Friday 6 April 2012

Postcard Challenge, PPF & Calendar Challenge

It's Friday again, and that means party time. Over at PPF, hosted as always by Katrin and Eva, we have already arrived at week 4 of the second year. Darcy's Postcard Challenge has been running since the beginning of the year, and this week Singapore is our goal. And I am a few days late with my April Calendar for *The Kathryn Wheel*, but now it is finished.

After their long weekend in Istanbul Cissie and Helga are pleased to have a few quiet weeks back in their corner of London, visiting their fave restaurants to keep their strength up, shopping and playing card-games. Jason often joins them for a *light lunch* - fish and chips, cream cakes and pots of hot, sweet tea. Jason has been invited to a business holiday in Singapore, where he is meeting other antique shop owners to talk shop, make plans, and have a good time. Cissie thinks they could hold their meeting in London instead of flying so far away, but Jason tells her that they need a change of air to get their brainstorming going. Cissie wonders how people who are so brainless and gormless as Jason and his buddies are going to find anything to storm….But Jason is determined to fly, and so he packs his case. Cissie gives him some good advice, as always. *Take some decent clothes, not the shmattes (Yiddish for rags!) you always wear! Behave when you are there! In Singapore they are very strict, so don’t throw any litter onto the street and do everything people tell you! Don’t buy any drugs!*
Jason says, *Who bought those funny cigarettes in Holland? You or me??*
Cissie asks him to bring her a few yards of silk for a new dress. Jason says he will, whilst thinking, *Blimey, she’ll need a few miles, not yards!*
The flight is long, but pleasant. Singapore airlines is famed for it’s good food, service and beautiful hostesses, and Jason’s expectations are in no way disappointed.

(Picture Collage from Wikipedia)

In Singapore they do a sightseeing tour on their first day, enjoy seeing the clean streets, the stylish metropolis, the Lion of Singapore, the parks and the Island of Samosa. But for Jason, and most of his buddies, the clubs, restaurants and exceptionally beautiful girls are the preferred sights, as always. Shopping and food seem to be the main occupations of the people, and Jason is glad to enjoy their hobbies, too. He buys a bale of lilac silk for Cissie, and is sure she will love it. He manages to spend the whole five days with no greater catastrophes than getting drunk every night and running after each and every pretty girl he sees.

The postcard shows Jason in front of the flag, flanked by the lions, the symbols of Singapore. He looks rather bleary eyed, wonder what he was up to the night before?

The calendar page is my entry for the Kathryn Wheel Challenge. I painted the background with three different shades of blue, using a credit card to spread the paint. Then I added a bit more colour with some colourwash sprays. The *days* are made to look like egg halves. I cut ovals with a Sizzix die, and cut them apart by hand. The chickens have been cut from serviettes and fixed with golden gel.

For PPF I am sharing a picture I made back in 1992, which I *discovered* whilst clearing up my bedroom last weekend. Perhaps this is a sign to clear up more often!? I have used black ink and coloured pencils.

So, that was it for today. Have a great day you all, take care, and thanks for looking by! Happy Easter!


  1. Lots of lovely artwork here Valerie. Happy PPF and have a blessed Easter, Annette x

  2. fun reading about Cissie and Jason as always. I love that picture you found from the 90s - it looks like a zentangle - where they around then?

  3. I hav been making these patterns since I was a kid. I never gave them a name!

  4. Hi Val, lovely work as always. Your calendar is very fitting for Easter, too! Hugs, Sarah

  5. another fun postcard. good storyline.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Oh my, these are all so clever and inspiring... thank you for sharing, Valerie! :]
    Love the postcard too.
    Have a wonderful Friday! ((hugs))

  8. Glad to hear Jason enjoyed Singapore, we were there one Christmas and they had fake snow. Love the little chickens on your calendar and what a fab doodle picture. Love the bird but the faces are a bit scary! xx

  9. Jason looks like he is having a great time and he's so good to his Aunt. A xx

  10. I am loving visiting Singapore through the Postcard Challenges this week because I have lots of great memories of many trips there... but love your old work... what a find unearthing that little treasure... thanks for sharing... no balls yet... but our post has been on a break since mid last week for the Easter Break... any deliveries on your end??? have a great Easter and hope the bunny brings lots of balls!!! xx

  11. Wow, you've been one busy lady! I enjoyed hearing more about Aunt Cissie and Jason and his trip to Singapore sounded fun- GREAT postcard! Love your calender and your art too- Happy Easter!

  12. Love the postcard and a fantastic doodle. :)

  13. I'd clean more often if I found treasures like that piece of art!!

  14. I love the story AND the postcard, Aunt Cissie and Jason are a right pair, they really are heading for trouble...


  15. your calendar is SO creative. Enjoyed your postcard story and your PPF work is amazing from so long ago!

  16. Wow! Val ~ your art is really blossoming all over ~ wonderful creations ~ thanks, namaste, ^_^

  17. I look forward to reading your stories on Fridays Val, you are an exceptional writer. Your painting is pretty and fun as is your postcard.

