Tuesday 29 October 2013

A tag and a castle

Hi you all, hope you are all well and fit!
This is another of the tags which I made from the stuff piled on my table before clearing it all away. The tag had already been painted with red and yellow. I used a strip of lace (thanks Yvonne), some more of my painted and crackled leaves, some leaves printed onto transparent paper and fussy cut, and a heart made in a mould (mold for those of you on the other side of the big Pond) from candle wax leftovers, melted in the melting pot, and rubbed with Inka Gold in gunmetal. The wired beads were from Debbie (thanks!)

Here are some pictures of Schloss Kalkum (Kalkum Palace), a moated castle about 20 minutes walk from here. It is set in a beautiful, wooded park, with duck ponds and a stream - a wonderful place for a peaceful walk. Unfortunately, the powers that be are letting it decay - and are even thinking of selling it, which probably means it will end up as a luxury gated property for those with plenty of money of spare - sad!

Lions keep watch at the bridge over the moat:

You can see what a bad state of repair it is in:

And here are some of the present inhabitants. The photo is not quite sharp, but it reminds me of an impressionist painting:

 Have a great day, take care, and thanks for coming by!


  1. The layers on your cards and tags always amaze me - so much depth and so much to enjoy looking at!

  2. beautiful tag! Sad about the castle with the moat.

  3. very textured tag, with lush colours, the building is so beautiful, like a faded hollywood starlet; decaying glamour.EE

    1. Decaying glamour - sounds like me, no wonder I feel attracted by it!

  4. Amazing photographs as always Valerie but the tag takes centre stage today for me --it is truly stunning

    Have a great day

    Love Chrissie x

  5. Your tag is lovely with the touch of lace and your very clever leaves. As always, I enjoyed my early morning walk, what a fabulous building, I love your architectural photos.

    1. It's such a beautiful place, and it's awul that they are letting it crumble!

  6. Hi valerie, oooh dein tag ist suuperschööööön,die blätter und das herzchen darauf sind eine tolle zusammenstellung.
    die Bilder sind mal wieder traumhaft,besonders der Enten see ist soo romantisch,da wo du wohnst gibt es echt klasse natur plätze.
    Hoffe dir gehts schon etwas besser,was macht dein Zeh??

    GLG Jeannette

  7. Mein Zeh macht auaauaaua, aber es ist auszuhalten!

  8. Your tag is very beautiful, love the bright colours of the leaves and texture of the background along with the other embellishments. Your photos of your walk again are gorgeous, nice you can enjoy the scenery so close to you:) Greetings, Shirleyx

  9. Gorgeous tag, love all the rich colors and textures too! Beautiful pictures of the castle, so sad that is has been forsaken. ~Diane

  10. Love the tag … *and* the images from your stroll ~ so beautiful!

  11. Stunning tag and such great colors and elements! Enjoyed the photos and the ducks looks quite happy! Hugs!

  12. The colors on your tag are gorgeous and I do love that heart! What a wonderful place to walk Valerie. Have you ever been inside? I would love to go exploring in there. It takes so much money to keep places like this up. I guess it would be better to have some one buy it and fix it up then for it to go into complete disrepair.
    As I have told you before, you have such wonderful places to walk. So full of history and old stuff - I love old stuff!!

  13. Your card is just wonderful. Lots of detail. Wow, that castle is wonderful. How could they let it go like that. That's terrible but it looks like a great place to walk around and wish the castle the best. The ducks seem happy enough. Nice post.

  14. Hi Val, lovely tag and photos, as usual. I just got back online again, our connection was down! Hugs, Sarah

    1. I noticed, I mailed you bit it came back, have resent.

  15. Wow, great tag and lovely photo's. Such a wonderful castle, so sad to see it in such a bad shape.
    xx Monique

  16. Gorgeous tag, fantastic textures and details. Loved the photos again, such a shame and a waste when things are not looked after for future generations.
    Yvonne x

  17. The tag is beautiful. LOVE the heart. Lovely pics again today - so sad to see the treasures of a country going to rack and ruin, however, once again it's all about money. I too love the 'impressionist' painting photo. hope you are feeling a little better. hugs, Donna

    1. They waste so much money on unnecessary prestige projects, and let out heritage just go to the dogs!

  18. It's sad to see such a beautiful building being left to decay like this. Hopefully whomever takes it over will do something good with it. Lovely tag--the heart detail is really pretty!

  19. The tag is " the business" LOVE IT ! How sad about the castle its looks beautiful and the impressionist photo is stunning.



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