Thursday 30 May 2013

Paint Party Friday and Piarom's Mix-it Challenge

Hi everybody!
Another week is done and dusted - wish I could say the same for my place! - and it's time for Paint Party Friday again, hosted, as always by Eva and Kristin. And Piarom has started a new challenge 'Mix it monthly', where the theme this month is  ' Yellow vintage girl goes Picasso'. She gave us as inspiration a photo of a fifties girl in a butterfly hat, and a beautiful 'Picasso' which she painted herself. I have incorporated the butterfly hat of the vintage lady, and some parts of her painting, cut up, into my journal pages. I have painted them in my giant journal, the spread is 60x42cms. I used a spread I started over a year ago, and didn't like, and now it is finished at last! It was rather hard for me adding all that colour, I didn't like it at first, but afterwards I just loved it - still do! The background has been made with book-page snippets, stencils, and various colours used over wet gesso, which tones them down a bit. The yellow and pink and bright blue went on top and it really made it pop. I have used various magazine cut outs for the face, body, eyes and mouth, which have then been doodled and 'improved' by cutting them apart etc. I am a compulsive magazine page ripper, and have to tear out pages I like. Of course, I do not do this in the waiting room at the doctor's. Well, not if anyone is looking! 'My' faces have also been jazzed up a bit with colours and patterns, I think I will try to get my eyebrows looking like they are here, that would be fun. The rather controversial quote is from Harlan  Ellison.

I'm sure I can't remember painting those eyes just there!

This was great fun to make, in spite of the colours, and I really was surprised what a difference they make, and how good it looks with layers of colours one over the other. Thanks Conny, for the inspiration to this challenge.

Have fun party and a great weekend,  take care, and thanks for coming by!


  1. Lovely pages, the yellow jumps out at me, and I love it. I sometimes take photos of the magazine pages in the doctor's offices with my cell phone.

  2. Val, I love this. The pages are so colourful, and there is so much to see. Picasso would be proud of you! Hugs, Sarah

  3. Absolutely incredibly marvelous pages, dahling! LOVE the colour - but then - you know me. Your pages just get better all the time - These are my favorite of all time. Have a great day, Valerie. Hugs, Donna

  4. I love what you did with the eyes and lips. I like the Picasso look. It makes you think. Nice job. Happy PPF!

  5. Valerie das ist phänomenal und ABGEFAHREN!

    ich bin restlos begeistert von jeder einzelnen "Spezialität" die Du eingebaut hast und davon sind hier eine Menge auf´s Genialste kombiniert..
    insgesamt eine echtes GIANT spread in Deinem übergroßen Journal!

    Mir geht es auch so, dass angefangene, ungeliebte- lang vergessene Seiten für eine ganz andere Herausforderung super werden.. ich denke mal das ist das Geschenk an den "geduldigen Künstler" von der Musengöttin!

    Und Du!!! also beim Doktor hatte ich bis jetzt irgendwie nie die Gelegenheit was!
    manchmal gibt es Gratisjournale - bei Drogerie Markt, dem Arzt etc.. früher hab ich die immer für die JAM ATCs gleich dreifach mitgenommen... aber da ich das jetzt nicht mehr werkle recht immer eine..was meinem Chaos schon besser zu Gesichte steht hier im Haus!
    das wär mal ne Herausforderung mit Nervenkitzel für mich...beim Arzt was aus ner Zeitschrift reissen... ich werd das auf meine To do Liste setzen LOL!

  6. Danke DIR fürs Mitmachen, ich LIEBE Deine ach so spritzigen und farbenfrohen Seiten! So wunderbar, all die kleinen Details zu entdecken, wie die Herzen oder boops in den Augen ;) und ja ich finde die Augenbrauen auch einfach genial....wie anders sehen die Haare dann erst um den Mund herum aus, hihi...Welch Freude!! Ganz süss finde ich auch die Schmetterlinge auf ihrem coolen Hut! Du merkst schon, ich finde kein Ende ;)....PS beim Arzt reisse ich auch manchmal, die geben die Zeitungen, ja eh wieder zurück, weil die geliehen sind, oder?!

  7. Hmm, vielleicht versuche ich demnächst die Haare auf der Zunge auch darzustellen!

  8. Oh, fantastic colourful pages, Valerie, they are wonderful and so full of details. I love all the layers and the zigzags and thanks for all the close-ups.
    Hello Christine above, if you come back to read this - I like the idea of taking a photo of a magazine picture as magazines in cafes etc. often have such wonderful ideas but we shouldn't pull out the pages.

  9. love the colours and the way the butterfly dies are over the stamp ones, and lol where you added the boobs...

    fab, well done, maria xx

  10. wie cool - total abgefahren - klasse gemacht!

