Thursday 14 November 2013

Journal pages etc

Hi everybody!
The week is flying by again, sometimes I don't know where the time goes. Yesterday I had a long walk and then was pleased to be able to sit down at home and do somecrafting. These journal pages have been made in my giant journal, and I am ashamed to say I started them 2 years agao - and finished them today!
The background has been painted with brown and yellow acrylics, and the other colours were added with pastels - I like making a mess. The Michelangelo image is from a paper napkin, and I used tiny scraps of fancy papers to make the mosaic frame around it. I have also hidden 2 moos on the left page, hope you can find them. The theme there is also hands, so they fit well.

The colours look strange here because the flash went off - sorry.

I made this journal page for the 'doors' theme at AJJ, and it started out quite seriously with the door and arches from Darkroom Door stamped with archival black. Then it just grew, and things started flying onto the page, and now it's hard to see the door. Anyway, it is as it is!

 When I got up this yesterday morning it was still misty, and I was able to watch the sun rising through the mist, which was beautiful.

And as the weather was so good I decided to walk to Schloss Kalkum again, and had a fun time taking photos of the trees and the reflections in the moat - it all looks different each time I am there.

This was my fave photo :

And last, but not least, a photo of me and my shadow taking a detour through the fields

And I am so pleased I had that great walk yesterday, as today is wet and cold, with sleet coming down. I needed some shopping, so went to the market, which was not as crowded as usual, perhaps because of the weather. I got all these lovely things for 4€ - 2 kilos of cox apples, over a kilo of huge tomatoes, which even smell and taste like tomatoes, and a pound of gorgeous grapes:

And the nice chap gave me 4 speckled bananas as a present to top it all - Tomato salad is on the menu this evening, and I think an apple pie would be good for the weekend!

I am linking to Paint Party Friday, hosted as always by Eva and Kristin, and 
Art Journal Journey, and Moo Mania, hosted by our sweet Susi.
Have a great day, take care, and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Another wonderful post, packed full of surpises. Love your journal pages, both so different, and fun, and of course the lovely photos. Enjoy your fruit! Take care, hugs, Sarah

  2. Fabulous art cannot be rushed ! Love how you incorporated the napkin into this it looks fab with those rich colors. Thanks for another fantastic post your photo's are amazing Valerie and love your shadow !
    Apple pie scrummy !


  3. Gorgeous pages, love the tiny scraps and how they look together, the hands are stunning that way. well worth the wait to be finished so splendidly. The straw in the eye has me puzzled, looks like a dream vision I may not be supposed to understand as it is art. I love the beautiful green moss on the trees, that is art in itself too! Great pic of your shadow. Those look like some delicious Campari tomatoes which are always quite expensive here, you have found some wonderful bargains! ~Diane

  4. Wow valerie,wunderschöne seiten,besonders die door seite hat es mir mächtig angetan,soo klasse und witzig,einfach genial.
    tolle Bilder hast du wider gemacht,die bäume sind ganz klasse.
    war heute doch zur darmspiegelung,es ist alles okay,bis auf ein paar harmlose Dervitikel an der Darmwand,das ist aber nicht schlimm.
    Mir ist echt ein stein vom herzen gefallen,kannst du ihn hören ??*Plumps*

    GLG Jeannette

    1. freut mich sehr, dass die Untersuchung gut verlaufen ist!

  5. oh Valerie!
    Beide Kunstwerke sind fantastisch.. so verschieden geartet ... beide traumhaft!
    und wie Du alles so herrlich passend für die Challenges gewerkelt hast .. Du bist ein Schatz!
    Lass Dir Dein gesundes Gemüse und Obst gut munden....
    das ist wahrlich ein Schnäppchen heutztage bei den Preisen..sie sind doch verrückt wenn Du mich fragst!
    bitte ein Sück Apfelkuchen für mich!

    Ein zauberhaftes Schloss ist das und geniale Aufnahmen, vor allem mit den Spiegelungen!

    Ich hab Stress..musste wieder nach Wien.und dabei hat es sogar leicht geschneit heute... meine Güte..und ich hab sowieso soviel Angst vor Eis und Schnee beim Autofahren!
    Hab's geschafft GsD!

    Liebe Grüße und vielen lieben Dank für Deine Unterstützung zu den Challenges - und ich fühl mich geschmeichelt dass Du mich so liebenswert erwähnst---rot werd!!

    1. Freut mich, dass Du wieder sicher zu Hause bist, ich kenne das Gefühl fahren zu müssen bei Eis und Schnee!

  6. Hi Valerie, This post is so inspiring. Once again your creations are spectacular and your pics just awesome. You sure live in a wonderful place with such beauty all around. Maybe that is why you create such wonderful works of art.
    Great pic of you and your shadow. Love the fruit filling up your tray. Tomato salad is a favorite of mine. Enjoy and have fun creating.

  7. your doors theme is full of fantasy! Nice pages and beautiful photos! Your shopping is healthy and all good!

  8. I love how you've surrounded the Michelangelo in the Klimt style of mosiacs, very effective. All fab pages Valerie and thank you for sharing the great photos, enjoy the weekend, Annette x

  9. Definitely worth the waiting, fabulous pages and wonderful photos. Thank you for sharing.

  10. Beautiful napkin pages Val, and your doors are really creative I love your eye!. As always your photo's are wonderful, and home made apple pie for the weekend - does life get any better! xx

  11. Your mosaics are fascinating and add so much to the page, another clever idea.
    I had to laugh at your door art, imagine all these things and creatures flying in to admire your door, they must have heard about your blog.

  12. Fabulous journal pages and at least you have a journal! I still can't quite wrap my little brain around the concept of what is a journal!! Beautiful walk today and enjoy the lovely produce! Hugs!

