Thursday 31 October 2013

This and that again

Hi everybody, another week has flown by, it's nearly the end of the week, and time for another Paint Party Friday - well it will be tomorrow! I have made a journal page. I painted it with gesso, then used some remnants of sprays to give some colour, which I intensified with pastels. The sky is blue like it has been here today, and I have collaged various photos of people and places. I added the numerals and alphas with stencils. At the moment I am having fun with bright colours. I am linking to Piarom's 'Mix it monthly' , where we need to use orange and yellow and blue, a crowd, and texture, which is unfortunately not really visible here, but it is there! And, of course, to Paint Party Friday, hosted, as always, by Eva and Kristin, and to Simon Says Monday Challenge - anything goes

Yesterday I walked to the Discounter's to get my shopping, and saw some interesting things along the way. This is the Flintstones' car. It was built by Michael Fröhlich, a car fanatic, who also has a large place selling brands rather out of my reach - Jaguar, Bentley, Rolls etc. But of course, great for all the rich people, who are saved having to go into town to buy their exclusive cars. He also builds fantasy cars like this one. The sun rays must have come from the glass wall of the car showroom at the back. As far as I know, it really works, too, but I have not yet seen it action.

And this one is mounted on a column in front of his business:

This  little chapel is more or less opposite the car show rooms. It used to be kept open, but in the meantime has to be kept locked because of vandalism. No comment.

This pretty horse is in front of an old house where they sell exclusive - and probably very expensive - children's fashions.

The headless couple reside in the garden of a cafe:

And planes fly overhead every few seconds, as it is directly under the flight path of the planes.

Hope you enjoyed your walk!

Have a great day you all, take care, and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Wow,was für ein geniale wunderschöne seite,und deine bilder sind wieder großartig,besonders das flintstone auto und das rosa pferd sind Hammer!!!
    Danke,du liebe für die tollen Bilder jeden tag,es macht spass sie anzu schauen.
    gehts dir schon etwas besser,und heilt der zeh gut??

    GLG Jeannette

  2. Danke, der Zeh heilt, und die Erkältung wird laaaangsam besser!

  3. Love the colourful journal page, it has power! The photos are great, you have a wonderful eye for lines and colours and images! hugs, Sarah

  4. ganz toll ist diese Seite und spitzenmäßige Fotos!

  5. Amazing photographs again. You see such wonders on your travels Valerie and your pictures bring a smile when ever I see the wonderful colours.

    The same applies to your artwork. What colours you have introduced to your page-they burst at us off the page and draw the eye into the scene. Heck I have gone all 'Art Gallery' today

    Enjoy whatever you are doing

    Love Chrissie x

  6. WOW und nochmal WOW, liebe Valerie,
    ich bin hin und weg von Deiner Seite und ganz verliebt!So eine tolle Zusammenstellung von Motiven und auch die Farben verstärken die lebendige Szenerie, einfach ein toller Wurf!
    LG Anja

  7. Beautiful collage work, I really like the addition of colour with your Pastels. The photo of the door is amazing! Have a great weekend, Shirleyx

  8. Love your journal page, Valerie.. AND the Flintstone car! Wouldn't it be fun to catch a ride in THAT! ~tina

  9. Fabulous art journal pages Valerie so much to see and so cheerful, your photos are the same love the Flintstone Car!


  10. I loved my walk. Such a shame about the chapel - I just don't understand some people. The headless couple is a hoot!!! Don't know if I want to eat there though.
    I love it when you use those bright colors and I find the people you have chosen to be quite interesting. Most of all I love the back ground with the gorgeous colors!

  11. lovely page, enjoyed the photos, happy PPF!

  12. Wunderbar liebe Valerie noch so eine grossartige Collage bewundern zu dürfen!! Ein wirklich hipper urbaner Style, den ich sehr mag! Was ein genialer Beitrag zu Mix It Monthly...vielen lieben Dank dafür !!! und dann diese ach so süssen Fotos...mein Liebling ist die zwei Alten auf der Bank und die edle Tür ♥ Conny
    Piaroms Art Journaling

  13. Great photos Valerie, your part of the world seems much more interesting than mine! Super collage pages too, lovely vibrant colours - probably a bit like your toe?! Xx

    1. Good one! My toe is now purple and yellow - perhaps I will make a new collage!

  14. Your "crowd" page is fascinating with so much input of your creativity. You live in a very interesting area.

  15. Journal pages are awesome as was your walk. ~Diane

  16. Very cool collage, Valerie! I did enjoy the walk--the doors on the chapel are gorgeous. The headless couple is funny--not sure it is a great advertisement outside a cafe, LOL!

