Tuesday 14 January 2014

Ice Art and a tag

Hi everybody!

We had a nice and frosty weekend here, with lots of sun, so I was able to enjoy long walks on both days. Both days started off with morning mist and frost on the fields, and I love looking at the frozen leaves and grass.
This was my favourite photo from my walk on Sunday, I love the way the water in the puddle has frozen - even puddles can be beautiful!

And a blue sky makes it just perfect.

I took this photo on the way home, this is a little street round the corner from here, and it looks like those horses were waiting to get on the tram! Perhaps they wanted more horsepower?

This was taken Sunday just before dusk....

And this was Monday evening.
 I do love to see the moon when it is still light!

At Tag Tuesday our theme this week is Capital cities. But I made the mistake of  preparing  a tag for the theme decay, which is not due for 2 weeks,so had to shake out a very quick tag for this week. I chose New York. At least I now have one tag ready in advance. And I know it's NOT the capital of the States, but it's the capital city for me!

I used a scrap of painted paper, which I stamped and white embossed, and then added the Statue of Liberty. Can you see what I changed on her? The other embellies were in my stash.

Have a great day, take care, and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Hi Valerie, Great pics and the horses do look like they are waiting to board the tram. LOL Love the horsepower line~~~
    Gorgeous tag and I see the tablet she is holding has a face image. Such a great detail. Glad you have a tag created ahead too. That's always fun!

  2. Oohh valerie,das bild mit den gefrorenen wasser und blatt ist sooo genial,ein wunder der natur,ich liibe sowas,auch deine andren bilder sind ganz großartig,wie artig die pferde dort warten *lol*
    dein new york tag ist einfach saugeil,das hast du sooo toll zusammengestellt,auch der embosste hintergrund gefällt mir seehr.

    Liebe Grüße aus meinem Bett *LOL* Jeannette

  3. stunning photos and lovely tag of New York Valerie!

  4. Super photos! That frozen one is really cool looking. Lovely tag too! Ha! Love the face in her tablet!

  5. Gorgeous pictures Val. I love the dusk one. Your tag made smile. It's so beautifully coloured too. Hugs Rita xxx

  6. Love your frosty photos and more beautiful skies and your NY tag is perfect with fablous imagery.
    hugs {brenda} x0x

  7. Jaaa, ich liebe auch das Eisbild, diese archaisch anmutende Form, ganz herrlich ist das, liebe Valerie. Deine anderen Fotos zeigen, wie schön es um Dich herum ist. Weite Himmel, Pferde und Straßenbahn und alles wirkt so idyllisch!
    Ganz herzlichen Dank für Deinen Besuch und Deine lieben Worte :) Ich freue mich sehr!
    Viele liebe Grüße

  8. The photos are beautiful, especially the ice puddle, and I have never seen horses waiting for the tram before! Great tag, how did you get your face onto her tablet? Perhaps it's an I-Pad? Hugs, Sarah

  9. Gosh love that photo of the puddle ! wouldn't it look fab printed on canvas :) love the tag too ;)
    Von ♥

  10. Das Pfützenfoto ist genial! Vor allen ist es das erste Mal, dass ich eine so saubere Pfütze sehe. *lach*
    Auch die wartenden Pferde sind ein toller Schnappschuss, herrlich!
    Dein Tag ist schön geworden. Ich habe mir nen Hermann gesucht, bis ich das Gesicht entdeckt habe. Zuerst dachte ich, diese Miss wird doch nicht auf einmal schwanger sein. Ein wenig sieht sie ja so aus. ;-)

    1. Die Pfütze war auf einem Feldweg hier hinterm Haus, und noch schön und jungfräulich und sauber!

  11. Wow! Amazing photographs. Just love the first one of the ice--what a great background that would make for a journal page :)

    Just commented on the tag at Tag Tuesday-love that you joined her on her pedestal

  12. What super pics Valerie and New York has to be one of my favourite cities. Wishing you a happy Tuesday! Xx

  13. Nice to see horses in the streets. A Fun tag, Valerie. hugs, Donna

  14. These photos are so good, Valerie. The first one of a puddle, with the flash of blue is very unusual and the colours in the last one are sublime. I agree with you about the moon in the daylight, it always seems as if it shouldn't be happening.
    Super tag, and I think you have a magic stash where anything you need just turns up on your desk.

    1. Yes, I have a magic stash, and sometimes I even find what I am looking for!

  15. Gorgeous photos, the puddle is my favorite! Your walks are such an inspiration, I love to see all the commonplace things that you shine your camera light on and make them suddenly stunning! Your tag is beautiful, I love Lady Liberty and the fact that she is holding a book with your picture on the cover, ha ha! (I could not see that on my phone last night). Big hugs, ~Diane

    1. Yes, I always wanted to join that Lady for a chat!

  16. Wonderful photos and such a cool tag with you as visitor attraction :-)

  17. New York and all her glory of the Statue of Liberty. Great alteration of her! AND, I really love the photo of the ice puddle. Very unusual capture. You are becoming a great photographer and I look forward to your art and photos from your walks.


    1. Thanks Carolyn, I have a lot of fun walking around with my camera!

  18. Love seeing the horses in the city and that shot of the patterns in the ice. Still horses for the police in Boston and NYC too.....but more taxi cabs as your tag so beautifully illustrates. xox

  19. fabelhafte Fotoshow liebe Valerie und das Tag ist superb!

  20. That's a puddle? I thought it was something you made! What is that face on the tablet she is holding or should I say who - I know it is not me!!! Is that really you? All I have ever seen or your eyes and I would know them anywhere! So much fun Valerie.
    Sandy xx

  21. Toll, deine Eis-Fotos!! Wie schön Frost sein kann!
    Dein Tag gefällt mir auch sehr mit diesen kräfigen Farben. Schöne Details!
    LG, LonettA

  22. I also thought you had made it, the same as Sandy's comment!
    Fabulous tag although I will have another dose of Wanderlust and wish I were in NYC.

  23. The puddle photo is awesome--it looks like a piece of agate! LOL, Lady Liberty has a cool new book, too!

  24. wow more stunning photos val, love the frosty leave, but wow is that really a puddle? love your tag and lol with the book or is it a tablet ;-) xx

  25. I just love your tag my creative friend. and your photos are wonderful. The last two really caught my eye..


  26. I love your tag Valerie, and I see you have brought the Statue of Liberty up to date lol. Your photographs are amazing, especially the leaf xx

  27. Goodness! I kept staring at her torch trying to figure out what was different... and then I spied the tablet. Awesome!


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