Friday 13 April 2012

Iceland or Iceland?

Good morning you all, it's party time again. Eva and Kristin are hosting Paint Party Friday again. It's week 5 of year 2 already! And Darcy is hosting week 15 of her Postcard Challenge, where our participants goal is Iceland....

This week Cissie is off for a trip to Iceland, with her friend Thelma in tow.
A couple of days beforehand, Jason and Cissie are sitting in her living room, enjoying tea, cream cakes and a football match on TV. Jason is only listening with half an ear to Cissie....
Jason, I’m going to Iceland on Friday with Thelma. Could you drive us?
Yeah, why not. But 'ang on, didn’t we go there last week? You bought piles of groceries; you can’t have eaten them all already!
Jason, we are going to ICELAND, not ICELAND!

(Iceland is a well known chain of grocery stores in England)
Well, I’m not deaf, am I? I 'eard you the first time!
Jason, I should say, we are FLYING to ICELAND! You need to drive us to Gatwick!
Bloody 'ell, watcha wanna fly for? It ain’t that far!
No Jason! We are flying to ICELAND. We are not going shopping!
Slowly, reality dawns on Jason. He asks, rather horrified,
Ain’t that somewhere at the North Pole? That place with volcanoes and ponies and ice all over the place?
It’s not at the North Pole, Jason. Your geography is very bad. I looked it up in my atlas, and it’s 3 centimetres further south!
Jason nearly chokes on a bite of cream cake, while trying to make sense of Cissie’s description. He still can’t understand WHY they want to go to Iceland, but as he always loses every argument with Cissie, he agrees to drive them to the airport.
They hardly fit through the door of the car, as they are so wrapped in furs and boots, and clutching thick blankets and snow-shoes. Jason pays for the excess baggage at the airport without saying a word, and watches them waddle off, resembling 2 brown bears looking for a place to hibernate....

After a pleasant flight, they arrive safely and are transferred to their hotel. They spend 2 days in Reykjavik before travelling on to Akureyri.

They are delighted to find real shops and plenty of restaurants, all of which offer a large selection of tasty and high calorie food, even though they are not always quite sure what it is....Perhaps that's just as well!!

(Photos from Wikipedia Commons)

They see the northern lights, and swim in hot springs. And it is not quite as cold as they thought it would be, and Cissie is able to wear her new purple silk blouse and skirt, made by her dressmaker from the silk Jason bought for her in Singapore. And one of the Iceland ponies forms a great attachment to Cissie, and follows her about; she can’t understand why....

And Jason is enjoying his peaceful week at home....

For PPF I once again have a WIP, I quite like it so far, but don't know what to do to finish it again....I have re-used a canvas, which has been painted with several layers of acrylics, after using a stencil to add some texture with structure paste.

I'm sorry I didn't get round to visiting everybody last week; I had problems with Blogger and was not always able to comment, but I was at least able to read the blogs. Hope this week will be easier.
Have a good day you all, take care, and thanks for visiting!


  1. Excellent the pony is amazing and what an adventure Cissie had hehe. Love your painting too x

  2. Lovely postcard, Val, but I don't think I would like that food....I wonder why that pony followed her....??! Have a nice day, hugs, Sarah

  3. I couldn't resist throwing an Iceland supermarket gag in my entry either!! I bet Cissie loves it in there - the adverts always seem to show people having a huge quantity of party food!

    Entertaining as always and I love where you're going with your WIP.

  4. I love your postcard Valerie, I lol at te 'two brown bears looking for a place to hibernate' It's a brave pony that follows Cissie, you never know when she may want a small snack! Your canvas is fabulous, I can't wait so see what you will do with it. Have a great weekend x

  5. Lol! 3 cm further south. :)) You crack me up. Love your postcard!

  6. Your purple artwork is stunning:)
    I also want to go to Iceland, the photos are wonderful!

  7. Fun, fun, fun!!! Purple is one of my favorite colors too! My girls wold love any horse but I'm sure this one will win anytime!!! ♥

  8. Smashing story to go with the postcard..loving the horse.
    Also loving your WIP for PPF, its looking fab already. Annette x

  9. Two brown bears looking for a place to hibernate - priceless! Fabulous story and artwork and the purple My Little Pony is gorgeous. Cissie suits that lovely violet colour very well.

