Thursday 27 October 2022

This and that for Thursday/Friday

 Hi Everybody!

Another week is flying by - where does the time go?

Today I am sharing some faces - or parts of faces- that I recently made. They were worked very quickly with soft pastels on brown paper, and then I cut them apart into strips and just played about repositioning them. But I do think it's a good way to observe the proportions etc. Do the faces - or face parts - tell a story? I'm linking to Elle's chalenge at AJJ,  Tell me a story, and to Nicole's Friday Face off:

And for Rain's Trick or Treat I have a journal page made back when from various photos and some digital birds. The main photos was taken on an autumn day at sunset and shows the beautiful avenue next to the castle ruins here. The figure - the night watchman - belongs in another little town I just placed him here to make a Halloween page:

We often have fog or mist along by the river, and I love to walk  there and watch the leaves fluttering down:

This is in Hofgarten, Düsseldorf:

A vistor to my tree:

Some funnies/ thinkies:

And I will be linking to Gillena's Friday Fun theme:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Lovely art for the challenges. The photos are lovely, thanks for the thinkies.

  2. I loved everything-your art is always amazing, loved the fall photos and the fog, and great thinkies too-hugs

  3. Nice art pieces. I like the quote by C.S. Lewis. Nice image of fog or mist by the river. Beautiful sculpture and fall colours.

  4. Beautiful and gorgeous arty art, love these colours together and had to laugh at your grave picture xx

    1. Thanks annie, that one really cracked me up! Hugs!

  5. Hi Val, good morning!.Lovely art and photos again, the foggy scenes by the Rhine are fabulous! Love the piece with the night watchman, gorgeous colours. My story for the face drawings would be, 'leave me alone, I want to sleep!' Have a great day, hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks for the laugh, you hit the nail on the head there! Hugs to all!

  6. Gosh, your faces are amazing Valerie, I love them and fabulous journal page in its fiery yellows and oranges..

    Luv CHRISSYxx

  7. Bardzo chętnie zobaczyłam piękne rysunki i zdjęcia jesieni. Miłego dnia.

  8. I love all the autumnal photos you have shown us today but I do have a leaning towards the misty ones. What lovely photographs they are.
    Great funnies and autumnal pictures too.
    Now to your faces - I think you have shown your talent off so well in these. I love how you worked with the pastels and it shows your artistic ability. I wish I could be adventurous with colour like you are when drawing or painting faces, you have a natural ability when doing these and I just love today's posting for AJJ.
    Also love the autumnal picture below, the nightwatchman fits perfectly for halloween.
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Thanks Neet. I like experimenting with different media and pastels are great for quick sketches. I want to do more like that when I have time. The misty photos b the Rhine are ones I love, so atmospheric. Have a great day, hugs!

  9. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  10. Hi Valerie! 🎃, your soft pastel face is just gorgeous! I love your Halloween art too, nice!! I would love to walk by that river when there is mist and fog, mornings here are like that too!

    1. Thanks Rain. It's wonderful to walk along the Rhine on a misty, autumn day!

  11. Nice face strips. You created some amazing details. I like how you used pastels. I haven't played with mine for a long time. And I remember this art piece, and I loved it then and still love it now. This is a fun and spooky post for Halloween. It's a fun time, isn't it? Have a great last couple of days before the weekend. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika! I always forget about my pastels, but it's so nice to work with. Yes, Halloween 🎃🖤🎃 is fun!

  12. Good morning Face-chopper, Tups - I think your faces are very nicely done. You have an obvious talent for this sort of thing and create lovely ladies - and then go and chop them up into pieces! Valerie Scissor-hands I think we shall call you from now on. Those foggy walks look almost ethereal. I too find a certain attraction in meandering along on a misty morning, as long as I am not birding, when I need good visibility of course. Yesterday we had our fifth COVID shot, so we are now fortified with the best protection available. I wonder how many more doses they can come up with. Miriam has always had a bad first day after the previous injections, and she is not out of bed yet so I suspect it may have happened again. This morning I have an appointment with the dentist - just a routine cleaning - so my smile will be radiant and my body fortified again alien invaders. I am all set to go! Hugs and kisses - David

    1. Good morning David, Face- chopper Tups sounds good 👍! Just right for Halloween 🎃🖤🎃! And perhaps ✂️ scissor hand for best! I have also had my fifth COVID shot. Let's hope it helps us for a few weeks! I hope the dentist is kind to you! Big hugs!