  18. With a bale of lilac silk, I'm sure Cissie will be able to have a very beautiful frock or two (depending on how much weight she has lost or gained). Your artwork as usual is delightful as your writing.

  19. Oh my gosh, "a bale of silk" you crack me up. As always, another fabulous week.

  20. As always Cissie and Jason's was worth the waiting from last week. Wonder what else was in his case this time.
    Fabulous art and postcard.
    Yvonne x

  21. What a fun postcard. I love the expression on his face! Hope he has enough room to bring the "miles" of silk back. :) I also love your picture. The detail is wonderful. Thanks for sharing and have a Happy Easter.

  22. Lovely card again this week!
    happy easter! M

  23. Hi Valerie. Hope you are doing well and hope it's still not so Brrrr cold over there. It's getting springy over here. Very nice journal. Love it, and the fun that is being had by Cissie. Great postcard. Valerie, I hope you have a Happy Easter. Also, Happy PPF to you. Take care of yourself.

  24. what a fun postcard!!!!!
    And loved your re-discoveries!!!

  25. oh my gosh where to begin, every peice is beautiful, you are such a talent, so versatile in your technique, Have a wonderful weekend,

  26. Yes, Jason definitely has his eye on my lady, but she was much too sophisticated for him. She put him down with just a look! Oh well, 'plenty more fish in the sea' as I am sure Cissie would say (while spooning them into her mouth!)

  27. Lisa, you could be right; Jason's pleasures and interests seem to be simple and very direct. Subtlety is not his strong point!

  28. Very fun work. I love your creative doodle from so long ago!

  29. Another fun trip and some delightful art!

    Happy Easter to you, too, Valerie!


  30. lol great card, poor boy definately looks the worse for wear. I am sure Cissie will look lovely in lilac.

  31. Fun, fun, fun!
    So many intense colors and intricate designs!
    Happy PPF!!
    Mixed-Media Map Art

  32. Oh dear, is Jason wearing a schmatte? The boy needs an image consultant (not Aunt Cissie! heehee)

  33. You are a riot! Fabulous artwork as always and stories! Have a lovely weekend and Happy Easter!

  34. Another great postcard! I really like your 1992 zen doodle!! So cool. Great you rediscovered it!

  35. Wonderful, fun pieces! Happy PPF!

  36. More fabulous tales and adventues from the unruly duo !> Great postcard, love the chicks and eggs. The last image is amazing and you used pencils !!! Wow amazing detail. Wishing you a wonderful Easter.


  37. Lots of wonderful art work today! Great postcard again, glad Jason enjoyed his trip to Sngapore! I love the egg shells on your calendar page and the little chickens-so cute!
    Your piece of art you found is lovely, so much detail and I love all the little faces and the bird.
    Hope you have a great Easter weekend x

  38. Lots of wonderful art work today! Great postcard again, glad Jason enjoyed his trip to Sngapore! I love the egg shells on your calendar page and the little chickens-so cute!
    Your piece of art you found is lovely, so much detail and I love all the little faces and the bird.
    Hope you have a great Easter weekend x

  39. Your postcard is hilarious ( as the story too, love it!) and your calender page is sooooo adorable, I love how you do those! But the last one you found while cleaning just blows me away! FANTASTIC!!!! Deb

  40. What a discovery! Love your drawing and it appears timeless. Happy Easter!

  41. Fun Stuff....always good to pop in to see what you've been creating! Happy Easter!

  42. Glad Jason had such a great time in Singapore. Cissie will look superb in lilac silk, especially with her violet hair. Great postcard, as always.

    Janet xx

  43. Ok, I caught up on Aunt Cissie and Jason again. I love those two!
    I really love the two Easter tags!!!!
    I just kinda kept on reading for a while. I think your bedroom is VERY PRETTY and I happen to like the butts over the bed. I remember you sending me pictures of them while you were painting them.
    Sorry you still have crappy weather! Ours is very cool but at least we have sun with it. I'm ready to head back to Florida if it doesn't warm up!!
    I'll be back soon to catch up on your blog again!
    Hugs and love,

  44. Glad to see Jason's Maple Leaf hair cut grew out. Another great installment in the postcard chronicles.

    Love that old painting you found.

  45. Happy Easter, Val! Great post!
    I really love that 92' funky and cool!

  46. Hi Valerie
    I hope you are having a lovely Sunday.
    A bounty of art from you in this post.
    The amazing postcard, that part has to be my favourite, each time it is pure entertainment.
    Have a great day.

  47. I'll admit I prefer Cissie travelling but this one's good too. Go Jason!!! :)

  48. Great post! I especially love your sweet calendar pages.... great idea with the egg halves!

  49. Such an entertaining post! I always love reading about Jason and his adventures. :) Gorgeous artwork you found! Isn't it fun when you run across something you did a while back? I LOVE the fantastic lines and all of that detail. Hugs to you Valerie!

  50. More fun with Jason and Cissie and some lovely art work. Been away so a rather belated Happy Easter to you.
    Jen x

  51. A lovely idea for your April page.


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