Saturday 4 January 2014

Blues and birds

Hi everybody! 
Today I am showing some pieces made for various challenges. The first card is also another DT piece for Gecko Galz using some of the new January papers. I love the cold and frosty look of this image. The image and papers have been matted and fixed to a white 6" square easel card. I added some matching ribbons and made the stopper out of scraps of the matting paper. I am linking to Artful times, where the ladies want to see blue this time, and to Simon's Monday Challenge - blues

Materials used: white cardstock, blue leaf image from GG Winter Garden 2 collage sheet, background paper from BG Jewel it 2 sheet, blue cardstock and mirri board, ribbons, blue heart from stash.

 My second piece is an altered notebook. I covered it with DP from Anna Griffin, and used an image from the Gecko Galz Shabby Chic Garden 2 collage sheet. I matted it onto some bronze mirri board. The book mark has been made from the same image printed in a smaller size, and fixed to the notebook with a white ribbon. This shows how versatile the images are. This month is a 2 for 1 offer at the GG web site, and a great challenge with tempting prizes, so hop over and have a look!

I am linking to Moo Mania - where it is now allowed to use other formats - 'birds'

After a lot of rain yesterday, the weather cleared just before it got dark, and showed some blue sky - but it was the quiet phase before the storm, as we were later treated to heavenly fireworks with thunder and lightning and torrential rain. In some places hail stones fell, and a lot of damage was down when the wind ripped roofs off houses and uprooted trees.  I know there were awful storms in England, too. Here the weather is too mild for the time of year, and in parts of the States and Canada it is bitter, bitter cold - crazy climate!

Have a great day, take care, and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Beautiful cards Valerie and lovely photos too. Sorry to hear you have the same weather problems as we do.
    Hugs, Fliss xx

    1. Yes, the weather is playing crazy all over the world!

  2. Love the card with those gorgeous blues, and the notebook is gorgeous! We had a big storm here last night, too! Have a nice weekend, Sarah

  3. Stunning and divine! Beautifully designed. Have a great week!

  4. Crazy climate indeed, our back garden was flooded when we got up this morning.
    Love the blue leaves on your card and the fab bird paper for the note book. Great projects.
    hugs {brenda} xox

  5. Stunning card, love that blue leaf image too! Notebook looks divine also. Big hugs, ~Diane

  6. Beautiful art and colors!! Can't do anything about the weather - just keep making art

  7. wow val,die karte ist echt wunderschööööööööööön,das blau ist soooo schööööööön,hach die ganze gestaltung ist irre genial,auch das notebook finde ich suuuperschööööön.
    das wetter spielt zur zeit echt verrückt.. hier hat es auch ganz dolle gestürmt,von jetzt auf jetzt,das macht mir wirklich angst.

    GLG Jeannette

  8. Beautiful collages love the leaves one. You take fanastic photos of the sky! We have crazy weather here too Thunder etc yesterday and gales today and it is mid summer. At least it is hot.

  9. Love cards and beautiful skies! They do have an eerie look, as you said, calm before the storm!

  10. Wonderful photographs Valerie with the beautiful colours of thr sky and trees again.

    Love the pieces that you made with the new papers and so pleased that you joined us at Artful with one of them.

    Have a lovely day today

    Chrissie xxx

  11. Those blues are wonderful! I hope you are safe where you are, we had rain here in the alps for most of the day followed by snow last it's windy!


  12. What a wonderful uplifting blue card Valerie thank you for sharing with us at Artful Times :)
    Von ♥

  13. HI Valerie your cards are beautiful, the images and colours fabulous. Looks like a beautiful sky at sunset and indeed the weather is strange. Today we have more snow and it's milder (just below freezing). Take care, Shirleyxx

  14. Beautiful indeed. Love those blue leaves most of all!

  15. Your cards look awesome my friend. I LOVE them.. and I also love your photos..


  16. Gorgeous blues in your first card, love the bookmark as well.
    Yvonne x

  17. Both the card and the book with its bookmark are so delicious, and like others I think the blue is beautiful. You work at such a pace and produce first-class results every time, that I am lost in admiration. Your photos too are impressive as always. As you say, the world's weather seems to be in a dreadful mess and I think with nostalgia of the sunny days of my childhood and youth.

  18. Both your pieces are gorgeous, classy gorgeous. The blues are a delight and the birds bring me to spring. Too early for spring! It isn't bitter cold here on the west coast of Canada but unseasonably cold for us. Happiest of New Years! Thanks for coming my way. Hugs,

  19. Deine Karte ist wunderschön! Ich liebe diese blauen Farbtöne...ganz toll gestaltet! Und die Vögelchen und der Schmetterling sind einfach zauberhaft!
    LG, LonettA

  20. Maybe if we are lucky we might get snow tonight and for the next couple of days. We really haven't had much of a cold winter so far. Bitter cold in the Northern United States and I heard that Wales had some vicious weather. Lightning, thunder and hail - in January! I am sorry to hear about the wind damage.
    Love the blues - the leaves almost look like they are stained glass or under ice. Great idea making a book mark for the altered album. I hope your weather improves with no more torrential rain and heavy wind.
    I just believe in my heart that 2014 is going to be a good year.

  21. Gorgeous blue card, and great photographs.

  22. What an amazing card, the blue is wonderful! Thank you for sharing your photos, they are great.

  23. absolut traumhafte Karten Valerie!

    wunderschön - auch die Fotos passsen so gut dazu irgendwie!

    zauberhafter post!

  24. Zauberhafte Farben hast Du gewählt, liebe Valerie! Schon So frühlingshaft leicht und Deine Fotos dazu sind irgendwie tief ... kann es auch nicht so genau sagen :)
    Viele liebe Grüße zu Dir

  25. Hi Valerie, Love your card and that color is stunning. The leaves are so pretty and the butterfly's and birds are also stunning. Gorgeous walking pics. Thank you for sharing. Enjoy the rest of the evening.

  26. Your art is always extra special, Valerie. Love the blues in your card and your notebook bird picture is so pretty.

  27. All beautiful pictures and what a lovely easel card you have made for our challenge over on Artful Times. Those leaves look kind of special and fit in with the frame beautifully - very calming.
    Thanks Valerie
    Hugs, Neet x.

  28. I especially love the first blue card which looks both cool and peaceful to me! Have a great day, Valerie!

  29. Beide Karten sind toll geworden, aber auch mein Favorit ist eindeutig die blaue Karte.
    Die Fotos haben was. Sie erinnern mich an alte Gemälde.

  30. The blues have taken my breath away! Wow!! Love the birds and beautiful photos! I can see you are off to a very creative and beautiful 2014! Hugs!

  31. Beautiful art and photographs Valerie.... I especially love the birds.

    Such weird weather.... I'm not complaining about the blue skies we are having though :)

    Karen x

  32. Valerie...your cards are gorgeous. Talk about making the perfect cards for a blue challenge! They are both lovely...I love the birds because well, I love birds! The first easel card is a perfect example of using blue in creating a gorgeous card! Love them both and thank you for sharing with us at Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge. <3 Candy

  33. wow die Karten sind traumhaft schön - besonders die erste hat es mir angetan!!!!
    Liebe Grüße, Dagmar

  34. These pieces were so beautiful! I would've never thought to use blue for leaves, but the result was breathtaking! I also absolutely adored the bird cover on your altered art notebook! What a treat to think of Spring when it's snowing outside my house right now! You have a great eye for combining different elements in creative and thoughtful ways. I'm so glad you shared your talents with us here at the Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge blog!


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