Monday 20 June 2022

Monday Post

Hi Everybody!

Hope you all enjoyed your weekend. Thanks for all the well wishes, I am feeling a bit better, but still very wobbly. My temperature went up to 102°, and I was glad when the fever broke. I tested twice negative for Covid, this was evidently caused by a bad flare up of my auto-immune disease.  And on top of that it has been extremely hot, not my cup of tea! I need to take things easy for a few days,  and I need to limit my computer time and increase my rest time.  Today I am sharing  a sort of A4 comic and am linking to Mia's challenge at AJJ. I used acrylic painst and pens. The little black and gold cats are stick ons:

And  have a tag for my add a diecut challenge at Tag Tuesday, I used my fave Mr Umbrella man. The background was stamped with oxide inks.

And this is my ticket for Elizabeth's T sTands for Tuesday party which starts this evening:

And some funnies:

Bad hair day?

This could be me when it's so hot:

 I will visit you all as soon as I can, perhaps just a little bit more slowly than usual!

Have a great day, take care, 
and thanks a lot for coming by.


  1. I'm glad it wasn't Covid, I hope you feel better now.

    As for your artwork, I love the first scene, I love the details of the fish in the water. :D
    Also the flowers look beautiful on the second piece.

  2. I'm glad to hear you are improving and you didn't catch covid. It's good to rest until all is well, which will hopefully be very soon. I am loving your page. Ha-ha, I love how the fish hate cats etc. And nice tag too. I always think of you and Mr. Umbrella man. Take care, have a happy early T day and week ahead. hugs-Erika

  3. I love your art Valerie, oh that is scary with high temperature-take care of You-hugs Kathy

  4. The tag is so pretty, I keep thinking of trying to make some. More personal on gifts.
    Take care of your self.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  5. Very beautiful my dear! Have a great week! 🌞🌞🌞

  6. Glad to hear that you're feeling better Valerie.
    Your art is beautiful, and the funnies made me smile.
    Take care of yourself,

  7. I’m glad you’re feeling a little better. Yes, please do rest. Your whimsical landscape is delightful and that is a nice tag too. That “pure-bread” dog is too cute.

  8. Good morning Valerie, with emphasis on the "good", I hope. Thank goodness you didn't get COVID. I was talking to my daughter yesterday and both she and my son-in-law have it. After a bad first day or two their symptoms have been mild and she expects to be back at work by mid week after the obligatory five-day absence is over. I chuckled at the fish saying, "I hate cats." It's all a matter of perspective, isn't it? We had fish for dinner twice over the last week or so and very much enjoyed it, and I know that you had fish and chips on one of your meet-ups with friends. Now get back to fighting form and go and do it again! Hugs and kisses - David

    1. Yes, it's all a matter of perspective. I'm so glad I found this comment hiding in spam. I must have missed it yesterday. Blogger is so stupid! I slept for a long time this morning, couldn't seem to pull mself out of bed, but in the end I managed it. Hope your daughter is soon feeling well again. Stay well, be good, BIG hugs!

    2. To be quite honest, so would I!


  9. I am very pleased that you are feeling better. Your work is great and fun. Photos with cats are great, I love cats :) Good week, :)

  10. Valerie, Glad you are on the mend- very scary- I enjoyed your art work- especially the umbrella man and I left with a big smile on my face after reading all the cartoons. Thanks and feel better.

  11. I'm glad you're feeling better and hope you're completely recovered soon. Those are fancy cups! Happy T Day :)

  12. When I opened up your blog I was very relieved that the "sick" post is now replaced with a much happier one. I hope you manage to rest and get much better. We need your funnies and stories.

    best... mae at

    1. Thanks Mae, I'm glad to be on my feet again! Have a great day!

  13. You had me at black cats. I'm glad it's raining flowers for the umbrella man. I hope you're feeling better. Feet up, drinking coffee on the balcony, and watching the world go by sounds like a good plan. Take care.

    1. You must have seen me, I'm sittng on the balcony right now. Have a splendid day!

  14. I am sorry to read you have such a high fever. Not good. But good you don't have Covid.

    I really enjoyed your fish tale with the black cats. I think this is hilarious. You have such a clever mind.

    Enjoyed your umbrella man, too. Nicely done. That man sure gets around!

    Lovely cappuccinos. I hope you are soon well enough to enjoy them in person again, soon.

    LOVED the cat driving the truck and the bad hair day. Thanks for sharing your art, your coffee, and those funnies with us for T this week, dear Valerie. Now, rest, relax, and get better. That's NOT just a suggestion.

    1. Thanks E, glad you like my cat and fish Story. I'm really being good Just now!

  15. Good to see you here. Lovely art and fun thinkies. Take care

  16. Take care and take it easy! Love your cute comic strip. I love fish but cats not so much. Lol. Gigi hawaii.

  17. Wie lustig deine Kuns tist mit dem Fischen und sehr schön dein Tag . Toll was du so zusammen gesucht hast noch!
    Ich wünsche dir eine ruhige Zeit zur Erholung!
    Lieben Gruss Elke von der Nordsee

    1. Danke, liebe Elke. Dir eine gute und gesunde Woche!

  18. What lovely creations, love the A4 piece. So glad you are feeling better. Take time to rest. Hugs Anesha

  19. I'm glad you a feel a little better Valerie must have been the picture of those gorgeous pups that made you happy, being happy helps a lot dosen't it,my Grandson has the same immunity thing, he is 20 and suffers a lot with it.. love your fun and cartoon art and those cute funny quotes, take care and have a good week..