  13. Bardzo podoba mi się twarz namalowane pastelami. Nigdy jeszcze nie malowałam pastelami ale muszę spróbować. Super fotografie. Miłego weekendu😊

  14. So beautiful in your world. I love the golds best -- even on the gloomiest of days they stand out!

  15. Happy National Black Cat Day! I love your faces, they really do tell a story. Also the misty river walks and those beautiful golden trees. Thanks for joining me for the October theme at Art Journal Journey this month Elle/Empire of the Cat xx

    1. Thanks Elle ! I love black 🖤 cats! Enjoy your day!

  16. Hi Valerie. Wow that face looks so sultry and beautiful. I love the colors you used too. Ohh anything Halloween and I am in. Wonderful photos of the foggy morning. Thank you for joining Friday Face OFF. Have a lovely day.

  17. Beautiful face art and i luv your spooky sharings. Awesome fall photos. Imagine here in T&T is the Rainy Season and everything's green or grey
    That's the way the world spins.


    1. Thanks Gillena. Autumn here is beautiful, but soon the cold winter will be here!

  18. I love the C.S. Lewis quote and your Autumn scenes. Y'all are getting great color!

  19. Great photos 😊 Have a nice day 😊

  20. The pictures are beautiful! Have a fun weekend.

  21. I appear to be running late again. One of these days I may catch up.

    Those faces are marvelous. I like how you cit them, too. They certainly add atmosphere. Thanks for sharing these with us at AJJ using Elle's theme.

    Beautiful autumn colors and leaves. Fog is almost magical. I can never get the atmosphere right when I photograph it, though. Your funnies are all so clever. I especially like the skeleton shoving the Elf on the Shelf in the trash can. Fitting.

    Have a super weekend, dear Valerie.

    1. Thanks E, glad you like the faces. I love fog, mist and frost, when I see it I have to grab my camera, throw on some clothes and go out to capture it. Have a great weekend, hugs!

  22. Valerie have a happy weekend. Thanks for linking to Art For Fun Friday


  23. ...I love your pastels,the foggy images and your beautiful autumn. Enjoy your weekend.

  24. Lovely art pieces. I enjoyed the walk by the river in the fog and the way you captured falling leaves. The funny still dead, thanks for checking just cracked me up. Have a good weekend.

    1. Thanks CJ, glad you liked that funny, too, I couldn't stop laughing! Enjoy your weekend.

  25. Beautiful work with the pastels but the photographs were just gorgeous and so magical, love them xXx

  26. I do like your faces. Pastels are a medium that I find difficult but you do well with them.

  27. Yes, there is Halloween in Hawaii, too. I love all those yellow leaves in that park. How glorious!

  28. You are a very skilled artist. The quickly sketched face is amazing! I love your Trick or Treat inspired page and the quote. Your Fall photos are gorgeous!


  29. Awesome faces vj ...lovely post

  30. Liebe Valerie,
    die Gesichter finde ich toll, vor allem die Augen mit den langen Wimpern sehen so lebensecht aus. Wunderschön auch die Düsseldorfer Nebelstimmung sowie die Goldener-Oktober-Bilder!
    Ich wünsche dir wunderbare letzte Oktobertage und Happy Halloween!
    Alles Liebe aus Österreich,

    1. Danke Traude! Ich liebe die Wege am Rhein entlang, es ist immer wieder schön. Dir ein schönes Wochenende, alles Liebe!

  31. Those faces are stunning, the shading looks amazing! Your hybrid piece and photos are so good, you must have sat for ages waiting for a leaf to fall lol. Take care and have a very happy weekend, Sue xx

  32. You did an amazing job on the face,particularly the eyelashes.
    The memes are hilarious.
    Hope your weekend is wonderful and that you're feeling peppy.

    1. Thanks Sandra, glad you like the memes! You have a great weekend, too!

  33. I really like the half faces.
    The colours are gorgeous at this time of year.

  34. I like the Halloween ones, I got chuckle out them.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  35. The skeleton pushing the elf into the can is hilarious! I love your humor. And, your artwork.

  36. Pretty faces :D Happy weekend :D

  37. You face is exquisite and the close ups show how beautifully you use light to show form. You live in a beautiful place and you are good with your camera actually catching the leaves falling. As always you make me laugh with your Funnies/Thinkies. The first one is my favorite . I forgot to mention "Integrity", the perfect description! Hope you have a wonderful and safe Halloween, Valerie ...

    Andrea @ From the Sol

    1. Thanks Andrea! Glad you liked the funnies. Have a great weekend, hugs!

  38. Beautiful art works! And I like all the misty photos ❤ The Autumn is so beautiful :)

  39. Fabulous post, chock-a-bloc full of good things.
    Thank you.

    All the best Jan

  40. Your moody, misty photos are wonderful, Valerie, and such a contrast with the stag and golden leaves! The pastel piece is luminous!


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