Friday 3 January 2014

Journal pages, rain and clouds

Hi everybody!
I have finished some more journal pages, in shades of green, blue and yellow - representing, for me, nature, water and light - the things I always enjoy so much on my walks. The pages were gessoed and then painted with acrylics using a piece of cardboard to spread the colours. I collaged some 'word-clouds' and cut outs from magazines. The tag was one made some time back, it just seemed to fit well here. The hot-air balloon is something that I often see here. The trees have been painted and doodled with a white highlighter and a gold pen. The Hebrew writing on the left side, which is rather diffcult to see here, says 'Tree of Life'. Sorry about the poor quality of the photos, the light was really bad all day.

I am linking to AJJ 'silence', as I find my silence and peace outside in the nature around me, and to Paper Saturdays

After several sunny days, the last 2 days were wet and windy, but it was good to walk through the rain, along the Rhine, and just lose myself  looking at the ever changing clouds and sky, enjoying the peace and quiet. The chugging of the boats is a sound which does not disturb like the revving of a car engine and the sounds of traffic. I came home very wet, but happy.


  1. eine wundervoll farbenfrohe herrliche Doppelseite liebe Valerie !
    Danke für's immer wieder so toll und vielseitig Umsetzen der Moantsthemen bei Art Journal Journey!
    Du bist ein Künstler - Schatz!

    Schönes Wochenende wünsch ich Dir schon mal -
    PS: Ich genieße Dein Fotos immer sehr!


  2. Wonderful journal pages, love the colours, and the peaceful, but happy mood they engender. Lovely photos, too. Have a great weekend, hugs, Sarah

  3. Gorgeous, peaceful pages Valerie...I love those colours.
    Hugs xx

  4. Oooh Wie schöööön fröhlich und farbenfroh deine doppelseite ist,die kinder mit ihrem roller erinnern mich an meine kindheit zurück,ich habe einen holzroller gehabt und habe ihn heiß und innig geliebt,auch die papierwolken sind klasse,eine traumseite und umsetzung,gefällt mir ganz irre gut.
    die stürmischen wolken auf den bildern sind klasse,hier hat es eben mega gestürmt,mies wetter haben wir hier.

    GLG Jeannette

  5. So fantastische, farbenfrohe und fröhliche Seiten! Wunderbare Details...klasse!

  6. What complex pages, so much to see. The children give it movement and again I like the leaves. Super tag too.
    Walking in the rain is good, you have such beautiful walks and expanses of sky.
    Sent from an armchair.

    1. What?! No ladder? Is your connection back again? Or have you got the armchair up the ladder?

    2. I like the idea of an armchair up the ladder, but yes, connection is back.

  7. Beautiful Turner-like skies. Lots of great detail and depth on your pages.
    Have a great weekend.
    hugs {brenda} x0x

  8. Beautiful pages Valerie, love all the amazing details you add in all the right places. I don't know how you do it, it always looks like everything has a perfect place and that you have found it, I so admire that about your beautiful work. Beautiful photos too. Big hugs, ~Diane

  9. Hallo Valerie,

    Deine Seite gefällt mir sehr gut.

    Sie ist einerseits farbenfroh und dynamisch gestaltet, aber auch so detailreich, dass man sieht, wie Du die Kraft der Natur für Dich nutzt, um bei Dir zu sien.

    Liebe Grüße

  10. The vibrancy of color in your pages is amazing, especially when contrasted with the subdued skies in your photographs. Happy New Year, my friend!

  11. Your pages look amazing. I LOVE the wonderful color. I love to walk in the rain as well. Your photos look great. Thanks for sharing.


  12. What fantastic pages Valerie. I love the depth of colours. Clouds have always fascinated me as well. Hugs Rita xxx

  13. The cloud photographs are amazing Valerie--you really capture the every changing scenery where you live.

    The journal pages are a delight with the wonderful colours and images.

    Have a wonderful day today whatever the weather

    Love Chrissie x

  14. Happy New Year Valerie may it be a healthy and happy one . What beautiful pages I love the striking colors and those photos so moody made me feel all chilly !