    Luv CHRISSYxx

    1. Sorry about your grandson, that's not good. But those little puppies made me very happy, I could look at them all day!

  20. Valerie glad to hear it wasn't Covid.. but i guess that doesn't make you feel much better.. I hope you make a speedy recovery.. Rest sounds like it will fit the bill.. Love to see your artwork.. so cute! And i LOVE that umbrella man.. I could kick myself for not getting a stamp or die cut or something of him.. grrrr.. I wonder if you can still get that image?? What a beautiful tag you made! Several of your funnies made me smile! Thank you for that! Happy happy T day! Hugs! deb

    1. Thanks Deb. I'm sure you can still get the diecut of him. I loved him from the first moment - the man in my life! Hugs!

  21. I give up, Valerie. Obviously my comment went into spam again!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I found it, David, hiding again! Now it's where it shoud be.

  22. wow, I would love to visit that beach. :)

    1. Yes, wouldn't it be fun! The deckchars are ready and waiting....

  23. a delightful picture story on your journal page:). Glad you are getting better. Nice tag art too.
    Those cappuccinos look so good and that is such a great photo of them.
    Love the funnies!
    Take care, and happy T day!

  24. Good news that you're feeling better and you didn't catch COVID. Please make rest your priority, that is so much more important than spending time on the computer. Your cats and fish page is funny! And I love your funnies, especially the pure bread dog.

    1. Thanks Carola. I'm resting a lot, and limiting my computer time - sigh! Yes, that pure bread dog is funny! Happy T Day!

  25. I wasn't here last week, so didn't realize you were ill. So glad it wasn't Covid. I hope you quickly get completely back to normal. I love your tag! So well done. Thanks for the funnies; they were all good and made me smile. Happy T Day.

  26. Sorry that you are having a flair-up. It does not sound fun. Rest up and wishes that you feel better soon.
    Loving your cappuccino in those pretty mugs and your colorful art today.
    Happy Tea Day,

    1. Thanks Kate. It is really not fun just now, but I hope it will get better soon. Happy T Day!

  27. More great art work and funnies. Take time to rest up.

    1. Thanks, I will! I slept till 10:00 this morning, that#s almost unheard of for me!

  28. I'm still laughing about that pure bread dog! So funny (and clever). But I'm sorry to hear you have had another flare-up. It is so difficult to rest when you really want to do other things.
    I smiled at you funny artwork. Cats love fish and fish hate cats.
    I hope you will feel better soon and I appreciate you visiting my blog and commenting. But do take time to rest.
    Happy T-Day,

    1. Thanks Lisca! I hate having to stay still or rest, I need to be out and about but sometimes it's necessary. Happy T Day!

  29. Good that you are feeling much better and you didn't get covid. Do rest more and take things easy. Thanks for the funnies. They are really funny.

  30. So glad your fever broke and it's not covid. Just get as much rest as you can. I am sure you are tired of that too. LOL Love the art and the stick on kitties. The tag is very beautiful. I love those coffee mugs. OMG the bad hair day has me cracking up.

  31. I love your art work. The funnies are hilarious. Most of all-I'm glad you are feeling better!

    1. Thanks Debra. I must say I'm glad I'm feeling better, too!

  32. http://pearshapedcrafting.blogspot.comTuesday, June 21, 2022

    I'm pleased to know that you are feeling better ! Your journal page is making me smile. I love the idea of sitting in one of those deckchairs watching the antics of the cars and seagulls! Loving the umbrella man tag too! Great funnies- loud guffaws at the well bread dog! Hope you begin to feel much, much better, Hugs, Chrisx

  33. I hope you're feeling better Valerie, a few days off is just what you need. I love your pieces, especially your fish, so bright and cheerful. Take care and have a happy (and restful week) Sue xx

  34. Pleased to read you are feeling better, but do take things easy.
    Lovely art, I do like the colours in your fish piece and Mr Umbrella Man in your tag looks good :)

    Have a steady week.

    All the best Jan

  35. So sorry you have been so ill, I can well imagine you thinking it could be Covid. There is a lot about again in pockets here and there in the UK. My chiropractor got it (vomiting symptoms) whilst on holiday then her husband too. They came back on the plane masked up but she said there were only two more wearing masks and lots of others were coughing and spluttering. is it worth travelling like that? Another friend and her family (five all together) have got it too and that's from an open air concert.
    You take care and rest when you can - and stay cool in this heat.
    Love your humorous page - great speech bubbles to tell a story. Very well thought out.
    All great funnies, could not pick a favourite.
    Take care, Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Thanks Neet. I have rarely had such high fever, and was scared that it could be Covid. I'm thankful it wasn't, it was bad enough even so! It's very hot here again, I need a cool place to creep into! Hugs!

  36. A super Tag Valerie, I so love that die cut, as you know, I do have it myself.
    I think we have both been through the mill recently, after my bout of suspected food poisoning, I was ok for about 48hrs, then I just went downhill. High temperature and coughing, like you all my Covid Tests showed negative. I had a nasty chest infection and have only just finished the course of antibiotics. Weather is cooler, but I had all fans going last week. Hope you are ok. xx

    1. Sorry you were so ill, hope things get better for you.I am still getting bouts of high temperature every couple of days, yesterday it went up to almost 40 degrees. Today I feel fine, let's hope it stays that way! Hugs, Valerie

  37. Hope you are feeling better now Valerie, and you have somewhere to stay cool out of the heat, that can make everything feel worse. Sorry for my lateness. Happy T Day! Elle/EOTC xx

  38. An inspiring and fun post Valerie. I do love your tag. That silhouette always makes me think of Charlie Chaplin!


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