Sunday 27 October 2013

Morning and Evening....

Hi everybody!
The weather was so beautiful yesterday that I decided to go out for a walk in spite of my coughs and sniffles, and I was glad I did. It was really mild for the end of October, 19°, and blue sky - too good to stay home!
I took the photos at the Rhine at 11 AM, and was very surprised to see the moon as well as the sun - can you see it, too?

No moon on this one:

A small plane was having fun cruising around and drawing on the sky....

Here the moon is visible again:

And this was the evening sky, taken between sun-set and dusk:

I did some crafting in the afternoon, and used up the last remnants of autumn leaves, which had been rescued from  my table last week. The tags were also under many layers of stuff, I just needed to assemble them.
The first one is made of cardboard, which was painted, and embossed with molten gold Utee, into which I stamped with a flourish. I heated it a little again, and changed the colour by brushing on some perfect pearls in copper and green. The pretty wired beads were given to me by Craftymoose - thanks again, Debbie! I will show the other tag next time.

And another little catastrophe  happened - I slipped a bit on the floor, probably because I was wearing socks with no stoppers under them, and crashed my toe - the second smallest one - against the kitchen cabinet. The cabinet won! My toe now has a form something like a cross between a banana and a pear, and the colour of ripe plums. I am sure it is broken. As if I didn't have enough to contend with just now!
Anyway, enough for today! 
Take care, have a great day, and thanks a lot for comng by.


  1. Oh no! Your poor toe! I've never broken a toe, but I have stubbed one which was very painful--I can only imagine how yours feels! Probably not too much you can do for it either. The tag came out lovely and I really enjoyed the photos. It's funny...I saw the moon the other morning also!

  2. Beautiful photos and a gorgeous tag. Sorry about your toe, sounds painful! Take care. Hugs, Sarah

  3. wunderbar Fotos und ein sagenhaft schönes Tag!
    Oje Du Ärmste!

    Das tut sooo weh!
    fest ankleben an die nächstgelegene und schonen...
    Im Krankenhaus machen die ja auch nicht viel mehr, ne?

    Julia hatte schon zweimal Zehenbrüche und ich hab mir als Kind mal die große Zehe gebrochen...
    ich fühle mit Dir ..
    aus Solidarität trag ich gra auf der rechten großen Zehe blau... frag mich nicht in welchen Schuh ich mir dieses Aua wieder geholt habe?!

  4. Oh Valerie! You are having a real run of it aren't you. So sorry to hear about your toe. Beautiful tag ... LOVE it. hugs, Donna

  5. PS: I've got blog candy - come on over. xo Donna

    1. Oooh, what lovely candy, and it's all calory free - great!

  6. Oh Valerie, your middle name's not 'Jane' is it - as in 'Calamity'! Lol! love the second last pic, the sky looks on fire and a gorgeous tag. Hope your tootsie is better soon. Xx

    1. Good one! Lately it really has been one calamity after the other! It can only get better!

  7. Beautiful your skies. xox

  8. Lovely work Valerie and such beautiful photos. I am so sorry to hear about that toe. At least you had a nice walk before that.

  9. Oooh Du Ärmste,das ist ja nicht so schön,schone dich,hoffe alles wird gut,ich denk an dich.
    Die Bilder sind für mich eine wahre wohltat,und ich freue mich immer wenn ich zu dir komme und sowas schönes sehen kann,ich hoffe ganz stark das ich den herbst und die Natur bald noch genießen kann*snief*
    Dein Tag ist sagenhaft schön.

    GLG Jeannette

  10. Poor you, you are having a run of bad luck, hope the swelling goes down and its not broken.
    Lovely photos again and its a super Autumn tag.
    Yvonne x

  11. Wonderful photos, love the 'heavenly' views. Great tag, too. Hope your toe is soon better, you poor thing! Hugs, Barb

  12. oh no, a broken toe witha cold! You have the most beautiful photos here today, wow, they are amazing! Your Autumn tag is beautiful, a masterpiece!Take care, maybe you should get that toe checked!

  13. This seems to have been such a hard year for you health-wise. My toes tingle in sympathy at the thought of your slip and the damage it caused.
    Your photos are a joy to look at early in the morning, every one so lovely.
    Your tag is a feast of autumn colours, lovely.

  14. Fantastic photographs as always Valerie--it is so good that you share them with us.

    Pleased that you are still going for your walks even with the sniffles--they may get blown away.

    The art piece is wonderful with the metal effect background and the wonderful colours you added.

    Have a good day

    Love Chrissie x

  15. Love your photos, again I'm repeating myself, but you live in a beautiful area and it's wonderful that you take time to enjoy it and share the scenery with us :) Your tag is gorgeous, love all the colours & texture. I'm fighting a cold myself, don't think it's serious as I have 3 crafty friends coming over for a 'play day' today.. lots of fun :) Shirleyx

    1. Have fun with your play day. I'm sure that's a great remedy for a cold! Hope it's soon better!

  16. The photos are just gorgeous! So beautiful for Fall. And the tag is soooo pretty! Really nice. Sorry to hear about your poor toe :)

  17. Poor you! You do not need any more calamities, you have had more than your fair share this year! Gorgeous photos and I love the beautiful tag, you are so talented! ~Diane

  18. Oh poor you! Hope your toe is soon not looking like something out of the fruit bowl!

    Great photos.

    Karen x

  19. Ouchy ouchy ouchy!! Your poor toe Valerie! :( I bet there aren't many folk who can't empathise with stubbing a toe & having broken a few in my time, I am one of them who can. I do hope you aren't in too much pain & it heals quickly.
    Lovely lovely sky pics from you & your tag is very gorgeous!! A bit of bling & it would be awesome s a Christmas tag too. Do take care & wear house slippers! :0)

    1. The doc said the same about wearing slippers!

  20. More gorgeous photos, Valerie. Thanks for sharing and I love your tag. Hope your cold leaves you soon but please don't send it across the waters.

  21. Oh what gorgeous photos! Surely that walk would make you feel better... then I read about the darn cabinet. So sorry to hear that. Rest up, my friend.

  22. Oh Mann, ich lese das jetzt erst mit deinem Zeh. Mensch Valerie, du machst aber echt Sachen. Bllöd ist ja, dass man da nix eingipsen kann. Der muss wohl nun ohne Hilfe wieder richtig zusammenwachsen, was?
    Dein Tag ist klasse geworden! Aber die Fotos sind mal wieder richtige Knaller! Hast du die mit Photoshop nachbearbeitet oder bringt deine Kamera wirklich so tolle Farben zum Vorschein?

  23. Gorgeous colourful tag Valerie, and those sky photographs are brilliant. I broke my toe many years ago on honeymoon but that another story.... hope yours gets better soon xx

    1. The mind boggles - now, I wonder how that happened??!

  24. See - I am trying to catch up!! As always, gorgeous pictures and you tag is smashing. You do love color and always use the best and glorious colors together!


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