Wednesday 27 November 2013

A Day in the Life....

Hi everybody!
Yesterday started off again with a wonderful sunrise, which encouraged me to get out and about early to make the most of the very cold but sunny weather. I walked for good 10 miles in all, and rewarded myself with a delicious roll from the baker's, to give me enough strength to cut the veggies for a delicious soup I made in the afternoon.

I walked through the sculpture park by the old villa I showed recently, through the trees and out into the fields between there and the Rhine damn. 

I was looking for an old building that someone had told me about, evidently going back for many hundreds of years, and after walking through lots of fields I dscovered it:

It is still a farm of some sorts. I would have liked to look inside the courtyard, too - perhaps I will try next time.

And then I just walked along the Rhine Damn, enjoying the play of light and shadows, clouds and blue skies.

I seem to have photographed my own shadow again here:

There were hundreds of gulls down at the river, evidently also enjoyin the good weather.

And in the late afternoon I managed some quick Christmas cards using papers from Graphics 45:

Have a great day you all, take care, and thanks for coming by!


  1. Wonderful photos, Val, love to see them always. Lovely cards, too! Hugs, Sarah

  2. Love these G45 designs and your beautiful photos.
    hugs {Brenda} xOx

  3. fabelhafte Aufmahmen hast Du geamcht und wunderschöne Weihnachtskarten....
    ich würde gern mal mit Dir mit spazieren Valerie....

  4. That was a long walk Valerie and the photographs are beautiful. You deserved your rol!!!! Great Christmas cards G45 papers

    Hugs Annie x

  5. Such wonderful sites to see Valerie and great that you walked so far-well done. I am sure your soup was amazing as it always looks that way when you show what you have made.

    Time to make beautiful cards as well--what a satisfying day you had and thank you for sharing it with us

    Love Chrissie x

  6. Beautiful photos Valerie and what a wonderful walk you had. The Christmas cards are lovely.
    xxx Hazel.

  7. Sieht nach einem gigantisch schönen Tag aus, den du da hattest, Valerie! Die Fotos sprechen Bände und das alte Gebäude...hach, wie schön, wenn das bei mir um die Ecke wäre .... das hat eine magische Anziehung... danke für die schönen Rest-Herbst-Impressionen!


    PS: ach ja - die Karten sind definitiv auch wunderschön! ;)

  8. what a beautiful and productive day, you live in an amazing area!

  9. Valerie I never get tired of your amazing picture walks. The old building is very interesting. Is that an old tub in the pic in front? Your cards are gorgeous. Have a wonderful day and happy creating.

    1. Yes, they use old tubs a lot for the horses and cattle to drink from, you see them all over the place!

  10. What a beautiful walk ! Your photos are wonderful. The cards with the beautiful graphic 45 images are fantastic! Cheers, Shirleyx

  11. Lovely walk and very pretty cards, Valerie. I do like to see your architectural photos (and the others too, of course).

  12. Valerie, your Christmas cards are terrific and very traditional which I love. Your photos are phenomenal. A ten mile walk is L O N G. Good for you!


    1. Thanks Carolyn - the walk really was long, you're right there!

  13. Wowness...I am always entranced by your awe-inspiring images of nature..that first shot is spellbinding...and the rest that follow are each so beautiful and powerful! The old farmhouse is magical!
    Brilliant series! Loving the x-mas graphics too..lovely and charming!

  14. Beautiful photos & FABulous cards too. Hugs Bev x

  15. Wonderful photos, Valerie, what an amazing place. Makes walking a real joy.

    Hugs diane

  16. Fabulous pictures once again Val. I do love the old farm. Beautiful cards using some of my favourite G45 papers. Enjoy your evening. I need to have a quick craft room tidy up before I start again to-morrow. Hugs Rita xxx

  17. lovely do a long walk!

  18. I always enjoy your photos my friend. What a beautiful sunrise.. And your cards will bring joy to someone, I just know it.


  19. Hi Val, sorry I haven't been around much, my Mum is still poorly and I'm spending a lot of time there! Love your photos and cards again! Hugs, Barb

  20. Beautiful cards Valerie, such lovely papers. I hope you enjoyed your walk, I envy you the fab walks you have xx

  21. Hi Valerie, Beautiful photos. Lovely to see all the colours still on the trees. And after your lovely walk, making soup you still had time to craft!

    Aileen x

  22. Gorgeous photos, my OH has been admiring your sunrise photos as well.
    Love the Vintage style Christmas cards.
    Yvonne x

  23. Deine Weihnachskarten sind toll! Ich mag diesen Vintage-Stil sehr! Wie schön dein Spaziergang war! Und du hattest Sonnenschein und ein blauen Himmel! Bei uns ist seit Tagen nur grau, neblig und kalt.

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. Very beautiful cards, I love how you layered the beautiful papers too. Another beautiful walk, the photos are gorgeous! ~Diane

  26. Okay - I have to say - THIS was the best walk ever and what a gorgeous sun rise. You must be fit as a fiddle. All your wonderful home made soups with lots and lots of veggies.
    Delightful Christmas cards Valerie - as I told you, I love Graphic 45 papers.

  27. 10 miles! You are in shape Girl! love the cards. hugs, Donna


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