  15. So schöne und stimmige Seiten, Valerie! Mir gefallen ja besonders die stilisierten Bäume, die haben es mir richtig angetan.
    Auch diene Fotos sind wieder erste Sahne. Wolken üben auch auf mich eine große Faszination aus.

  16. beautiful colorful pages, just love the children at the bottom of the page!
    Happy New Year!
    Groetjes karin

  17. Such gorgeous colours, Valerie. So bright and cheery in contrast to the long dreary winter days. Love the kids on the scooters. Great photos. hugs, Donna

  18. A fantastic spread & I love your beautiful nature photographs!
    Alison x

  19. Those are beautiful pages! I love hot air balloons, too! I went ballooning once, and it was a fantastic experience!

    1. That is my big dream to go ballooning one day!

  20. Grandiose Seiten sind das, liebe Valerie! Und diese Farben......fantastisch!
    Vielen Dank für Deinen lieben Kommentar und Deine Glückwünsche auf meinem Blog. Ich habe Deinen Namen in den großen Lostopf geworfen.
    Hab ein schönes Wochenende.

  21. Love your trees and your mark making and the kids on scooters.....happy dance. xox

  22. wow, this is amazing, your work is beautiful and you live in such a lovely area, I love your journal pages they are like eye candy! Colors are amazing!!

  23. Love the bright happy journal pages, they have all the promise of better days to come. We are having days that look like your photos as well.
    Yvonne x

  24. Great colours and masses of detail to enjoy. I like the black 'bubbles' and the way the two groups of children are going in opposite directions. For our 25th wedding anniversary (31 years ago) we took a balloon ride, very early in the morning, then landing in a field and being given champagne to celebrate before being taken back to the hotel. Very enjoyable experience, so thanks for the trigger of a happy memory.

  25. beautiful pages Valerie, the weather looks threatening though.

  26. Beautiful colours and painting with great details on your wonderful pages. The hot air balloon is quite colourful, love it. It looks pretty dark there but at least you don't have snow & ice on the ground ! Enjoy the weekend, Shirleyx

  27. beautiful artwork to match your gorgeous photos. Happy New Year, Valerie!

  28. Hi Valerie, Love your gorgeous pages and the special touches and details you create. The pics are incredible too. The sky looks wicked and calm at the same time. Such a cozy feel and wonderful area of the world you live in. No wonder you create such beauty!!

  29. The black and white contrast of the trees looks wonderful on those colourful pages. A very a happy senery to look at I think especially as the weather is so dark. Happy paper saturdays! ManonX

  30. Lovely pages, Valerie - the balloon and children make me smile on this gloomy day here in NY. Wishing you a very happy New Year!

  31. Those skies look as beautiful and dramatic as the ones we've had here this last week... Such a stormy few weeks! I love your journal pages. I've been thinking I might keep a 'skies' journal....I love close to the coast here in the UK and the sunsets are especially beautiful and multicoloured. Your weather journaling has convinced me to give it a go! Thank you for your inspiration - Shroo:)xxx

  32. Your pages are super...I am very drawn to your color palette!

  33. Wowww, ist das eine tolle Doppelseite. Herrlich Farben und super umgesetzt.
    Auch deine Fotos sind herrlich. Die inspirieren mich gerade zu Landschaften mit Stampscapes :)
    Happy New Year Valerie.
    LG Carola

  34. What can I say Valerie after all this time you know I love your art work and your photographs are always wonderful to see. I wish we had some of those clouds here but NO - perfectly clear sky.
    Love that guy with his bike - If I tried to ride a bike I would probably kill myself - I have no more hips to break!!!

  35. What gorgeous photos, thanks so much for sharing them. Love your style with all the techniques and brilliant color!

  36. Wonderful artwork and photos!

    If you like art journaling, there's a new challenge you might enjoy. Simply search for "Documented Life Project" and you'll find it. :-)

  37. Great art, love all of them.

  38. I love all of the fun detail in your journal page! And your photography of the moody skies is great! I love all of them.


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