Saturday 29 October 2022

Weekend Post

Hi Everybody!

It's weekend - enjoy!

Today I am re-showing  a piece made a few years back just because I like it!

At the moment our weather is very mild and sunny, more like late summer than late autumn, and I enjoyed a walk and took some pics with my phone:

And as a reward I bought myself a cappuccino:

And some funnies/ thinkies:

Have a great weekend, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by! 


  1. I love your ravens. Wow! your phone takes amazing photos. Glad you are out walking. Have a nice weekend.

  2. This is a great piece Valerie. I remember it from the last time you shared it with us. And I'm glad you had some beautiful weather and even happier you were able to get a nice walk. Beautiful photos. I hope you have a relaxing and lovely weekend. hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. I'm rather slow walking just now, and have plenty of stops in between, but I'm so happy to be able to get out and about again. Have a great weekend, hugs!

  3. Your pastel sketch of a face is really beautiful. I hope your health is returning to normal.

    best… mae at

  4. Lovely art and photos today. Good thinkies too. Glad the weather is nice

    1. Thanks Christine, it's great to have such nice weather. Hugs!

  5. "If the young only knew, if the old only could." So true. I like mild weather. Nice river photos. Enjoy your weekend.

    1. Thanks Nancy, I love that saying, it really is true. Happy Weekend!

  6. Hi Val, good morning! I slept late today, that was good! Love your wonderful piece with that zazzy comment, and the photos are fabulous. We're all off to Leah's this afternoon, that will be nice. Have a great weekend, take it easy, hugs, Sarah

    1. Hi Sarah, nice that you were able to sleep late for a change. Have fun at Leah#s, give her a hug from me! Hugs to you all!

  7. This is a 'heady' post, Valerie. I wonder if any 'skull-duggery' is being contemplated. Okay, enough of that! It's good that you saved these earlier creations to put them to good use at a later date when you are pressed for time or your idea factory is in temporary shutdown mode. I expect that you have a well organized filing system and can put your hands on them in an instant. Or perhaps you file them digitally. The captions are oh so true. This morning I will be leading a walk for a group of young children and their parents. I have given firm instructions to the chickadees and nuthatches to land on little outstretched hands and I am sure they will comply. There is nothing quite like the way a child's face lights up when first a bird comes to take a seed from their hand. Precious moments. Enjoy the weekend. I hope the weather is kind and that you are able to get out and walk. Hugs and kisses - David

    1. Thanks David, a heady post sounds good. And skullduggery is just right for Halloween. My things are well organized and I can always find what I want. Well, mostly. Okay, sometimes if I'm lucky.... Have fun with the kids, and I hope they will have birds landing on their little hands. I still feel full of wonder when a bird feeds from my hand. Enjoy your weekend, big hugs to you and Miriam!

  8. Thought provoking piece of art today, isn't it?
    Oh, how I wish we had your weather. Not that I would wish I was on you at all. It is so cold and windy here. Torrential rain today as well. The kind of weather you expect to see in late autumn. Struggling not to turn the heater on.
    Have a good weekend. Hugs, Deb.

    1. Thanks Deb. Thought provoking is good 👍! The weather today was great, 24° and ☀️ sunny, and it's the end of October. Sorry your weather is so bad and hope it soon improves. Have a good weekend, snuggle under a blanket! Hugs!

  9. Hi Valerie, love your fun piece today, and the photos are lovely. You have nice places for walking. Have a great weekend, hugs, Martha

  10. Wonderful photos, and I love your page Valerie.
    Hope you're having a good weekend.

  11. This is so beautiful, lovely colourful art and love the sentiments added..x

  12. Your photos and art are amazing as always, Valerie.
    Love that fun piece today 🧡🧡🧡

    Hugs and blessings 🌹

  13. Wonderful post Vj , have a great weekend

  14. I can see why you like that post -- I like it too! We're having a burst of lovely weather right now too and the best thing one can do is get out and enjoy it while they can! I'm glad you did!

    1. Thanks Jeanie, I did some dreaded housework today, and now I'm going for a walk! Hugs 🤗

  15. Beautiful page and so profound. The ravens/crows are so wise. Looks like you still have lots of leaves on your trees, and nice weather to enjoy a walk and a cappuccino. Have a great weekend.

    1. Thanks CJ. Usually most of the leaves are gone by this time, but this time they're hanging on!

  16. What a lovely entry. I also remember it, but am glad you shared it again. It would make a great second look, too. It is certainly profound in its statement.

    Your walk makes me smile. First, it's great you had good weather and second, it's even better that you felt well enough to get out and walk. Loved seeing the boats and such at the river.

    I especially liked the music thinkie. It is often SO true.

  17. Thanks Elizabeth. The music thinkie is really true, I like it, too. It really is good to be able to enjoy my walks again, but I can't walk as far as before. But it's enough!

  18. Lovely art and a great selection of photographs.
    We too have been enjoying milder temperatures over the weekend.

    A good selection of thinkies.

    My good wishes.

    All the best Jan

  19. Happy Halloween. Lovely spooky tags.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  20. Your art piece is so poignant and true, Valerie! Thanks for sharing so many lovely photos of where you live!


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