besonders die Elfenseite gefällt mir sehr.
    hoffentlich kannst du deine rechte hand bald wieder nutzen,ich wünsch dir gute besserung.

    GLG Jeannette

  6. I love your flower power page, and the tag is beautiful, too. Take care, and have a rest! Hugs, Sarah

  7. Wonderful that you can still do some crafting with a plaster on your arm. Both really lovely pieces-I can't recall seeing the tags before:)

    Wonderful photographs and especially the buddleia with the butterfly They are called the Butterfly tree and our neighbour has lots in his garden so we get lots of butterflies. I hadn't seen that one before though.

    Have a really lovely day whatever you are doing

    Hugs Chrissie x

  8. Super tag Valerie, I do love a bit of oriental and gorgeous vibrant colours on your Midsummer page. Lovely to see all those butterflies, I haven't seen many this year. Xx

  9. Herrlich dieses Tag im Asia Stil,mag ich sehr. Ja und das Elfenbild ist wunderschön gestaltet, sehr gekonnt. Auch deine schönen Fotos sind echt sehenswert,klasse.
    Liebe Grüße

  10. A lovely tag such pretty colours, hope your arm gets better soon, hugs Bee

  11. Lovely Valerie, stunning colours. Poor you and your hand, must be so frustrating. Take care. Nikki xx

  12. Love the fairy and hope it is better soon.
    Hugz, Z

  13. Both tags are gorgeous. Carolyn Summers will be falling in love with the first one. Beautiful sky photos - glad you can manage your camera. Take care. hugs, Donna

  14. Two beautiful tags Valerie, your left hand seems to be working ever so well for you. I had to smile at the 'plastered', here in the north of the UK its a word used for taking on board too much booze. Have you been at the delicious jam of yours? Take care, hope the pain is subsiding.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Yes, plastered means the same where I come from! I have some jam every day in my yogurt , but don't think it's enough to get drunk on!

  15. Valerie, I am amazed at what you can do left handed. It must be very awkward but you seem to manage. It is always fun to view previous projects and your photos are magnificent today with the beautiful clouds.


    1. I love clouds very much, they are always worth taking pictures of.

  16. Great art with your left hand, Valerie! I really love the beautiful oriental tag and those colours. The page is also fabulous, love the image and design.
    Take care! Hugs, Mar

  17. Wow, both of these are gorgeous! Love the oriental tag, the colors are perfect there and the the fairy is totally enchanting too! ~Diane

  18. Was Du alles so mit LINKS schaffst ist sagenhaft Valerie!
    Eine tolles Asia Tag hast Du da also upcyled und so zu einem Prachtstück veredelt und die Seite ist wieder mehr als raffiniert gemacht und sieht einfach toll aus -- die Fotos sind wieder inspirierend und gekonnt !

    Danke ♥♥♥

    get well soon with your thumb !
    Plastered heisst eingegipst? und ihr verwendet es auch um einen Schwips oder Rausch zu betiteln?
    Lustig... in Wien sagt man zum Beispiel auch ..
    der/die ist fett...
    nicht dass sie/er dick wären sondern " im Vollrausch"!

    Ich denk an Dich Du Arme!!!


  19. Ja, jede Sprache hat seine Eigenarten! Ab und zu auf dieser Art Fett zu sein kann nicht sooo schlecht sein, oder?

  20. Hi Valerie, your art work is just amazing and to think you are doing it with your left hand. You are incredible. Love both your creations, the theme and the colors are beautiful. Wonderful sky pics too.
    Hope you are getting better!!

  21. HI Valerie, two fabulous pieces. Glad to see you are still managing to use the camera.
    Hope your'e not 'plastered' for too long.
    Avril xx

  22. I especially love the first piece Valerie....

    You are doing so well with your plaster :)

    Karen x

    1. Thanks, but I would rather be doing without it!

  23. Both pieces of artwork are just gorgeous Valerie and great pics as always.
    I too hope you're not in plaster for too long.
    Hugs, Fliss xx

  24. Both are beautiful, I love the mid summer's dream fairy :) I hope your hand heals soon, Shirleyx

  25. Das sind zwei ganz tolle Werke, enorm, was du so einhändig alles gestaltest. Ich drücke die Daumen, dass die zweite Hand bald wieder voll einsatzfähig ist.
    Die Fotos sind wunderschön anzusehen.

  26. I LOVE the top pages!! Aqua is one of my favorite colors!
    Great images happy PPF!

  27. And the storm clouds gather - love that oriental piece!! Whizzing through!
    Sandy xx


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