Tuesday 3 December 2019

Midweek Post

Hi Everybody!

We're enjoying pleasant winter weather just now - cold and frosty with sunny intervals, just great for walking. I clocked up nearly 22000 steps today, and enjoyed every one. But we have wet and stormy weather on the way, so I'm determined to enjoy this good spell as long as it lasts!

I am sharing a mixed media journal spread from my small (A5) journal

I have more photos from our recent visit to Venlo (Holland)

There is a large market where you can buy almost everything:

Something for every taste - or lack of it!

The narrow streets were all full:

The River Maas:

I didn't know there were crocodiles there:

I hope they don't eat the geese:

I always love the views of the roofs:

And some photos from this afternoon, where I was able to watch the sun sinking through the mist over the Rhine:


 And as I walked home the crescent moon showed itself in the sky, and the mist started curling up from the ground - magical!

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Monday 2 December 2019

T sTands for Tag Tuesday's new challenge

Hi Everybody!

It's December already, and the year is almost over. At Tag Tuesday we are starting a wintry challenge hosted by Joan, who chose 'White Christmas' as her theme. I'm not hoping for a white one here, I prefer dry weather without ice and snow, but we have to take it as it comes....
I made a hybrid tag using a photo of my 2 winter bird ornaments, which was placed on a water-coloured background using elements from Serif, blended together with a snowflake filter. The tag challenge goes live at 21:00 hours CET:

For  Elizabeth's 2nd on the 2nd I have chosen an A3 mixed media  Einstein piece from 2015:

And it's also time for T sTands for Tuesday, so here some of my beverages from this past week. The first one was in an 'in' cafe in Oberkassel. The decoration wasn't bad, there was a fun light-sign on the wall, but the chairs were uncomfortable and the coffee was weak:

I often nip in to a bakery for a coffee when I'm out walking. I managed 109 kilometers last week in spite of rain, frost and wind. I don't usually eat anything but it all looks and smells good:

And this was in a self-service coffee place, where you get a huge mug, twice as much as usual, for half the normal price, and it tastes good:

Cold and frosty weather, paired with a touch of mist gives us some beautiful sunrise and sunset pics:

And I am enjoying my evening walks through our little town:

 Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Friday 29 November 2019

Weekend post

Hi Everybody!

This past week has flown by again - too much to do, not enough time!
Or perhaps I just like to spend too much time walking about....

Today I am sharing another A2  (approx. 17" x 24") geometric-shapes mixed media page made a couple of months back at art group, and which somehow slipped to the bottom of one of my ever-growing piles. The page was gessoed, and then I drew in the shapes and painted them, layering some on top of others. I used an Edding pen to outline the shapes and add in some lines. The smaller patterns were added with stencils, the lines were drawn with a ruler - and still not quite straight!

And Nathalie and I discovered these painted rocks when we walked along the shore of the Rhine, so beautiful. Painted, and then left for others to enjoy:

Here I took a walk along the old bastions (walls) of the town:

This was one of the old watch-posts where the guards could shelter:

Saint Swidbert keeping an eye on us all:

The sun goes down early these days:

Nathalie watching the river:

While we were there the Canadian wild-geese flew around us before moving on:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!