  17. Awesome colorful journal pages, love looking at all the details.
    Great photos again, the pink horse is a laugh, bet the children pull their parents into spending money in that shop.

  18. Thank You so much for your response to my latest post. It actually is my least favourite out of all the Halloween makes, I wasn't sure if the colour was a good choice but as always I did have fun playing with the stamps and it is good to dabble in something outwith our comfort zone every now and then.
    A wonderful collection of photographs - a pink horse, well it just goes to show! The collage at the top of the post is a brilliant mix of imagery.

  19. Hi Valerie, Your Creative pages are wonderful. So much detail as only you can do. Such a talent you are. WOW I so enjoyed the walk and the fascinating pics. What fun this was.
    Have a great weekend.

  20. Beautiful collage. I love that chapel, it is just awesome. It would be nice to go in there and just sit quietly. That pink horse rocks like in rock around the clock. tee hee. Great post as always. Thanks.

  21. I LOVE your journal page my friend. Such wonderful Collage work. It has me smiling. And always enjoy seeing your photos. Thanks for sharing them with us.


  22. Thanks for the wonderful tour! Love the colorful collage!!

  23. I love the sites around your town-some very clever works of art/sculptures!

  24. Thank you for charming walks on your blog. Lovely and colourful collages. Thank you for sharing Valerie and have a great weekend.

  25. I love your collaged journal page and the photos are fab.
    xxx Hazel.

  26. Super collage page! Love the images you used and they make me want to travel :) Super photos too. Seeing the Flinstone car is great! How fun!

  27. Dear Valerie - your journal page is full of wonderful color and the composition gives it so much interest. I really enjoyed my walk through your neighborhood - that Flintstone car is a real hoot! I also loved the photo of the headless couple - so appropriate for Halloween day.

  28. the collage is so exotic - am enthralled with it and can't stop looking. Love the colours and content. Great walk through the neighbourhood - you have some very interesting stuff around you. Take care. hugs, Donna

  29. Excellent, I like these wonderful photos, lovely and warm autumn colors!

  30. Fantastic collage for a journal page, Valerie. Enjoy the weekend.

  31. Love your collages Valerie!! What are you in England and the sky is blue? that calls for a celebration!! Have a cup of tea and a scone. (I am a Brit now living in USA) Happy PPF!!

  32. I love your collage work. It makes me want to travel! I love the colorful sprays you used on the background.

  33. Love your colorful travel collage! And thanks for the walk with you-some fascinating things. Happy PPF!

  34. Great walk, what an interesting place you live in Valerie and your photos are fantastic, love the headless couple. Gorgeous collage absolutely seamless.


  35. Great collage, very vivid and colorful! Love your photos, too!

  36. Very cool collage! Happy PPF to you as well!

  37. Love your collage, the photos are wonderful, I just love the headless couple, makes you think twice about going in, or maybe it encourages you!

    1. Well, I have often passed by, but never gone in!

  38. beautiful pictures, loved the collage with the pretty pastels too. you have a wonderful unique style! xo

  39. The collage is GREAT!!!! Love the colors ♥ The photos are charming and I would love to have the pink horse in my garden :)

  40. Wonderful collages and photos!! I love love love the door gorgeous!

    Hugs Giggles

  41. Your colors and background in your collage are beautiful. The sky really is a gorgeous blue in all of your photos -- lucky you!

  42. You made a wonderful collage, and beautiful colours in the background! There's some very interesting things to see on your way to the shops! Love that Flinstones'car!

  43. Yabadabadoo! Couldn't resist. Happy Weekend!

  44. Love how the colors pop in your pages - and love the walk through town! Several interesting paintings can be made of those photos!

  45. Eine ganz tolle Seite! Die leuchtenden Farben verleihen dieser Seite ein wunderbaren expressionistischen Touch! Ich genieße auch dieses Mal wieder deine tollen Fotos. Wunderschön!

  46. Fantastic journal page and beautiful photos! Thanks for joining along with Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge!

  47. I love the energy and flow in your art journal collage, and your photographs are as stunning as usual. Blessings,my friend!

  48. Yes, I definitely enjoyed my walk. . .and the commentary. Love Love old cars, this was an amazing pic with the rainbow of colors coming through the (old?) glass. I know it comes through leaded glass like that. The collage is a work of art and all the different mixed media you used, thanks for details. Blessings, Janet PPF

  49. Sehr schöne bunte Collage! Die Farben gefallen mir sehr! Und vielen Dank für das Geburtstagsständchen :D Es war ein toller Tag!


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