Tuesday 4 October 2022

New challenge at TioT

Hi everybody !!

Today we are starting a new challenge at TIOT and our theme is autumn colours and scenes.i have a hybrid piece. I painted the fox last time in the taster sessions of Life Book. I cut it out and placed it onto a digital background.

Some funnies:

Sorry, another short post, I am still feeling really ill.

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Your little fox is just the cutest thing ever. I hope you're starting to feel better soon. Hugs. Deb.

    1. Iwas admitted to hospital this evening.my kidneys, iiver and stomach are all inflamed, so I got large portion of antibiotics and something else. Tomorrow they start the treatment. No wonder I felt bad! Hugs.!

    2. Sending a blanket of healing Reiki. To you and your medical team.

    3. Glad you liked Foxy, and thanks for the Reiki blanket

  2. Love the page and thanks for the thinkies.

  3. I hope by now you've seen the doc and they're getting you quickly on the road to recovery. Your fox is darling.

  4. I'm loving your fox Valerie. The little crown is perfect. I hope Tuesday brings you feeling better. I know keeping my fingers crossed you will be better doesn't really work, but I will give it a try anyhow. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika, it's working, I'm really starting to feel better!

  5. Adorable foxy.
    Get well soon VJ

  6. Catching up as always Valerie. I hope you will be feeling a lot better today look after yourself. I loved the fox page and had a laugh at the funnies.
    Yvonne xx

  7. Your fox is exquisite, Valerie, your health not so much. You have had a long and difficult struggle of late and we are powerless to help. I hope that the pendulum swings your way very soon. Hugs and kisses - David

    1. Thanks David, the past months have been very hard. Big hugs!

  8. Sorry to read about your current condition, but I'm glad you are in the hospital. Your little fox is so adorable. Great way to repurpose your art.

    Loved the funnies, especially the old woman and her phone. PLEASE get better soon, dear.

    1. Thanks Elizabeth. I love that funny and can so relate!

  9. Lisjest piękny . Bardzo mi się podoba twoja praca. Miłego tyhodnia😊🦊

  10. Sorry to hear you are feeling unwell, I hope you're feeling much better soon! Loving that gorgeous fox, so beautifully coloured and used for your hybrid page - perfect 😊. Great funnies too! Thanks for the inspiration and Happy October! Hugs Jo x

  11. Hi Val, so sorry you have been so I'll, please get well quickly! Hugs, Sarah

  12. Absolutely yes! "Love isn't what you say. Lover is what you do". Happy October. Have a wonderful week.

  13. I Love your fox Valerie, fun memes and so hope you will be feeling better soon-sending hugs Kathy

  14. Beautiful post and love the amazing colours. ♥ Bella is good thanks growing up to be the most gorgeous girl in the world xx

  15. I love your fox!

    I see in your comments why you've been feeling so ill. Bummer :( I hope the treatment has a fast effect and that you're home and feeling fine in no time.

  16. In spite of it all, you still managed to put together such a beautiful post. Love that orange fox. Take care. Sending you well wishes from Hawaii. Aloha.

  17. I hope you feel better soon! I love your fox, it's beautiful and the quotes are fun.

  18. I do like your fox ...
    Healing wishes coming your way.

    All the best Jan

  19. I love your cute little fox.🦊

    I hope you're starting to feel better soon.

    Hugs and blessings, Valerie.

    1. Thanks so much. I am being well treated here in the hospital,!

  20. What a fabulous fox Valerie. So sorry you are so poorly - I hope you feel better soon! Hugs, Cjrisx

  21. Love your fox Valerie, I hope you are feeling much better soon.

  22. Oh Valerie, I am getting a little worried as to how you are right now as I am not seeing much posting from you. I do hope you are getting the right treatment and will soon be up and well again.
    In the meantime I love your fox, he is a very autumnal fox and I love the colours you chose to paint him in. He really is a beautiful fellow.
    Sending gentle hugs and prayers for your return to good health.
    Neet xx

    1. Thanks Neet. I will post when I am back home again. I am being well looked after in the hospital. Hugs!

  23. Hi Valerie, a fabulous colourful fox, love the rich Autumnal colours you've used.
    Sorry to read you're not well and in hospital. Wishing you a speedy recovery.
    Hugs, Avril xx

  24. Fall sure has some pretty colors.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  25. Liebe Valerie
    ich hoffe dass du bald wieder daheim sein darfst und dich erholt hast.
    Dein Fuchs ist wunderschön geworden. Gute Besserung !
    Liebe Umarmung Elke

    1. Danke, liebe Elke. Bin heute jetzt wieder Zuhause. Dir eine gute Woche! Alles Liebe!

  26. The fox is so beautiful, I love the stars in it's eyes and all the little details.

  27. Loving the fox such gorgeous colours and the funnies have brightened my day. Hugs, Angela xXx

  28. Feel better. Regine


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