Friday 10 January 2014

From dawn till dusk

Hi everybody!

Today (Friday) was a wonderful day, which started with a beautiful sky just before sunrise, continued with crisp, cool and sunny weather, with a wind that was fresh but not too aggressive, and made us a present of a lovely sunset over the Rhine, perfect! I was out for three walks, it was just too nice to stay home and do the planned H*******K, and I felt that I needed a relaxing day after my hospital eye-examination marathon yesterday, where I got 5 hours of exams and tests. I have a date for the cataract OP, February 24th, and will only have to stay one or two nights in hospital. It's a bit complicated as I have already had a lot of eye OPs, but I am sure it will go well.
So today really was a gift, and I made the most of it, who knows how the weather will be tomorrow?

My shadow was so long, it was on both sides of the stream!

The clouds were racing along, wonderful to watch, they seemed so full of energy!

And the Rhine was illuminated by the sunset.

This card is one of my DT pieces for Gecko Galz.  I used an image from the Winter Garden 2 Collage Sheet. If you buy images this month, you buy one and get one free, so hop over and have a look!
I painted some corrugated card with white emulsion paint and glitter. I mounted the image, which was printed onto matte photo paper onto bronze mirri-board and grey card, to pick out some of the colours from the image. For embellishments I used some half pearls, brown lace, and a golden ribbon. I added the photo of Erika, a distant relation who I cared for for years, as I thought she looked so much like the little girl in the image - their clothing is similar, too. Erika's photo was taken in 1916.

(Material list: cardboard, paint, ribbon, lace, image, paper for matting, embellishments)

I am linking to Paper Saturdays

Have a great day, take care, keep warm or cool as the case may be, and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Beautiful photos. I really like your winter card. Good luck with your eye surgery.

  2. Oh such fabulous photographs, and how fascinating that your shadow was on both sides of the stream. I can see the clouds racing along.
    Corrugated card painted with white emulsion! - a standard paint procedure - not! Love the effect you get with this unusual procedure and your finished picture is so attractive. The brown lace and gold ribbon really set it off too, as do the double mounts. Nice work, Valerie.

  3. Beautiful photos, and love the card with the little girls. Is Erika the lady you took me to meet once? Hugs, Sarah

  4. Gorgeous artwork and beautiful photos Valerie and wishing you well for the forthcoming ops too and hope it sorts it all out for you.
    Have a lovely weekend.
    Hugs, Fliss xx

  5. Beautiful photographs, and such a sweet make! Best wishes on your upcoming ops, how nice it will be to have that finished.


  6. Beautiful photos, it looks so like it could be springtime. Its a fantastic project, love the way you added the photo of Erika. Pleased your tests are over and hoping all will be well for you for the operation.
    Yvonne x

  7. ooohh was für wunderschöne sky bilder,einfach traumhaft wie die Wolken dahin ziehen,ich höre die laute luft krachen,und den wind um meine Nase wehen *gg*
    dein Schattenbild ist einfach fabelhaft,und der kleine see ist soo romantisch,ich muss dich wirklich mal besuchen,die Gegend bei dir ist ja himmlisch Schöööön.
    deine karten sind auch richtig spitze,ich liebe die braune lace und das weiße Gesso,ist so schön Shabby,das mag ich seeehr.
    Alles,alles gute meine liebe für deine Augen Op,es wird alles gut,und ich denke an dich ganz fest *knudel*der tag war heute soooo schöööön,und ich streichle noch immer die wunderwunderschööönen sachen von dir,nochmals herzlichen dank dafür,du liebe.
    wünsche dir noch einen wunderschönen abend :-)

    GLG Jeannette

  8. beautiful photos and cards. Wow, 3 walks. Good luck with the cataract surgery. It is mostly routine these days.

  9. Gorgeous photos along the Rhine. I do love the piece you made too, the emulsion looks really interesting and I love how you combined the photo with the Gecko Galz image, wonderful piece. Glad the tests are done and you now have a date. Big hugs, ~Diane

  10. I 'm glad you have your appointments set, I imagine you will be relived when its all behind you, such beautiful photos, you live in such a beautiful spot, you are very creative, such wonderful work you do!

  11. Love your walks Valerie :) glad all the tests went well
    Hope the weekends just as nice for you
    Von ♥

  12. Valerie I love your photos - such exhilarating weather and clouds racing across the sky. Good luck with the op it will be behind you before you know it. Lovely card for Gecko Gelz I think the corrugated cardboard gives it that extra je ne sais quoi! Happy PPF

  13. Some more of your beautiful photos♥♥♥♥ You know I love going on your walks with you through your photos ....I can close my eyes and imagine being there. I do like how your shadow is on both sides of the stream :) Your cards are all amazing...the things you do with paper just awe me !!!

  14. Lovely photos.... and sweet card. I love the image of Erika.

    Karen x

  15. I am sure you are pleased the examination is over and that your op will be done in the not too distant future. Your work is always amazing and no one would know that your eyes weren't perfect by the things you make and your wonderful photographs.

    The card is beautiful and the use of the lace is perfect for the images.

