Thursday 2 May 2013

Paint Party Friday.

Hi you all! Another week is done and dusted and it's time for Paint Party Friday again, hosted, as always by Eva and Kristin. This week I am sharing some journal pages I have made, and a WIP, which still needs a lot of work on it. The background has been made from a smear, test and wipe sheet, to which I added some more colours with baby wipes, before doing some stamping. I managed to resist the temptation to use sprays and dripology - sometimes we need something different! I used my fave script and diamond stamps, using Colorbox fluid chalk ink in peony. I did the script in blocks going in different directions to add more interest. I have used a photo of my great-grandmother Rachel, taken at the beginning of the 1900s. No, I did not intend it to be wonky - it just happened, so I left it. I used my stencil to do the figures on the left with burgundy paint. The Hebrew text, which means 'A woman of valour, who can find? She is far more precious than jewels', and is taken from the concluding chapter of the book of Proverbs.  Transliterated, the text reads, 'Eshet Chayil mi yimtza v'rachok mip'ninim mikhrah'. Traditionally, in Jewish homes, the entire song is recited by the husband before the Sabbath meal on Friday evenings, who praises his wife before blessing the children, a beautiful custom.
My great grandmother was a very strong and upright woman, and I have made these pages to honour her memory.

Some of the embellishments have been fussy cut or die cut.

I am also linking to Art Journal Journey, (use a new or different technique or method - no spraying!)
Our Creative Corner  (anything goes)

The WIP was inspired by the wonderful orange moon last week, which was evidently caused by the partial lunar eclipse. It was hard to get a good photo, and it still needs a lot of work on it. I have been playing about  with structure paste, stencils, micro-beads etc and having a fun and messy time. 

Tomorrow (Friday) morning I will draw the names of my giveaway winners, and publish them Friday evening. Have a great day, take care, and thanks a lot for coming by.


  1. What a lovely way to remember your great grandmother Valerie. Such beautifully colourful pages.
    Your WIP looks very interesting too and can't wait to see the finished artwork.
    Hugs, Fliss xx

  2. Fabulous journal pages Valerie, you are lucky to have these old family photos and your orange moon is striking. Xx

  3. Wonderful homage Valerie. I bet she would have loved those fabulous colours too!
    Your WIP is brilliant, a great likeness to that incredible celestial visage :0) Mo

  4. Beautiful and very touching pages for your Great Grandmother! The painting looks good, too! Hugs, Sarah

  5. Wonderful pages in great colours!

  6. Hi Valerie. Hope you are doing well. What a beautiful tribute to you GGM. She is just a very handsome woman as it was called in those days. Very strong feel about her. I have old pix as well. You've done great Valerie and your moon is just awesome. Nice work. Happy PPF and thank you.

  7. Beautiful post, all of it. The pages honouring your great Grandmother are beautiful. She would be proud. Love what you are doing with the orange moon, whatever it is you are doing. It almost lights up from inside. hugs, Donna

  8. LOVE your orange moon, wonderful inspiration! And lovely pages too.

  9. Very creative work on both pieces. A real tribute to your grandmother and the moon piece has a terrific textured look to it.

    Have a great day

    Love Chrissie xx

  10. What a beautiful tribute to your grandmother! Thanks you for translating that wonderful respectful quote too....really pretty work! Terrific it!

    Hugs Giggles

  11. Loving the moon WIP and you know how I love art journaling both fabby projects :) Dxx

  12. Boah da hast DU himmlisch gewerkelt! Mir gefällt diese OMA Hommage sehr, sehr gut und auch Dein Mondbild ist excellent Valerie!

    Danke für den schnellen Einstieg bei der Art Journal Journey!
    Leider hab ich heut wieder mal Handwerker ( Gott sei ja Dank- so tut sich wenigstens mal was in Richtung mein Bastelraum)im Haus - viel Dreck natürlich und Kochdienst um die Mannschaft gut zu nähren...
    also leider keinerlei Zeit für mich...


    liebe Grüße


  13. I love the photo of your great grandmother - those old portrait shots were fantastic. lovely tribute to her.

  14. terrific journal pages, loving your layout. The sun is full of texture and am sure will be great.

    Happy PPF, Annette x

  15. What a lovely way to commemorate your grandmother. Love the bright colours

  16. Lovely work, Valerie, as always, I like the way you have combined all the elements on your pages. How interesting to make an artwork based on the orange moon, good fun.

  17. Yes, wonderful Orangery moon ...!

  18. Lovely journal pages to honor your great grandmother, and that orange moon is magical!

  19. wonderful tribute to your great grandmother with such beautiful words. I love your orange moon and the fabulous picture you took

  20. Wonderful collage work and moon work is awesome ~ Wow!

    thanks for your comments ^_^

  21. Love how you combined color with black and white photo. :)

  22. Such a beautiful tribute to your great grandmother! Love how you did the background!

  23. I love the old pictures, they are so priceless, so is the scripture. The moon and what you did is tremendous. I cannot wait to see what you do next. Amazing moon. Blessings, Janet PPF

  24. What wonderful Art Journal pages my friend. And the photo of your Great Grand Mother looks wonderful. I always enjoy seeing your art work.


  25. really splendid journal pages! lively color, and like the way you've used the vintage photo. happy PPF!

