Friday 24 January 2014

Hearts and flowers

Hi everybody!
We've had a couple of cold and damp days here, not good for the aches and pains of my old body. I still went out for my walks, clocked up 15000+ yesterday but only 13000 today - it rained too hard. But I did a few kilometres on my stepper to make up for it, although being outside walking is, of course, much nicer.
I like to eat Bressot Camembert cheese, which always comes n pretty little round, cardboard boxes, which are really too good to throwaway. I re-purposed 2 of them. I gave the lids a coat of off-white emulsion paint as a base.  I used structure paste to make the diamonds with the stencil Diane gave me, and then gave it a coat of pink paint. Isprinkled on some Frantage shabby pink embossing powder, and then used some Inka Gold in  gunmetal grey to tone it down a bit. The rose was stamped twice using the free stamp from Craft Stamper (thanks Sandy!), coloured with water colours and then given some sparkle with glitter paste before being fussy cut. I mounted the roses over each other with foam pads to give more depth. The wings are a TH die-cut, painted silver, and the heart was made in a mould (mold for those on the other side of the big pond!) using candle left-overs. I painted it pink to match the box, and swiped it with the gunmetal grey. By the way, it's not a good idea to speed up the drying of the paint using a heat-gun on wax....A little strip of lace was used as an embellishment, and now it is ready to begin its second life with a chocolate marzipan heart in it....
I am linking to FSC, Hearts and flowers.

The second box has been covered with a silver doily, and the sides with a strip of paper from Basic Grey's True Love digital set,  pp1. Gecko Galz is doing a cross promotion this month with these products, and you still have time to enter the challenge on the GG website.
I stamped flowers from the paper, and heaped them on top of the box, placing half pearls in the centres of the top ones. I gave the paper round the edge a coat of paper varnish to make it more durable.
This was a quick and easy make over, and has made another home for a chocolate Valentine heart....

I am linking to Manon's  Paper Saturdays

Have a great day, take care, and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Oh my, these are fondant-pink-glorious. I love the way you take these everyday items and make them into something special and beautiful. I love the stamped rose and the embossed diamonds.
    You've got an indoor stepper too! - that is walking dedication.

  2. Gorgeous work Val, who would think these were just cheese boxes, love how you re-use these objects and make such beautiful things from them! Hugs, Sarah

  3. OOhh das ist ja zum anbeißen schöööön *yummy*das sieht soooo Wunderschööön aus,ein träumchen in Rose,mit dem silver Flügeln und herzen,ich dachte zuerst das Herz wäre aus Marzipan *gg*auch eine Idee,Oder??Wie du das Döschen noch mit weißen puder besteubt hast,sieht richtig appetitlich aus,da mag man das Herz drinnen gar nicht essen,total mein geschmack !!!

    GLG Jeannette

    1. Aber das Marzipan Herzen innendrin wird traurig sein wenn man nicht hineinbeisst!

  4. Das ist ja eine geniale Idee, auch Käseschachtel wunderhübsche kleine Geschenkschachteln zu machen. Die sind toll geworden!
    Ich wünsche dir ein schönes Wochenende, liebe Valerie, nächste Woche soll es Schnee geben, zumindest hier bei uns.

  5. Das soll nicht "auch" heißen, sondern "aus", sorry!

  6. Projects like this are what I love to see, taking something from the house, which in other homes would end up in the rubbish bin, be transformed into something so pretty yet still remains useful.

  7. Delicious recycling, I can almost taste the cheese. Two gorgeous boxes.
    Are you keeping a total of the miles, you must have done the equivalent to a few Marathons by now.
    Yvonne x
    p.s., Thank you for sharing one of your beautiful boxes with us at FSC.

  8. HI Valerie, Two gorgeous boxes, love the texture and frantage on the top one, so feminine.
    Thanks for linking to FSC.
    Avril xx

  9. So cute and I know what you mean about those boxes, they are perfect for repurposing....Love the dimension work of it all. xox

  10. What a great way to use up those little bits of candles :) lovely boxes Valerie
    Von ♥

  11. what beautiful boxes, wonderfully re-purposed!

  12. Two cute, sparkly, romantic boxes. Wonderful work Valerie. Happy PPF

  13. WOW val, what a good idea with the boxes (just wished I ate that type of cheese, I love chilli cheese which just comes wrapped up :( ) Anyway love what you've done with the boxes, very pretty with lots of textures.

    And well done with your walking, I wish I was as dedicated as you, I just about make Zumba once a week at the moment lol, xx

  14. Great boxes and the chocolate marzipan heart looks delicious. Enjoy the weekend, hugs Annette x

  15. A great way to repurpose those little cheese boxes Valerie, I particularly love the textured one with that fabulous wax heart.
    Have a great weekend.
    hugs {brenda} x0x

  16. Gorgeous little boxes Valerie with some lovely texture on the first one and beautiful paper and flowers on the second one. The heart is amazing

    Love Chrissie x

  17. Not only have you enjoyed eating the yummy cheese but your creative skills have transformed the packaging into gorgeous chocolate boxes. Fabulous! Xx

  18. Deine beiden Kästchen sind einfach zauberhaft!! Sehr romantisch mit vielen schönen Details. Tolle Idee ... so schön kann Recycling sein!

  19. WOW Valerie! I am always inspired when I visit your blog! These boxes are absolutely and totally gorgeous! All of your little details look amazing and lovely! Thank you so much for sharing them with us! I am glad you recycled the original boxes, my friend!

  20. Great idea, Valerie. Both boxes look fantastic. Beautifully re-purpose!

    Have a lovely weekend!
    Gaby xo

  21. What a wonderful idea Valerie. I love that Camembert cheese too and never thought about keeping the boxes. It does seem a shame throwing them away now. They look lovely.

  22. Wow, Valerie! I think the chocolate companies (and the cheese companies) should hire you to decorate their boxes--they'd sell a lot more of their products. Have a great weekend.

  23. geniales TRASH TO TREASURE hast Du da gezaubert Valerie!

    Und brav, dass Du Dich vom Wetter nicht abhalten lässt Deine Outsidewalks zu machen!
    Hab einen wunderschönen Samstag!

  24. You have turned the little boxes into beautiful treasures! I love all the beautiful details, the silver doily and silver wings look so beautiful against the pink boxes. The raised stenciling is stunning and looks perfect with the fussy cut rose. You never cease to amaze me dear friend! Big hugs, ~Diane

  25. Both boxes are wonderful Valerie - glad you used the heart. That chocolate heart is so yummy looking I just can't stand it!

  26. Oh wow your box is just gorgeous and I love the pretty colours too :) I must say I am very impressed with your walking!!
    Have a lovely day
    Vic x

  27. Beautiful altered cheese containers/boxes ! Fabulous idea and they are awesome with the textured paste and valentine theme. I'm frustrated as I cannot get out to walk due to a blizzard this weekend. Happy Weekend, Shirleyx

    1. Sorry Shirley, you have really had such a lot of bad weather lately! Hope it will soon get better!

  28. Hi Valerie, I just love your designed cheese boxes. They are adorable and yes way to good to throw away. The details you added are so pretty. Even on the coldest days you still manage to make many steps. You are incredible. Stay warm.

  29. Beautiful altered boxes.
    xxx Hazel.

  30. Gorgeous Boxes! Great way to recycle too!

    Hugs Giggles

  31. wow how beautiful, you've really transformed those boxes. Thanks so much for joining us at Fashionable Stamping Challenges
    Claire xx


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