Tuesday 11 October 2022

Back home

Hi Everybody!

I'm happy to say I'm back home after my stay in hospital.   I had 2 operations on my stomach and bile duct, and nearly all of my body organs were inflamed. My kidneys were on the verge of giving up. Next time I feel bad I need to go to the doctor or hospital in good time and not dream that it will go away if I ignore it! And I'm thankful to my nice neighbours who called an ambulance, or I wouldn't be here writing today!

I have gone back into fairy land for Elle's tell me a story challenge at AJJ. The background was drawn and painted for Tony Burt's LB taster session. I magicked it into my Graphics programme and added the other elements digitally:

And some photos

Sunset from my window in the hospital:

Tea  and cake on my last day - what a luxury after days of not being able to eat!

And this was my room:

Frost and mist this morning:

Beautiful roses from my nice neighbour Gabi.  She and another neighbour really saved my life by insisting on calling an ambulance:

And some funnies:

I will try and post again in the course of the week, but I need to rest and must somehow re-structure my days. 

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!
And if you're ill, go to the doctor's before it's too late!


  1. oh dear friend! I am so glad you are out of the hospital and recovering. I have missed some posts, so I didn't know you were in the hospital. Please take care and get better! I love the funnies! And your art piece.

  2. So glad you survived Valerie! Lovely post today.

  3. Hi Val, great to see you posting again. We were all so worried while you were in FNK, and I am very happy that you are back home. Look after yourself, and don't overdo it! Hugs from us all, Sarah

  4. You already know I love your art, your photos and what you do in your town. Soo I just want to say I am so happy your are back home and hopefully doing much better. Rest and spoil yourself. Much love N.

  5. Oh my, I hope you are feeling much better and wishing you a speedy recovery! So pleased your neighbours acted so quickly and the rose is beautiful 😊. Your page is beautiful, so full of autumn cheer and I'm loving the foxes that you added. Great funnies too! Take care and wishing you well! Big hugs Jo x

    1. Thanks so much, Jo! Yes, I have to be very thankful for my neighbours! I love foxes, I saw one here yesterday evening, just before it got dark. Hugs!

  6. Das freut mich dass du wieder Daheim bist und mach schön langsam dass alles genessen kann. Schön deine Herbststimmung.
    Ich wünsche alles liebe Elke

    1. Danke, liebe Elke. Es ist schön wieder hier zu sein. Dir auch eine gute Woche!

  7. I'm glad you're able to recover now. That would be have been frightening, but I hope you feel better and have a good recovery.💙

    By the way love the art of the fairy.

  8. Thanks so much, I need to rest a lot but I will get there!

  9. The bits and pieces of info that I saw recently made me very worried about you, and it does indeed seem that you had a close call. It’s wonderful that you are on the mend, and I hope you will soon be well again. So lucky that your neighbors took care of you.

    best… mae at maefood.blogspot.com

  10. Ja dobrze, że ljiż jesteś w domu. Dużo zdrowia dbaj o siebie. ❤Śliczna praca😊

  11. Thank goodness for your neighbours. And I agree, it's better to see your doctor sooner rather than later. I know I wished I had. But the pandemic got in the way of my visit to my doctor. I'm sorry you've had to have so many operations, but glad to hear you're on the mend and home now. Be gentle on yourself. I recognise Tony Burt's influence on your current piece of work straight away. Hugs and Reiki. Deb.

    1. Thanks Deb, I'm glad to be home and happy to be alive! I am taking things easy! Have a great week, hugs!

  12. Oh Valerie! I am so glad about the wonderful neighbors your have and that you listened to them. I'm so sorry that you had to stay in hospital, but sometimes we can't avoid this, and after all they're there to help us. I hope they were able to help you and you are recovering well. Please take it slowly and listen to your body. Rest as much as you need.
    I love your page and you incorporated Toni Burt's taster lesson so well (this was one of the tasters I really liked). I aslo like your cat funnies - you always have the best.
    Take good care of yourself, my friend, and get well soon.

    1. Thanks Carola! I loved Toni Burt's lesson, too, and it was relaxing to draw the stones and door and watch it grow. I always trawl around for cat funnies! Have a great week, hugs!

  13. What lovely neighbours you have ...
    So pleased you are on the mend and out of hospital.
    Do please take it easy and take care of yourself.
    Lots of get well and healing wishes coming to you.

    All the best Jan

    PS Loved the Autumn fairy, your photographs and funnies.

    1. Thnaks Jan, I am thankful for my neighbours, too!

  14. Thank goodness your neighbor called that ambulance. It sounds scary. You were missed, and I was worried as I knew you weren't feeling very well. And I know too well about kidneys failing as that happened (as you might remember) to my husband. Glad that didn't happen to you. I am loving your page for Elle's challenge, and take care of yourself please. I am sure it takes a while to recover from those surgeries. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. I felt ill for days, and kept putting of a visit to the doc's. I remember that you gae your kidney to your husband, that was a wonderful sacrifice. Hugs!

