Saturday 25 January 2014

Happy Post, lots of steps and a card

Hi everybody!
Hope you have enjoyed your Saturday.
Here it stayed dry most of the day, although it was cold and cloudy, and I was able to get a loooong walk this morning, and a shorter one this afternoon, making a personal best record of 20659 steps, which makes just under 10 miles. In between my walks I did three machines of laundry, which also entails lots of running down and up 54 stairs each time, and did some H*******K, so I was proud of myself for that!

This card is one I made last week using some of the elements out of the set my neighbour gave me, and think it has turned out quite well. The text means *Give yourself time*. The white floral frame is a foil overlay, which has been glittered on the reverse.

These 2 big, fat geese waddled from the stream to the moat today - wonder why one lot of water was better than the other? Or did they just fancy a change?

I always think that this tree is watching me, it seems to have a face. Perhaps some poor wood sprite has been imprisoned there?

The  evening sky over the Rhine was beautiful:

I got another surprise package this week, from dear Jeanette in Hamburg, who always makes wonderful journal pages and paintings.  Thanks a lot, I am looking forward to playing with everything - stickers, owl serviettes, LaBlanche transfers, a wonderful Fairy Stamp, and last but not least, the lovely card that Jeanette made for me. Thanks again! Sorry about the reflections on the photos!

I have been very lucky lately, and am thankful to have so many kind, generous and loving friends in Blogger Land.
Have a great day you all, take care, and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Stunning creation Val. How lovely to receive goodies like this along with such a lovely card. That tree would scare the wits out of me. X. I always enjoy your pictures . Hugs Rita xxx

    1. Yes, it is a rather scary tree, it always seems to be watching me....

  2. Lovely card, very elegant, and the presents from your friend are lovely. Great photos, that tree is really a bit creepy! Hugs, Sarah

  3. Beautiful card, the overlay edge is stunning. That tree does seem to have an attitude problem, needs a tap on the nose next time you pass, to show who's boss.
    Yvonne x

    1. Okay, tomorrow I will be courageous and give it a rap!

  4. Such a productive day, well done to you and what a happy mail day with that bounty of goodies from your dear friend.
    A lovely card Valerie with that foil overlay being such an elegant touch.

  5. OOohh valerie,was für tolle Bilder du gemacht hast,richtig klasse,Dankeschööön dafür,und ich freue mich jetzt noch viiiiiel mehr als vorher,nämlich weil ich Dir damit eine Freude machen konnte und du dich freust,,weil ich dich sehr schätze und sehr lieb gewonnen habe,meine liebe.
    deinen karte ist genial Schööööön,sooo bezaubernd gemacht,ich bin ganz begeistert,die Bilder sind auch klasse,du weißt ja,ich liebe Sky Bilder.
    Wünsch dir noch viel Spass mit den goodies,Gute Nacht :-)

  6. Tolle Post hast du von der lieben Jeanette bekommen. Das Foto mit dme Baum ist der Hammer - es ist schon irre was die Natur so hervorbringt. Bei uns hat ja inzwischen der Winter Einzug gehalten und heute ging das Thermometer tagsüber nicht höher als minus 6 C.
    Aber ich habe ja auch im Bastelzimmer so einen schönen Ofen und kann es mir da gemütlich machen ;o) Ich wünsche dr noch ein schönes Wochenende, liebe Grüße, Dagmar

  7. A lovely creation and thank you so much for sharing your wonderful photos.

  8. A beautiful card I love the central frame and elements. Congrats in such a long walk today.
    hugs {brenda} x0x

  9. Beautiful card, photos and lovely gifts! You are sure getting great exercise, including the laundry!

  10. Eine wunderbar elegante Karte! Mir gefallen besonders die Schnecke und die Taschenuhr als kleine schöne Details. Wunderbare Fotos sind das... mir gefallen diese zwei Gänse... sie sind auf der Durchreise, oder? Schöne Post von Jeanette hast du bekommen. Ich freue mich für dich!
    LG, LonettA

  11. What happy and positive post-well your posts always are :)

    Congratulations on all the steps and the hardwork you did--bet you slept well after all of that.

