Saturday 9 January 2010

*Daisy* in Kaiserswerth

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*Daisy* has now reached us with wind and snow galore. Time to stay home and watch the snow from the warmth of my living room. Time to think about the homeless looking for somewhere to save themselves from freezing.


  1. It beggers belief that the homeless can survive at all in such freezing weather doesnt it Valerie! May they meet with compassion and lots of hot soup!
    Your slide show is lovely, Im guessing its a tad nippy around your parts!
    Sue x

  2. No Sue, my parts are all well wrapped, but baby, it's cold outside!

  3. wow vall, i hope it eases off soon. as for the homeless, do they have hostels to go too? or are they few and far between?
    i hope someone is watching over them.
    hugs gina xxxxxxxx

  4. There are hostels, and people who go round at night and distribute food and hot drink, but it's never enough!

  5. Stunning photos Val.
    I've been wondering about the homeless too as it's freezing here.
    Sue xx

  6. Yes, it must be awful being outside all day in this weather and not having any shelter,

  7. lovely slide show val, and yes have been thinking about the homeless here too, it cannot be much fun, especially in this weather...

    maria x


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