  15. I am so sorry you were in the hospital, but it sounds like you are better, for which I'm very grateful. Good on Gabi for taking care of you. Sending bunches of healing energy and concern your way. Your hospital rooms look much more homey than ours do.Hugs,

    1. Thanks Sandra. The rooms are really nice at the hospital, and the nurses and ddoctors were really good. Have a great week, hugs!

  16. I am pleased to read that you are home and on the way to recovery. I knew you were poorly , but didn't realise how ill you have been. Its good that you have good folk living close who can look out for you.
    Take care and look after yourself.
    hug Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks so much Yvonne! It's indeed good to have neighbours who care! Look after yourself ! Hugs!

  17. Oh Valerie, it was good to see your comment on my post this morning and I hurried across to here to see what was happening. So pleased you are home but what a scare you must have had, and given your neighbours. Two operations - that is going some and must have been absolutely necessary for them to do that. I am glad you are home in your own bed with your own little balcony to look out on.
    That is a lovely page in your journal, so autumnal, and your little fairy is about as wrapped up as i was yesterday, it was so cold. Love the group of foxes.
    Some very funny pictures followed, I loved the cat with the fish for eye sharing especially, and the sheet folding on one's own was so cleverly thought out.
    Now you take it easy, lots of rest and fluids.
    Gentle hugs Neet xxx

    1. Thanks Neet ! Yes, I really had a scare and my neighbours, too! I was so stupid not to realize how bad the situation was. Glad you liked my page and the funnies. Hugs!

  18. So glad to know you are back home and recovering well. Take care VJ

  19. Thank goodness that Gabi was insistent on calling the ambulance, Valerie. This was a situation too close for comfort and is perhaps a warning to all of us to listen to our bodies and pay due attention when they are telling us that all is not well. I am glad that you are back home again. Take the time you need to recuperate and build back your strength. Everything else can wait. Your blogging friends around the world are all heaving a sigh of relief, and welcome you back, all the while extending a special vote of thanks to Gabi who took care of our friend. Hugs and kisses - David

    1. Indeed! We need to learn to get help when we need it and not to wait till it's almost too late. I am resting a lot, and trying to go for a little walk each day. Yes, Gabi and Anne, another neighbour, were really good. Hugs!

  20. I am just now “meeting” you, but I’m so sorry you had to go through being sick and 2 surgeries! So glad you have such good neighbors. Your Autumn Fairy is adorable. I love her.

  21. I'm sorry to hear you needed surgery but am pleased you are home and recovering well. How good it is you had people who got you to help in time. Scary! {hugs}

    1. Thanks, it was indeed good that my neighbours helped!

  22. Thank God for such good neighbors as yours! I am so happy that you are feeling better now. You made me laugh at those photos of your hospital room and cake. Oh my. Love that picture of the soldiers and the cat.

  23. Thanks, I am slowly getting better!

  24. Thanks to Gabi for saving a treasure to so many. Sending blessings her way. You are permanently on my prayer list. Rest and get better. All else can wait. Love the graphics and photos. The kitten in line with the soldiers is a chuckle getter. Precious!

    Love, Hugs and Blessings

    1. Thanks so much, Jim, I appreciate your good wishes and prayers, thanks 🙏

  25. Oh goodness Valerie! I'm so glad you got to the hospital in time. Thank goodness for your neighbours. And I'm glad to hear that you're back home now.
    Your art is beautiful, and I love the funnies. The tiny cat with the soldiers made me laugh out loud.

    1. Thanks Alison. I had to laugh at that kitty, too. Hugs!

  26. Lovely journal page Valerie. So pleased to hear that you back home, take it easy and get better asap. Hugs Wendy,

  27. You have been through the mill. You deserve tea and cake...often. Hugs,

  28. Dear Valerie, I am so sorry to hear of your ills, and hospital stay, so glad that your neighbours called the ambulance, sounds nasty. Your hospital at least looks nice though, compared to ours. Not being able to eat for a few days must have been difficult. I hope you are truly on the mend my friend. I also love your page of course. I haven't had time to do any of the LB taster lessons yet but I love Toni's art, your take on it is lovely and a perfect fairytale door for the girl to open. Thanks for joining me for the October theme at Art Journal Journey this month Elle/Empire of the Cat xx

  29. So pleased to know you are home and that your recovery is smooth and fast! I love your page - your fairy is so sweet ! Loving the mist and the funnies! Take it easy, hugs, Chrisx

    1. IThanks Chris, I have to take it easy! Have a great day, hugs!

  30. Good thing I came back to visit. My comment disappeared. Don't know why. Hope you are recovering. Beautiful art pieces and love the misty sky.

    1. Sorry, comments keep disappearing, Blogger is sometimes complicated! Hugs!

  31. I'm so glad that your neighbor called an ambulance and got you to the hospital, Valerie. I was especially worried to hear that your kidneys were on the verge of failing. My mother went through kidney failure and was on dialysis for over seven years. That was very difficult for her, and I wouldn't want to see that happen to you. Yes, please rest and listen to your body! Your hospital room looks nice, especially with the lovely window. Your art is always wonderful. Please take good care of yourself!!!

    1. Thanks 🙏 Louise, I am doing my best to get well again. Hugs!


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