    Love the card you made though haven't a clue about the how you did the floral thing--it looks amazing.

    Great photographs and the tree is wonderful--I wanted to hug it just looking at the picture.

    Nice pressies as well--can't wait to see what you do with those.

    Have a good day

    Love Chrissie x

  12. The floral foil thingies were in the set my neighbour gave me, I just did the glittering!

  13. Give yourself a big pat on the back (and a big slice of cake!?) for yesterday! A beautiful card and lots of lovely more goodies from your friend. That tree is a bit weird, kinda looks like a dog's face to me. Xx

  14. Eine atemberaubend schöne Karte - wundervolle Geschenke , die Du von unserer lieben Jeannette bekommen hast! Da freu ich mich mit Dir ! Die Fotos sind wieder mal genial .. der Baumstamm ist einzigartig faszinierend und
    ich bin stolz auf Dich, dass Du Dich so fit hältst...

    krieg ich gleich ein schlechts Gewissen...wir machen derzeit viel zu kurze Hunderunden,weil es so kalt ist und so viel Schnee hat!

  15. A beautiful card and lovely photos.
    xxx Hazel.

  16. Eine ganz tolle Karte, die Du da wieder gezaubert hast, liebe Valerie! Die Fotos sind auch - wie immer - sehr beeindruckend! Ich wünsche Dir einen schönen Sonntag.

  17. Elegant card, wonder if the neighbor will be back to grab that one, lol! I am so proud of you, beating your record, now that is something to cheer about, you are such an inspiration! Love all the pretties from Jeanette, beautiful card she made you too! Beautiful walk, and that tree is scary! Big hugs, ~Diane

  18. 25,000 the geese....xox

  19. I hit it! Twenty before me and this just popped up in my e-mail. Now for my next thought - why did the duck cross the road? Hmmmmm -- leaves one to ponder. I think your card is delightful and I did get tickled over the clock and snail side by side. At my age, the snail has turned into a Cheetah! "Our" walk as usual was delightful. That tree is gorgeous. I do believe you could do an art show just with your sky pictures - but I think I told you that before.
    You are a delightful friend to have Valerie and congratulations on another happy mail day.
    I do think those La Blanche images look very inspiring!
    Sandy xx

    1. It's like that sometimes. Today your post popped up straightaway, sometimes it's a day later! Why did the duck cross the road? To get t the other side....Time does seem to be flying faster with every passing year, that's true!

  20. Valerie, your card is gorgeous, especially the beautiful border. I also see a face in the tree photo so I'm sure it is keeping track of you on your walks. The geese look much different than the ones we have here. Our Canadian geese are more black/grey and white but no brown tones. Love your new gifts; your blogger friends treat you well.


  21. What a lovely card with the floral frame, it looks as if it might have been difficult to get right, and I like the snail checking the time. I wonder if time goes slowly for a snail.
    Oh yes, the tree has quite a distinct personality, I hope you say "Hello tree" (in German) when you pass and maybe even stop and chat for a minute.
    What generous presents from Jeannette, who does indeed make wonderful artwork. Our Blogland is a very friendly and generous place.

  22. Hi Valerie, You are the queen of walking and adding up the miles. 10 miles is amazing. Love your card and it is so true to give ourselves time. The details are beautiful.
    Your pics are so interesting and I love the tree that watches you. I do see a face here too.
    Jeannette sent you wonderful goodies to work with. Very special just like you!!
    Have a creative week! Hugs

  23. A happy walk and a happy mail day -- win, win!

  24. Eine schöne Karte hast du da aus Nachbars Geschenk gebastelt, liebe Valerie!
    Ha, ich dachte schon, nur ich sehe im Baum ein Gesicht, aber du siehst es auch, das beruhigt mich ja enorm. Ich finde ja, das ist ein überdimensionaler Osterhase. Welches Wesen erkennst du?

  25. Ups, ganz vergessen: Ein tolles Päckchen hast du da von Jeannette bekommen! Super!

  26. Ein schlecht gelaunter Schäferhund!


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