Sunday 3 November 2013

The first Christmas tags....

Hi everybody!
Hope you have had a good and restful weekend.
The weather here has got a lot colder, and windier. Yesterday way grey and dismal, and it drizzled all day, but today it was so windy that the clouds got moved away before they could rain on us.
Yesterday I walked around the restaurant / galerie next to the castle ruins, they always have strange stuff standing around there as 'art' exhibitions-this is the same place where the Elvis Presley cadillac is rusting among the ivy.
The cars are  right in the beer garden, which has a good view to the Rhine.

And these exhibits were in the hallway to welcome peopleif they dared to go in:

(Well, it was Halloween)
There are some quite normal places around here, too....

Today I wanted to walk to the bridge which is often in the background of my photos, you can just see the large triangles built on it.

Well, it was farther than I thought. I walked and walked and walked along a narrow and muddy dirt track, being buffetted by the wind all the time

making my clean trainers very dirty....

And slowly, the bridge got nearer, till I could see the cars passing over it:

 Then I had to walk through the fields to get back up to the Rhine damn

The bridge was starting to shrink again, so I knew I was getting nearer home....

And after two and a half hours of being blown by the wind I was almost home, and passed this crossroads/roundabout art work, that someone had decorated for Halloween:

And the best was yet to come - creamed cauliflower soup to warm me up again.
(This pic is specially for Sandy!)

And here are the first Christmas tags, which are for a swap. I am not happy with them, but need to get them off, I think I must get into the mood of the Christmas season, my spirit is still flying around like a bat on the wind....

Well done if you managed it to the end - take ten points and go to the top of the class!
Have a great day, take care, and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Gee Valerie, I need a sit down myself after that long walk. I wish I had a bit of your get up and go, my chiropractor told me to be more active but I've just been sitting on my butt as usual! lol. Your tags are all lovely, you just need to give yourself a few days to get over Halloween before fully getting into the Christmas spirit! Soup looks yummy! Xx

    1. Thje soup was the best part of the day! You don't want to get up and I can't sit still, we would make a good pair!

  2. Wow, that was a great walk. Your tags are lovely, I am sure the recipients will like them.
    I am not sure if I would want to go into that scary beer-garden, though! Hugs, Sarah

  3. Ooh Klasse,das war ein toller Spaziergang,toll die alten Autos vor den Restaurants,ihr habt echt eine tolle umgebung bei euch,bei uns hier ist es auch schön grün,wohne ja direkt am Wasser an der Elbe,da bin ich auch sehr oft mit meinen schatz und beobachte die tierchen und Boote.
    sehr schöne tags hast du auch gemacht.

    GLG Jeannette

  4. interesting photos and lovely tags you have been very productive. Soup is always good at this time of year!

  5. Bei den Autos würde mein Mann sicher trauern -er muss immer alles alte retten ;o)
    Danke für die tollen Bilder - wirklich sehr schön bei euch und die Muse hat dich ja auch geküßt und dich zu tollen Tags inspiriert ;o)

  6. ein toller Spaziergang - tolle Fotos..und die Tags sind super... sei nicht so unzufrieden mit Dir!
    ich nehme noch nen Teller Süppchen bitte und die 10 Punkte steck ich mir auch ein!


    1. Suppe? Gerne - da ist noch Suppe da! Und Du bekommst nochh 5 Punkte obendrauf fürs Liebsein!

  7. wow you have been working hard on those tags and thank you for sharing the fabbie photographs, Annette x

  8. Gosh Valerie, that was some walk, you will be needing new trainers soon, when you wear down the soles with all the walking. Fabulous photos and I love your Vintage tags.
    Yvonne x

  9. That was quite a walk for someone with a broken toe! Hopefully that means it is not giving you too much trouble. The tags are great--I have a hard time thinking of the holidays already, too, but we crafters always have to stay ahead, don't we?