  11. Wonderful page Valerie. I love all the different elements and colours :0) Mo x

  12. Wow, deine Seiten sind klasse geworden! Schön farbenfroh und mit jeder Menge zu sehen. Picasso wäre stolz auf dich!

  13. Been having a super catch up with all your recent posts, great eye candy and inspiration, love these pages and the magazine cuttings.
    Yvonne x

  14. Been having a super catch up with all your recent posts, great eye candy and inspiration, love these pages and the magazine cuttings.
    Yvonne x

  15. Gaaaaanz toll,total abgefahren und schön farbenfroh sind deine seiten geworden,fantastisch !!!

    GLG Jeannette

  16. Brilliant pages Valerie--I will be laughing all day at some of the things on them. Fantastic colours of the era.

    Have a great day

    Love Chrissie x

  17. terrific colourful pages Valerie, am sure when you look at these they make you smile with happiness. Happy PPF, Annette x

  18. "AWESOME!"
    Love this artwork... love all the colors, so alive!!

  19. Wunderbare Collage, jedes Detail ein schöner Hingucker, super!

  20. These are terrific pages. All that great colour, and then so many little details to look at and then next time I look there are even more! I like the integration of Picasso-inspired art with modern day, and the way you have divided the figures up. But that snake sliding in ....... He's got me worried .....

  21. love the pop of colour and the patterns around the eyes and also the mouth are fantastic... xx

  22. Wonderful collage and Picasso inspired journal pages. I love the colours and layers in your work

  23. Fabulous pages Valerie, I love the doodling and the 'real' eyes in your faces. Hope you see some yellow sunshine this weekend. Xx

  24. Beautiful interpretation of the mix-it prompt by Piarom. Your mystery eyes gave made me laugh. I wonder how they go there =)
    Thank you for your comment on my little ATC book.
    Have a wonderful day.
    xx Monique

  25. Love the chaos on these pages but at the same time it makes sense. :)

  26. I love the plethora of action and lines in your work!! Wow love it...great with those colors too...what a fun challenge!Impressive!!!

    Hugs Giggles

  27. Love these, the yellow really pops out at you.

  28. I am half way through my attempt at this challenge. I love what you have done and how you used the photos given oh and HPPF Dxx

  29. Great pages, interesting and unusual! LOve the details and wonderful contrasts! <3

  30. Totally awesome and loads of fun, Valerie. My definition of meek certainly is different from Ellison's. Thanks for visiting my blog. I always enjoy seeing what you have created.

  31. I have no eyes and I must scream, my favorite short story, you have really captured Harlan's satirical sense with the awesome eyes and lips in this piece too! I must agree, this is one of my all time favorite pieces of yours! ~Diane

  32. The colors and layers are captivating - I love what you've done with these!!

  33. Very dynamic and colorful! The details are amazing--including the eyes, LOL!

    Have a great weekend!

  34. I love your colors and interpretation of this theme. Great work!

  35. this is just marvelous Valerie!!Such a fun artsy interpretation for your challenge project. Thanks for visiting my blog :)

  36. Being a magazine page ripper myself, I appreciate the fact that you check to see if anyone is looking...LOL! Love how you used the eyes in your drawings and the doodles too. Especially love all the color! Thanks for visiting my blog! HPPF!

  37. Oh how fun, I love this! I'm going to have to check out the Piarom's challenge. HPPF!

  38. What fun journal pages!
    Happy PPF!!
    Mixed-Media Map Art

  39. I find it very sexy these beautiful compositions, very significantly the occurrence of the serpent!

  40. Fantastic experimentations and play on your pages. Happy PPF

  41. Well I left the comment for this one, on the Fairy Tale Woods post! So I guess I will post here for the previous one! Boy do I need it to be the weekend! Your Fairy Tale is gorgeous and full of so many details! Love the little dear looking into the background! Love this! Hugs!

  42. You must be having fun making your art, so many things happening in there. Love your bright colors and fun doodling.

  43. LOVING the colors and your creative collage! So vibrant and beautiful! Happy PPF

  44. So many things so see! I LOVE LOVE your collage. Excellent composition...thanks so much for sharing your work. Happy Paint Party Friday!

  45. Stunning pages Valerie!!!

    You are so versatile!

    Great work :)

    Karen x

  46. Your m ind works in incredible ways Valerie - I wonder what you were thinking when you put that ever so real (ugh) snake on there. I enjoyed every jot and tittle - you do have a way with color and design!!

  47. Very cool, love this for HPPF and the MixItMonthly challenge!!

  48. Masterpieces!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I love each page, such energy!!!!!!!


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