  13. Oh Valerie, you're in a funny mood today. Who are those cartoon people in your collage! Great pics and I can't wait to see taste the apple pie (hope it comes with custard). Ps. Love your shadow, are you wearing your knitted hat? Xx

  14. So, what time are we sharing that apple pie? I love the whimsical second journal page and your walk about photos are beyond gorgeous! Love the moss on the trees, and I had to look twice at the one with the reflection--the sky looks bluer in the water than, um well in the sky!

    1. Yes, that surprised me, too - but it was a wonderful walk!

  15. Wonderful journal pages, you always add lovely wording. Loved the second page with all the elements that kept me looking at it for ages.
    Yvonne x

  16. Wow that is a lot to see :) Great post. I love the copper in the art journal page at the top, beautiful and your door page also fantastic with so much to see as well. My door project is not so good, I won't post it, hopefully have time to another. The sunrise in the mist is so beautiful. Well I've been raking leaves most of today, I'm tired ! Take care, Shirleyx

  17. Gorgeous work, as usual, Valerie!

  18. beautiful journal pages!!!! Your photos are amazing and your shopping looks like the promise of yummy meals!!!

  19. Beautiful work. Your pages are always full of creativity. Love your photos too.:)

  20. Oh my! Lots going on. Great journal pages. Love the ones with the door. The photo of the moss taken close up is quite spectacular and my favorite. All your fresh food and plans sound wonderful. Will be over for a piece of Miss Valeries' Apple pie. hugs, Donna

  21. Wonderful pages Valerie and a great way to use the Moos for sure.

    Love the photographs and so pleased that you are sharing them with us-such wonderful places to visit and enjoy. Clever use of your shadow it surreal.

    What a bargain the fruit was and you must have smiled right to get free bananas--enjoy them all.

    Hope you have a wonderful day today

    Love Chrissie x

  22. Ganz wundervolle Seiten! Jede hat ihren ganz eigenen Charakter. Die erste mit den beiden Moo´s ist großartig. So viele schöne Details! Die zweite zum thema Türen gefällt mir sehr. Sie ist sehr pfiffig und lässt mich schmunzeln! Und wieder so schöne Fotoimpressionen! LG, LonettA

  23. Wonderful photos, beautiful frames, that beautiful green mossy branches! The leaves are also very nice day with an exquisite combination of colors!

  24. The paper mosaics are stunning - random yet organized - funny thing about art. Awesome pictures as well. Happy PPF

  25. Doesn't matter it's been 2 yrs since you started it. At least you finished it now, that's what counts .. :-) Love that last journalpage too! Full of fantasy and fun ....

  26. Glad you finished these pages and shared them with us. They are very nice.

  27. Super journal pages! I especially love the first one with the cool paper patterns. Looks like it took a lot of time to finish that one! The photos are gorgeous as always. Enjoy your market finds :)

  28. Good morning Valerie! Your journal pages are wonderful. Two have been touched by the hand of God and the other has bee touched by the Mad Hatter! What a wonderful sentiment on the first pages. Your walks are always inspiring - love the moss on the tree limb. Beautiful platter of fruit.
    I noticed on your live traffic feed it shows I am a visitor from Rock Hill, South Carolina. I have seen this before on other live feeds. Actually, I live in Brevard, North Carolina.
    It is a grey day here today but we need rain so I will not complain.
    Have a wonderful weekend Valerie!

    1. Now I am wondering - is Sandy trying to say that I have been touched by the Mad Hatter? Well, it might explain a lot!

  29. Another wonderful trip to view your blog and gorgeous photos. I love the first uploads you posted of your journal today. Where would we be without our friends? Have a great weekend and stay in if it gets too cold and stormy. Making a pie sounds ideal.

  30. What a lovely cheering post Valerie.

    I love your shadow photo and the gorgeous thick moss on the tree.

    Love your market buys. I had some speckled bananas at home today so I made a made a cake with them with some raisins soaked in rum. My son is coming home today for a flying visit :)

    Hope you have a lovely weekend

    Karen x

  31. Beautiful post, lovely journal pages and fantastic photographs. Thank you very much for sharing, Valerie

  32. A lovely part. u Like these little tours you take the reader on through your town. Your favorite photo is also my favourites-what a mirror like reflection! Those fruit look fabulous especially the tomatoes!

  33. A lovely post Valerie, the journal pages are fabulous, love the gilt papers with the rich shimmer. Your autumnal photographs are great, so nice to see your corner of the world. Those tomatoes look beautiful ;)

    1. Those tomatoes are the atstiest ones I have had in a long time!

  34. fantastic post just filled with goodies!! Marvelous journal pages (love the giraffe) and your photos are so captivating! Nothing like a plate of fresh tomatoes-yum!

  35. There is so much goodness going on with your post today, love the photos, the journal pages and the lucious fruit! xo

  36. Love the pages. It's always interesting to see work that artist have started, stopped and then gone back to. Your work has such a positive colorful dimension. Thanks for sharing these and the photos are just gorgeous. Hi to your shadow!

  37. Love your journal pages, so interesting and full of lovely colors and textures, love the metallics! Beautiful photographs!

  38. Wowness..your art is gorgeous and brilliant..magical and inspiring! Thanks for such a visual feast..wonderful textures..and warm colors..and quotes! I also love the photos..stunning and dreamy and so those branches and trees!Spectacular much to see!

  39. This is a wonderful post. Your art really touches the soul. The photos are beautiful as well.

  40. Aww, I really enjoyed visiting here today. I am filled with the images you have offered. I particularly like your journal pages. Thank you for your bountiful sharing.


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