  26. Hello from Art Journal Journey

    Your pages are such a colorful and beautiful tribute to your great grandmother...very moving!


  27. First I loved reading about this scripture and seeing it in Hebrew. What a grand tribute to your great grandmother. The background colors in this are truly beautiful.
    I need to learn how to play like you did with your partial lunar eclipse. I think it looks beautiful and you can see all the texture with an iridescent hue. Beautiful!

  28. Wow Deine Journal seite steckt so voller liebevoller Details...ich liebe den Hintergrund und dessen Farben besonders : und Dein orangeroter Mond...WOW! Das Bild ist ja jetzt schon ein Hingucker!! ♥ Conny

  29. Beautiful pages for your great grandmother. I love the way the Hebrew lettering contrasts with the script in the background.

  30. Love your journal pages, and especially like your orange moon, such fabulous textures! Thanks for your lovely comments btw. :)

  31. Wow...what a beautiful entrie for the challenge, great colours!!

  32. How lucky your are to have a photo of your great-grandmother! The pages are a sweet tribute to her. I keep thinking what a beautiful keepsake your journal will be when it is finished!

    Nice job on your orange moon & I like the background leaves.

  33. Wow, amazing pages, your Great-grandmother looks a wonderful lady.
    Loved the second piece with the awesome moon.
    Yvonne x

  34. Fabulous journal pages Valerie, and how lovely to remember your Great Grandmother with the quote.
    Love the texture on the 2nd pages and fabulous photo.
    Avril xx

  35. Beautiful. I love that you used a smear/test/wipe sheet was the beginnings of such a rich background!

  36. Going no spray inks is a tough one and you handled it beautifully! What a fab moon too! Happy PPF!

  37. I love that you have been giving us those close ups as I think your work comes alive when we can see those textures and details... love those views...
    have a wonderful week
    T xx

  38. A really beautiful tribute to a special lady, those colours absolutely glow. I'm loving your moon too. Thanks for joining us at FSC this time
    Claire xx

  39. Lovely tribute, love the black and white photo and how you embellished it with colorful lace and flowers, nice contrast! The WIP moon painting has wonderful colors and all sorts of great textures and reflections.

  40. Spectacular colours in your pages, and a wonderful tribute to your great-grandmother. The Hebrew text is a great touch - beautifully done. Thanks so much for playing along with us at Our Creative Corner!
    Alison x

  41. such beauty in your art this week! love the texture in the orange moon painting. what a wonderful tradition your family has and such a good way to remember your grandma with your pages.

  42. How beautiful, stunning colours and textures, thanks do much for sharing your gorgeous project with us at FSC. XX

  43. wow,eine wundervolle seite,und die hommage an deine omma gefällt mir sehr,sehr gut,auch die farben sind klasse.

    GLG Jeannette

  44. Was für eine wundervolle Idee, deine Uroma zu würdigen! Diese Seite ist sehr, sehr schön! Danke für's teilen!

  45. Valerie, thanks for visiting my blog in spite of my non-entry into the PPF party. I love these pages. The colors are awesome and the photo of your great grandmother Rachel is wonderful. I love the Hebrew writing on the page. That scripture is the one my dh had engraved on a silver picture frame over 30 years ago for our 25th wedding anniversary. Proverbs is one of my favorite books for its wisdom.

  46. I love the book of Proverbs, too Faye! There is so much wisdom and guidance there.

  47. Gorgeous, both of them! That is a most beautiful tribute to your grandmother, she was a very beautiful woman. I love the tradition of praising your wife before blessing the children, what a beautiful thing to teach. The pages are gorgeous and so is the beautiful moon, I love the effect of the micro beads in it too, both of these are stunning! ~Diane

  48. Great pages dedicated to your Great Grandmother!! I'm really eager to see the finished work in's looking totally awesome already!!!!

  49. This is beautiful the way you honored your grandmother. Mine lived to be 104 and was still the life of the house. Happy PPF

  50. Gorgeous journal pages - the Hebrew text is an art form unto itself. Love your WIP - that orange moon is amazing. Hope to see more on that soon. HPPF

  51. beautiful pages, i love the colors!

  52. Amazingly vibrant work - the effects are just stunning! So much to look at - what a wonderful tribute. Thanks for joining us at Our Creative Corner Love from Laura xxx

  53. Ich bin begeistert, die Seiten sind total schön. Vielen Dank für deine Teilnahme bei FSC.

  54. Lovely pages! Such a beautiful tribute... a treasure.

  55. What a wonderful homage. Thanks for joining us at Our Creative Corner this time, hugs Jenny x

  56. Art journaling at its best! Love your proverb illustration!
    Thank you for sharing this with us at OurCreativeCorner!

    Claudia x

  57. What a fabulous tribute to your Great Grandmother Valerie, you can see the character coming through. Your WIP is amazing, the colour is really glowing. I love your art but also the stories behind everything - I would definitely buy your autobiography! xx

  58. I'm out of order with your work Valerie but I couldn't let this one go by without a comment. The colours are just stunning and the image of your Grandmother is amazing - I so love it when the photo is of a family member.
    Thanks so much for joining us at Our Creative Corner this time.
    Hope your weekend is going well.

  59. Deine Journalseiten sind echt toll gestaltet - dein Bild kit dem Mond ist der Hammer!
    LG Dagmar


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