    1. My toe was quite comfy in my trainers, and I kept my feet up the rest of the day - I needed to!

  10. Wow that is a lot of beautiful vintage tags, great images. Your photos are wonderful. Take care, Shirleyx

  11. I just love seeing all your photos. What a walk that must have been. Your Christmas tags look awesome my friend.


  12. Lovely Christmas tags, each one special. You deserved your soup after that marathon walk. I am glad you took the walk though because I really enjoyed your photos

  13. Wow, what a great walk. I probably would have collapsed after that amount of time! Good for you. Hope your trainers survived. I think your tags are lovely - absolutely! Perhaps it is just the transition. Take care of yourself. Hope your cough is getting better. big hugs, Donna

  14. The tags look wonderful to me :)

    What I can say about the pics except that they are amazing and well done for having a goal in mind on your walk. Love the arty things in the foyer it looks like quite a place.

    Have a great day

    Love Chrissie x

  15. Oooh was für ein schöner langer Spaziergang! Ich kenne das von der Elbe, man will ein Stück laufen und plötzlich ist es so weit und der Rückweg ist lang :)
    Deine Tags sind wunderschön und so voller Stimmung und Liebe. Ich mag das sehr!
    Viele liebe Grüße zu Dir und eine wunderschöne Woche!
    Deine Erika

  16. That was a good long walk, I enjoyed it, and my soup afterwards. I don't know why you don't like your tags - maybe because there were not enough bumpy bits on them ?! - I think they are all lovely, especially the one with the tree and the two birds.

  17. Your tags are fantastic with all of the German Christmas Scrap. (At least that is what we call them. They are very scarce here.) Your photos are stunning, Valerie and that was one L O N G walk. They say we need to take 10,000 steps every day. I think your walk would beat that.

  18. Grossartige Fotos wieder...mein very Favorit ist das zweite "Blauhimmel-Bild" Diese FArben sind umwerfen! Thank you for your sweet comment on my blog!! Of course you are in the lotterypot ♥ Good luck for the win :) ♥ Conny
    Piaroms Art Journaling

  19. Love your photo's. Great cars and a brave walk in the breeze =). Loved that pumpkin sitting there all alone on this huge cold metal artwork, it made me laugh =)
    xx Monique

    1. The pumpkin was my fave, too, I really had to laugh long and loud when I saw it all alone in the middle of that huge thing!

  20. Let me stop laughing before I start talking. I love your walks and am pea green with envy! I would make such a good European. I would like to live in either England or Germany or Scotland or ----- You show so many different things on your walks. You must have slept good last night!
    Your soup looks wonderful - I would love to join you. I made some simple pumpkin soup not long ago and garnished it with sauteed apples. Canned pumpkin, chicken broth, some heavy cream, pumpkin pie spice and some maple syrup. YUM!
    Your tags look wonderful - look how productive you are Valerie!!! You put me to shame. I just want to get to the point where I can start walking again - almost there.

    1. You will be running the mile really soon, I am sure of it!

  21. Valerie your tags are fabulous. If you can create this fantastic not being in the mood, what will in the mood bring??!! Love them all. Your pics are amazing and I loved taking the walk with you. The soup looks so yummy. Happy Creating.

  22. Beautiful tags. Very stylish. I should start my christmas crafting soon too. Popping into blogs looking for inspiration

  23. Eine tolle Serie von Fotos! Toll was es bei euch alles so zu entdecken gibt. Bei uns ist es nicht so abwechselungsreich. Wunderbare Weihnachtstags hast du gezaubert... und so viele... bist du fleißig!
    LG, LonettA

  24. You take 1000 points for that walk my dear! Are you prepping for a marathon, lol? The pictures were gorgeous, and so are your beautiful tags, your swap partners will be pleased! ~Diane

  25. NO! Used to do a triathlon twice a year, but that was a few years back!

  26. I'm not ready for Christmas.... not even going to think about it for another month! But I enjoy seeing your beautiful creations and admire that lovely long walk.


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