    Great photographs as always and I am pleased that you get out and about and it also means that your home doesn't need to be cleaned cause you aren't in it. That's what I use an excuse anyway :)

    Have a great day

    Love Chrissie x

  16. Thanks Chrissie, I am going to leanr that excuse by heart, just what I needed....Now I am off for a walk!

  17. Love the photo of your shadow Valerie, on one side you're a tiny person and on the other you're a giant! A gorgeous card too. Sure all will be well with your eye op, whatever problems you have, they certainly haven't hindered you in making art and taking fabulous photos! Have a beautiful day. Xx

  18. Beautiful photos and a terrific card. I love Erica's photo, she fits perfectly with the other little girl image.
    Not long to wait for your surgery thank goodness.
    hugs {brenda} x0x

  19. Diese Karte ist einfach zauberhaft! Eine wunderschöne Komposition ... besonders mit der rot-braunen Spitze! Deine Fotos sind auch wunderschön ... Ein Farbenspiel der Sonne!
    Alles, alles Gute für die Augen-OP... ich werde an dich denken...versprochen!!
    LG, LonettA

  20. Hi Valerie, again your walk photos are fabulous. It's wonderful how you enjoy each day and all the beautiful scenery around you. You are wise to enjoy the day after so many hours of tests which is a good balance (I hope all will go well, great that you are positive). . Your DT card is gorgeous, love the vintage feel and textures. Have a great weekend, Shirley x

  21. The likeness of the two little girls is quite astonishing, and it all makes a lovely picture, with a pleasant vintage feel. Your photos are as interesting and impressive as always, I like the 'both sides of the stream' shot, and the last one is gorgeous.
    Having just been through three months of various problems including Dev's cataract ops, I truly sympathise with you over the precious 'art time' that is spent in hospital clinics, and the waiting time after each cataract op before another sight test and glasses are possible. So I shall be thinking of you, and wishing you well and every success with the procedures.

  22. I love your color combination on your card. And it is amazing how well the two children images compliment each other. I really like it.


  23. Those photos are gorgeous. I love that you share your walks with us. I have a bit of an obsession about photographing skies and have MANY files of pictures! I'm still planning to keep a 'sky' art journal this year, although I'm a bit late starting. Your pictures give me the kick to get get going that I really need!

    The collage you made is simply beautiful. Gorgeous colours and composition - it's exquisite! Thank you so much for sharing. Look after yourself - I'm sure your eye op will be a success. Big hug from Shroo:)xx

  24. Die Fotos sind sooo schön ..vor allem das erste hat es mir angetan!
    Die Karte ist ein Traum.. wunderbar gelungen Valerie.
    Meine Daumen hast Du für den 24. Februar!
    Es wird sicher alles gut gehen!

    lg Susi

  25. Hi Valerie, Wonderful walk pics and I love the long shadow of you. Your winter card is adorable. I pray all goes well for your eye op. Take good care and may you have a quick recovery!!
    Sending hugs your way.

  26. First of all, I am so glad your shadow decided not to jump the stream. Secondly, that last picture is really glorious.
    Beautiful card Valerie - the image is so sweet. And the frosting on the cake is the picture of Erika. Isn't it amazing how much the two look alike.
    Last but not least - your eye surgery. I too have cataracts. I know your surgery will go well and you will be delighted with the results. I hate to hear that you have had other eye difficulties. It has not affected your eye for beauty one little bit. It seems like the older I get, the more body parts fall off or need refreshing. I will be thinking of you the 24th and I know you will be happy to get it over with.
    Sandy xx

  27. Wishing you all the best on your eye surgery.. Good for you going on 3 walks. Your photos look beautiful indeed..


  28. Das sind wieder ganz tolle Fotos geworden, Valerie! Und die Karte ist ebenfalls wunderschön. Was mir immer wieder auffällt: Die Leute von früher hatten anscheinend nicht viel zu lachen. Die schauen auf den Bildern alle nie wirklich fröhlich.

  29. It will be wonderful to have your eye operation behind you. I can only imagine how your sight will improve! Beautiful beautiful card. I had a muff like that when I was little - one of my favorite things! As always, enjoyed your photos. hugs, Donna

  30. How tall are you then lol! I am in love with old vintage photos I guess because there lays a story behind the photo which we may never find out about. Happy belated Paper Saturdays! ManonX

  31. Brilliant photographs as always Val, and your card is gorgeous. I love the corrugated card, and the addition of the photograph is perfect. Good luck for your eye surgery, it will all be worth it in the end! xx

  32. Das Wolkenphoto ist hinreißend und bezaubernd! Ich habe es mir schon mehrere Male angesehen. Und die beiden kleinen Ladys auf Deiner Karte sind ebenfalls hinreißend!

  33. All the best with your operation!! Love the photos as always and the adorable girls are some of my favorites. I used to be such a huge fan of Besse Pease Guttmans little girls ....once upon a time I had many of her prints! Happy ppf!

    Hugs Giggles

  34. Great news you have a date for the op. Smashing photos and love your latest piece. Happy PPF, Annette x

  35. What glorious photos-and what a great feeling to have such a beautiful day to enjoy as much as you have! Love your DT project-that crochet lace is amazing! Bets of luck with your eye surgery. Happy PPF!

  36. Wow - what a beautiful day where you are! Glad you could get out and enjoy it. Good luck with the eye OP - Will go well and you will be back at in a day or two. Love the artwork - just beautiful.

  37. These are beautiful. I love your photos

  38. The photos are amazing, I absolutely love the shadows and how you captured the sun and clouds. The art is spectacular. I love putting different and unusual things together. Blessings, Janet PPF


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