Saturday 4 May 2013

When I have wings to fly

Hi you all! We had a sunny day here, warm and pleasant, and Sunday should be just as nice - a real sun day!

I woke up very early again, and used the time to do lots of crafting. I had a lot of wood and chipboard pieces that needed to be painted, I finished an album with the piece I showed yesterday as cover, made a couple of cards and tags, and some journal pages. The background of the  journal pages was already painted with a mix of yellow and orange that was left over from painting my moon. I added some red and purple which I wiped on with my fingers - yeah! -and then smoothed over with a baby wipe. No spraying again! I want to try a spray-less week. When it was dry I added the peacock feathers (CWS) with burgundy emulsion paint. It takes longer to dry than acrylics, but it is a lovely colour, and even better, I got it given to me for nothing!
Frida with parrots has been printed out, fussy cut and glued on. The birds on the right have been stamped onto tissue, glued to the page, coloured with gel-glitter pens and outlined with a silver gel-pen, which I also used for the lettering and to add some highlights. I changed Frida's saying a bit to read 'Feet, why do I need you when I have wings to fly'. The wings, and the birds on the left are rub-ons.

I am linking to Art Journal Journey (challenge yourself /something different) and
Journal's Journeys, where the theme is birds.

This was fun to make, and I already have an idea for the next pages.
Have a good day, take care, and thanks for coming by.


  1. Wonderful, wonderful pages! Love everything about them. Your Frida Kahlo card arrived today, too, thanks a lot! Will write tomorrow. Hugs, Sarah

  2. Boah valerie,was für großartige seiten,einfach grandios,die farben,die zusammenstellung,einfach perfekt,und frida ist sowieso total klasse.

    Wünsch Dir noch ein schönes WE :-)

    GLG Jeannette

  3. Hi Valerie. Your pages are wonderful. Frida always with a cigarette in hand and her beautiful birds of which she had many. I always loved her saying about wings to fly, meaning her unibrows. At first I didn't know what she meant and as I read further into her bio, I realized she meant that with her eyebrows (since they looked like wings) she could fly. Awesome. I always love anything that has to do with Frida. I love your page. Have a wonderful week ahead.

  4. Your Frida pages are wonderful with your rich background and perfect made me giggle a little at a 'spray less week' ... very disciplined of you!

    Happy Sun Day ... we are enjoying a beautiful spring here in Northern Virginia with everything blooming ... ahh spring!


  5. OOOooo! LOVE your pages - but then you know Frida and I! Great that you are having a spray less week. I find I use my sprays less and less and probably won't buy any more when these are done. Mind you I don't do the work you do either! Colours you used are great and I adore the peacock feather stamp. They really make a statement. hugs, Donna

  6. Valerie, these Frida pages are spectacular! I had to keep taking a closer look! So many details and beautiful color combination! Love this! Hugs!

  7. Wonderful Frida with all those birds. So fun and colorful!
    Enjoy your beautiful weather!
    Hugs Lynn

  8. GRENZGENIAL schön Valerie.. ich liebe Frida.. und diese Seite hast Du himmlisch gestaltet..und dann noch sich an alle Vorhaben zu halten und geschenkte Farben einzusetzten etc.

    KÜNSTLERISCH sozusagen äußerlich und innerlich PERFEKT ausgereift!

    danke für dieses wieder so brillante Stück für die
    Art Journal Journey Sammlung!
    Ich arbeite auch grad an einer Vogel Seite für Dawn..mal sehen ..wie ich fertig werde...zur Zeit bin ich zuviel mit Hausarbiet beschäftigt grrr!

    schönen Sonntag

    wünsch Dir Susi

  9. What great pages Valerie, I always used to dream that I could fly. We're having some sunshine here too, but there's still a North Sea beeeze! Xx

  10. Gorgeous vibrant pages, love the rich colours, Freida looks so regal.
    Yvonne x

  11. Eine wundervolle Seite. Ich kenne Frida ja noch nicht, aber es scheint, dass sie immer wieder auftaucht. Dann werde ich sie bestimmt auch bald ins Herz geschlossen haben. ;-)

  12. Loving your wonderful pages Valerie. Hugs Annette x

  13. This is really beautiful, llove the gorgeous colours too! Hugs, Barb

  14. Valerie, your artwork is fabulous. I only wish I could be so creative. Beautiful background colors!

  15. Thanks Sandy, you are always soooooo kind!

  16. Deine Frida ist wunderschön :)
    Bin ja auch ein Fan und finde Deine Umsetzung total schön und gelungen. Auch der Vogel und die Punkte sind toll dazu!
    Liebe Grüße zu Dir

  17. Your pages look wonderful my friend.


  18. Very Frida...your journal!

    I believe it was one of her quotes, "if only I had wings to fly."

    Enjoy your nice weather; you have waited so long.


  19. What a wonderful spread! I love all the creation process you wrote I really got a feel of what you were doing. Thank you for joining 'Journal Journeys' this month. Dxx

  20. a beautiful frida journal!

  21. Valerie, you are a journalling genius with such a variety of styles, I always love visiting your blog. I especially like your painted birds here.

  22. How beautiful! And what is this "sprayless week" you mention? Such a thing is impossible, no?

  23. Wow...beautiful work, great backgrond!!

  24. Very very cool Valerie! Frida looks to be a woman of substance for sure, looks like she could hold her own. Love the composition and the wording, looks really fabulous! ~Diane

  25. Oooh this is wonderful - I love those colours, and the peacock feathers are really striking xx

  26. Lovely happy page :) I love all the bird and OF COURSE wonderful Frida ♥ Conny

  27. Du hast Frida toll in Szene gestzt - gefällt mir sehr!
    LG Dagmar


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