Wednesday 22 May 2013

Alpha Challenge 'K' and Happy Mail

Hi you all!
I spent a lot of time perusing the dictionary to find a 'K' word that I liked, and then decided to look in the German Dictionary, as in German there are a lot more 'K' words than in English. So I chose the word 'Köln' - better known in the English speaking parts of the world as Cologne.
Now this is a strange choice of word for someone who lives in Düsseldorf, as the two towns have not always been the best of friends over the past 1000 years or so, to put it mildly. There were even real wars between their armies, but these days it is more like a friendly rivalry. One of the causes for the discussion these days is the beer. (Although that was not why they went to war with each other!) In Düsseldorf people drink 'Alt-Bier', and in Köln they drink Kölsch.



 And each town says that the beer from the other town tastes like 'Pferde Pisse'. (No, I'm not going to translate it, it's rude! Use your imagination!) I don't really like beer at all, but if I had to choose one, I would probably opt for Kölsch - but don't let anyone in Düsseldorf  hear that! 
The next point is that both towns believe that their Karneval (carnival) is the biggest and best. Of course, the people of Köln are wrong! During the mad days of Carnival, the 'war-cry' here in Düsseldorf is 'Helau' and in Köln it's 'Alaaf'. And after consuming large quantities of alcohol, neither side knows the difference any more.
Another thing Köln is famous for is 'Kölnisch wasser' - Eau de Cologne. The oldest manufacture in the town is from Farina, but the other brand, 4711, is better known in the world, although these perfumes are not my taste either!

(Beer and cologne images courtesy of Wikipedia)

Yes, well, I seem to have digressed a little, but I wanted you to understand what I put in the 'word-clouds'.
The silhouette of Köln has been pasted over a dictionary page, coloured with prismalos. The definitions are taken from Webster's Thesaurus.

The beautiful Cathedral (Kathedrale in German, another K, but also called a 'Dom'!)

Linking to the Alpha Challenge at the Craft Barn.

And I got a lovely parcel from Jeanie in England, with loads of goodies for me to play with! Thanks a lot, and it will all be put to good use!


  1. Oooh I really like this Valerie, I love the silouhette against the yellow, very striking. That's a very nice little parcel you have there, I can't wait to see what you do with it all xx

  2. Love your 'K' piece and learning all about Köln! Nice things in the parcel too - enjoy! Stay warm, it's cool and wet here too! Hugs, Sarah

  3. What an enjoyable read as I'm having my morning cuppa, very interesting Valerie. The silhouetted buildings look fab on your pages and a lovely bundle of goodies from Jeanie. Have a lovely Wednesday! Xx

  4. Yep liking this lots love the colour contrast Dxx

  5. Lovely pages Valerie and an interesting read love the skyline


  6. What a different and unusual page, I like it very much and I enjoyed reading your background story. Lovely presents from your friend, they look as if they'll be very useful, lovely papers. We had a sunny, warm(ish) day yesterday, sunny and cold(ish) breezy today.

  7. Interesting post to go with your theme today Valerie, I learned something.

  8. A super post, those beers would be a talking point in any country. loved your page and the scenic sky line. enjoy your goodies

  9. Great dictionary page! Someone please get me a German dictionary and a very large, cold draft!!

  10. Sandy, the dictionary might be easier to send than the beer!

  11. My grandmother always had l'eau de cologne. So this smell always makes me think of her, fond memories =)
    Your page looks great. Beautiful city skyline and lovely clear skies, I wish we had a bit more of those around here...

  12. Great pages, love that beer. Awesome package you received. Sorry I haven't been around much Valerie. Kind of cutting back a little on the computer. Mostly Wednesday and Friday's are my days and sometimes other days too. As you know I close down my blog when I go to bed, still trying to keep out those spammer's. Take care and have a great day.

  13. Valerie, das sind ja nette Geschichten, die du hier zum Besten gibst.
    Ich als alter Eifeler aus der Nähe von Köln (naja, sind noch 100 km) kenne diese natürlich und habe auch schon Kölsch, aber auch Alt getrunken. Trotzdem, das beste Bier ist und bleibt das Bitburger aus der Eifel, aber is klar, das gildet nicht beim Buchstaben K. *lol*

    Dein Beitrag zur Challenge ist sehr schön geworden! Mir gefällt ja besonders die Silhouette des Doms, dem Wahrzeichen von Köln.

    Und der Paketinhalt ist wirklich klasse. Da hätte ich mich auch drüber gefreut.

  14. Bitburger ist wirklich lecker, ich habe es immer genossen während meiner Aufenthalte am Bitburger Stausee!

  15. Well I will drink to that! Love those pictures! Fabulous dictionary page and I love the coloring! Hope you have a wonderful day! Hugs!

  16. Na Hammer Valerie! Ich bin ja in Bayern aufgewachsen und ich sag Dir, dass ich weder das Kölsch , noch das Alt brauche.. oder besser, dass ich beides trinken würde... hab beide noch gar nicht bewusst probiert!
    War weder in Düsseldorf noch in Köln..und mit Fastnacht , Fasching etc hab ich auch nichts am Hut..
    das 4711 war das Lieblingsparfüm meiner Omi ( verstorben 1982) an ihre Haut durfte nur Kölnich Wasser und Oil of Olaz !

    Deine Seite ist mir insgesamt das Allerliebste an all dem hier!

    die ist HIMMLISCH!

    und ein nettes Schenkliyummi hast DU auch bekommen!

    Mir geht´s besser... und der Haushalt hat mich wieder!

    lg Susi

  17. Danke Susi, Du bist die Liebste von Allen, das steht fest!

  18. Love the story about the beer and your feuding towns! What a hoot!! Great pages. x

  19. Hi Val, love what you have created, great page, very stylish! Nice present, to, have fun! Hugs, Barb

  20. Wow, your page is beautiful Valerie! The colours, the buildings , the word clouds, and of course the whole story. Most enjoyable post :0) Mo x

  21. Thanks Mo! It's nice to get such positive feedback!

  22. Thank you for all the information Valerie. Loving your terrific spread. x

  23. Great page.Love all the background stories and how you went round all the silhouettes in yellow.It really makes the page pop.

  24. What a nice surprise this morning to be educated on German words and your local rivalry. And a beautifully crafted alpha page emerges in the end. Well done!

  25. This is a really stunning piece Valerie! Love the skyline, so professional looking! Great parcel of goodies from your friend, cant wait to see what you make! ~Diane

  26. Off course, au de cologne is Kölnisch wasser LOL!! Great word choice, and such lovely pages. Hugs Frea

  27. Love your interpretation of your chosen word. MMx

  28. Valerie that's one very interesting post you've written there!! I have been to Cologne and loved it (oops!).
    I struggled with the K too and how lovely for you to be able to go and look in a German dictionary for more choices.
    Your page is wonderfully dramatic with the dark silhouetted cathedral. Gorgeous colours too.
    Hugs, Juliaxxx

  29. Forgot to say: enjoy your little parcel - some lovely things to play with!

  30. Actually, I love Köln, too - ssssh!

  31. Such a neat page - love the skyline and clouds.

  32. Yet another striking, caught my eye page, super. BJ

  33. Koln... great choice. Been there a looong time ago.
    Thanks for playing with us at the Craft Barn


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