Saturday 4 June 2022

Weekend Post

Hi Everybody!

Once again I have been busy all day with this and that - doctor, shopping , visiting a friend etc etc And now I am trying to catch up with myself. And as a reward I going to have an ice-cream with cookie dough this evening. Sorry to those I have not yet visited, I will catch up at the weekend!

The beautiful evening sky:

Some thinkies:

Love this staircase idea:

Have a great weekend, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Enjoy your ice-cream with cookie dough.
    Love that staircase.

    Happy weekend wishes.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thanks Jan, I enjoyed it! That staircase is really beautiful! Have a great weekend!

  2. I love your collage, especially the mermaid and the words. :)

  3. I do believe in magik.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  4. Ice cream with cookie dough sounds great on a sunny day. I like the staircase. Cute deer and kitty.

    1. The ice cream was good, and Ive got enough for another portion today!

  5. A beautiful post and gorgeous colours and composition, love this ♥

  6. Hi Val, good morning! Hope you had a good sleep, and that you will take things easy. Love your new Art, magic indeed. Have a wonderful weekend, we are all going to Leah. Hugs from us all, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah. Have a great weekend with Leah, give her my love. Hugs to you all!

  7. Your page is wonderful Valerie, and photos are beautiful. I love that staircase too.
    Have a great weekend.

    1. Thanks! I would love a staircase like that! Happy weekend!

  8. The staircase is incredible, Valerie. It makes me want to rip the carpet off ours and hire someone to create one for us! We'd be the talk of the town. People would be finding reasons to pay us a visit just to see the stairs! Your collage is terrific. It there's a mermaid involved sign me up! I see that the social whirl of your life is continuing and that's a good thing. I hope that the visits to the doctor are for routine matters only and that your health has taken a distinct turn for the better. Enjoy the weekend. Get out and walk if the weather permits. That's always great therapy. Hugs and kisses - David

    1. Thanks David, glad you love mermaids! That staircase is fantastic, I would love to have one like that! I think you should create one! Sorry that Blogger is still playing up, I have problems on lots of blogs, too. I've been having a lot of atrial fibrillation latel, not nice. Today I', having a rest day, feet up, ginger ale and lots of reading! Tomorrow I will go walking through the flelds again, we have a long weekend. Take care have a great day, hugs, Valerie

  9. Fun page. The sky photos are beautiful and the kitty with the fawns is so cute. I'd worry I'd drop something on that staircase and plop! Right into the canal. Enjoy your cookie dough ice cream

    1. Oh dear, that would be a disaster! Enjoy your weekend!

  10. I like the assortment on the page. The staircase is a good idea. I would prefer ice cream with brownie.

    1. I've got brownie ice cream in the freezer, too. Have a great Weekend!

  11. Fabulous page! Loving the different images that you used, how much fun would it be to walk in the sea and speak with the fishes (smile) 😀. The little deer and kitten are so adorable! Happy weekend! Hugs Jo x

    1. Yes, that would be fun indeed. I used to do snorkeling when I was younger but wasn't able to talk to the fishes!

  12. Good morning, I really loved everything in your post-those stairs were amazing

  13. Thanks Kathy! Have a great Weekend!

  14. Check your spam, Valerie. Once again my comment disappeared. This really getting tiresome.

    1. I found your post, David. Blogger is really tiresome just now!

  15. What a beautiful work of art, Valerie! I can definitely believe in magic after seeing this! And I hope your ice cream with cookie dough was delicious!!! I enjoyed your sunset photos and thinkies, too. That staircase looks amazing! Have a wonderful day. Hugs, Sharon

    1. The ice cream was very delicious, thanks. Magic is important for our lives!

  16. Beautiful page and photos, loved the thinkies today especially that staircase

  17. That is a fun, imaginative page. I love that staircase and the kitten with the fawns is darling. I wonder if he nursed alongside of them too.

    1. Thanks whoever you are! It's good possible that they nursed together. Have a great Weekend!

  18. Well I hope you enjoyed your ice-cream, I'm quite a fan of cookie dough myself. I LOVE your piece, the ransom alpha fits in perfectly! If I didn't live in a bungalow I would have that staircase too. Enjoy the rest of your weekend, Sue xx

    1. Thanks Sue, it might be difficult with a staircase in a bungalow. Luc ky you with a bungalow, I have so many stairs to climb each day. At least its good training!

  19. "Believe in magic" - that's beautiful and so much to see! I hope you were able to catch up with yourself - sometimes that's just what we need. Enjoy that ice cream! The staircase is great, imagine having that in your home.

    1. Thanks Carola, I am slowly getting there with atching up, just a few now! Have a great day!

  20. That is a magical page for certain. I love the fish and the under the sea theme, as well as adding the mermaid and the man. It is perfect for Mia's fish challenge, and gives lots of ideas of what story it could tell. I hope you enjoyed your cookie dough ice cream. Just thinking about it makes me want ice cream right now. I'll have to wait until tomorrow. Have a great rest of your weekend. hugs-Erika

    1. hanks Erika, I think the mermaid has lured the man under the water.....The ice cream was very nice, yummy! Have a great weekend!

  21. Fantastic art and photos Valerie. The journal page is a magical scene.
    Wow to the designer of that staircase, it would take a while to climb those stairs with so much to look at on the way.
    Yvonne xx

  22. I want to believe in magic. I certainly believe that collage you created is magic. It has so much to see in it. I love how you paired the fish with the mermaid, but brought in the dapper man and the bird. Thanks for this great entry you have given us at Art Journal Journey using Mia's theme.

    Like others, I think that staircase is out of this world. And of course, I love the deer with the kitten. Hope your Sunday was great and you got your fill of ice cream with cookie dough.

    1. Thanks E! That staircase is so beautiful. I ate lots of ice, and enjoyed it!

  23. This is fun -- and your bowler boy is there, too! I can't imagine how difficult it would be to do that staircase -- odd positions to be in and getting it straight and not wrinkled! It's fabulous!

    1. I think you would need a specialist to do that staircase, but it's very pretty.

  24. Great post Valerie. I've just got back from my mum's so I'm ready for some catch-up and a rest actually. Loving your art work and the photos but the stair case is brilliant. I thought it was a collage at first, love it xXx

    1. Yes, that staircase is realy cool! Have a great week! Hugs!

  25. Catching up seems to be my lot at the moment- that and coping with the way blogger is behaving lately! Your magical page is full of wonderful details and I love it! Great sky pics too! I really have stair envy now! Hugs, Chrisx

  26. That staircase is fabulous but I wonder if it could be a bit disorienting to walk up? Still I like it.
    Like your magical page too. What a fabulous idea to include the silhouette man and the underwater scene. The top left corner looks perfect as a sunset or sunrise sky. What a fabulous effect you have achieved. I really like this journal page.
    Hugs, Neet xx


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