    Janet xx

  10. Lovely work Val, and great story! Hugs, Barb

  11. Have to say, I don't fancy the Icelandic cuisine much. Cissy is looking fab and your canvas is lovely. Hugs, Suze xx

  12. Such beautiful the purple :) Cissie is sure to enjoy her adventures :)

  13. Amazing adventure with Cissie and the canvas is beautiful so rich and vibrant!

  14. Love the canvas - such rich purples... and, as always, thoroughly enjoyed Cissie's travels.
    Hugs xx

  15. Fun story ~ love your horse and your canvas piece is divine ~ thanks, namaste, ^_^

  16. Such a fun card! Thanks for all your show & 'em

  17. Fabulous story, Valerie! Love the purple project :)

  18. Oh I do love Cissie :D In a bikini!!!!lol Can't wait for that image to surface hahaha :D XXX

  19. Gorgeous page, love the dimension and the seed beads! Strange foods Aunt Cissie was eating this week!

  20. Valerie, another great adventure for Aunt Cissie and Thelma. I really like the texture on your WIP. Have a great weekend.


  21. Wow - love the piles of texture on your WIP - the kind of grid structure of the texture works in nice contrast with the organic shape of the flowers - really pretty. Love your postcard story too - made me smile. Thanks for continuing to visit.

  22. Cissie is looking very smart this week, lovely colours! M

  23. You are funny!!!

    I could just imagine them at the airport with their big furs.... looking for a place to hibernate!

    OMG is that a dried sheeps head?

    Looks like a Damien Hirst still life!

    Have a great weekend :)

  24. Yeah, I would run a mile if somebody put that in front of me!!

  25. Another great installment! I had to laugh at the comment that it was a brave pony that followed Cissie around. Love the new painting, it reminds me of hydrangea blooms.

  26. another brilliant adventure! I would love to go to Iceland someday although I certainly won't be eating a sheep's head (poor thing!) I like your PPF work in progress - great texture.

  27. Ugh, the head on a plate doesn't look very delicious!! Great description of Cissie and her friend, very comical ;D

    Your WIP is lovely, I really like the texture and colours you've achieved.


  28. I am so enjoying Cissie's adventures. Going to Iceland is not on my bucket list, but I do think it would be a delightful trip. I can't imagine why that pony is following a lavender silk dressed woman around. Can you? I think your WIP looks finished. It's beautiful.

  29. what a fun postcard. a good read as well, love the purple dress...

  30. Always great work Valerie and of course Cissie always takes the show. tee hee. Have a great weekend.

  31. I love reading your travel logs and seeing the postcards that accompany! Maybe the pony likes her "pinky-purple?" LOL. Thanks too for the photos, so interesting, such fun.

  32. What a gorgeous canvas, loved how you used the texture paste!
    have a great weekend!
    hugs Lynn

  33. Lovely WIP! And a wonderful story from ICELAND!

  34. fabulous, Cissie is a hoot. Chuckled at them dressed like brown bears hahaha

  35. It's a wonderful card and I can't help thinking that I would like to take a trip with Cissie! I know I would eat well! :)

  36. Valerie I just love your painting ! the colour and texture are just incredible and I could certianly find a spot for it ;)
    Von x♥x

  37. Great work and great post too! Kim

  38. Love your work in progress... it is going to be exciting to see what the finished product looks like if it looks this good at this stage...xx

  39. Love the postcards, story and artwork, but the food plate - NOT! The paste really adds a great texture layer, very pretty! Have a great weekend!

  40. OMG is that a preserved Reindeer face on the plate! Of course I love the travel adventures but I couldn't think why the horse was following Cissie? Your canvas is FAB!

  41. Hooray for Iceland!
    One of my favorite places on the planet! :)
    Happy PPF!!
    Mixed-Media Map Art

  42. Can't miss my Friday Cissie fix!


  43. Pretty pony with hair to match Thelma! Fun!

  44. Beautiful pony and the WIP looks great! Happy PPF !

  45. Love the postcards and all of the fun pix! Awesome post! :)

  46. Always love reading your postcards. They are such fun. Love the canvas too especially the texture. x

  47. Once again ROTFL - I love the story before you post your cards...

  48. Whee, I finally made it over for my Jason and Cissie fix..and of course my Valerie "Art fix" too ;) Love the Iceland, not Iceland thing; so clever And the purple pony along with the purple silk; VERY fun! As for your work in progress; I think it might be done- I can't see anything to add that wouldn't take away from the overall (gorgeous) effect. Wonderful!

  49. Great story line. I love the image with the pony!

  50. Still chuckling, like the pony. Fun postcard as always. Love the textured canvas.
    Jen x

  51. Did you draw the pony- it's very nice! What WAS Cissie eating?! I am an adventureous eater, but those plates do not look very appetising! ha!


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